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Show .J, law in his front yard. Had the scrap" taken place in the street, the s f would have been adjudged guilty of hydrophobia and ordered to be shot for that and BEHIND MT. NEBO. The Hon. B. H.i Roberts has master ed tbe art3 of elocutionnd if those are A Party of Nephl Pleasure Seekers Enjoyneeded for the all the edion the qualllflcations attack recent personal The ing Mountain Scenery and Canas will be of tirst it' Utah, just governor yon Breeze. tor of the Tribune by the Star(is prompas a few lines to Editor Blade:) Just ted and paid for, as it is generally be- well;to nominate that gentleman a comes O. to is else. When K. with us. it that say everything lieved, by Isaac Trambo,)furnishes the anyone We left list !Nephi Saturday noon for of ability, there are several strongest reason yet, why be ought not question a camping tour, and when evening ar- EDITOIAL NUTE3. ing: to wear his brass collar. ' ; I not-cared-f- or w-i- j j , , well-writte- J snap-shot- i inten-tione- stock-holder- Is Now On, and to make ready for d. LaKlIlg AUU6I. V die WC JHtUHI VjrlCLU SUMMER; DRESS GO ODS, IN ' :' '''it l Hosery, Underware, Hats, Shoes, GloVesr Dress and Fancy Shirts, etc. ' Editor Blade: Your interesting paper is regularly received; always welcome. An accident occurred yesterday morning which has cast a gloom over the entire community. Frink Scottern was engaged in chopping timber for Jackson's saw mill, when a tree fell on him, crusharm and ing his scull, breaking his left He was a neek, killing htm instantly. young man, a natural large,, gentleman, a friend to everybody, and everybody his friend. He leaves a young widow, having been married only about six months. His sister, Mrs. James Douglas, is lying at the point of death with consumption. The heat has been quite intense lately, sending the mercury up to 98 in tbe shade. The County Court has completed its labors as a board of equalization, and now our City Council is trying their hand at it, going the County Court C.several A. better. Fillmore, July 31st, 1895. fine-looki- X&U, stock-- : Bargains Fatal Accident. A SALE - James A. Melville and Joseph E. Ray are in Salt Lake on business connected with the Snake valley reservoir enter- -' prize. They will meet Dr. Westphal and from the East and other arrange for an early completion of the work. Alma Greenwood is also North on business. If the coming campaign in which the great and only (of his kind) Millard Crane will fish for suckers, is as hot as this July weather j it will be a scorcher. An "Old'1 Sub. Fillmore, July 29th, 1895. The foregoing was crowded out of last ' week's issue. Pub. Blade. . thousand men in his party fully as able. to receive the Senatorial plum. rived, found us at supper in the faHis "arguments" against woman's mous hollow; but so much 'Spooney" con Baid in the late Constitutional been has suffrage regarding this spot, that Th Cattle Valley News, Vol. I, No. we christened have it Reformation were milk thinner than vention three at Price, Carbon Co., is on 1, publi-hf- f , camp. "TCx.';in blue pencil thereon, times skimmed. tai Sunday morning was spent in study of the closing sections of the ReformaM.H.Graham. TheNews pert airily Park City has another newspaper. It tion, from the pen of B. H. Roberts, U f r rLepMbiifran principals and we had is named the Patriot, and the initial and so to be in conformity with our eV 's several time9 to make to rt:b and to avoid the Is before us. J.J. Flahiff is at study, number Provo the not name of Enquirer. hollow, we decided Mire it the editorial helm and starts out on the to call theSpooney Reformation camp. spot Were with a favored we On of indesea as an troubled Monday journalism r ) ,i Family Magazine for from which we clip the visit from Messrs. W. I. Brown and W. and pendent a our and is table, very n.ri:.t I. Birchett, the former indulging very irt the use of his kodack, and freely handsome wnrk it is, filled with beautif- following: aside we the But from main s of the happy several question, mat- believe ul illustration and in n and hon- taking that a newspaper truly the number estly independent, as the Patriot shall be, ter. The chief subject our Tuesday morning a portion of from is cf greater value than the purely party '"Cook County Hospital, or damsels bp fore two fair partisan organ; for to its editorial col- crowd, including ChiOTo.' and finely illustrates the umns the reader can turu with reasonEngland, started to reach the summit assurance able of Mt. Nebo. but returned ere they issues of all vital finding various ilijuartments of that benericant discussed from an unbiased standing. had completed tbe desired trip, for institution The party organ, on the other hand, if it more rations. remains in good standing: with "the maTuesday afternoon a pleasant visit must laud to the skies all acts of was chine," Provo Dispatch says: Thp made to the Nebo Salt Company's its party, be they ever so and a description of which need not works, "Charley Crane will never be gover- condemn all acts of politicalrascally, opponents, chairthe if he h3 realy resigned now be given, on' account of mantlon nor, no matter how patriotic and well ' ' manship. having heretofore been made in The Crane The Blade says Charley may The above will sound natural to Blade. The Harris boys of Nephi have lonever governor, but he will surely Blade readers as thev are the same mill just above Reforcated candidate. His views heretofore expressed in this paper. mationtheir sawand b,p tho Republican the busy hum of the camp, resignation is too late to be of any The Blade welcomes the Patriot and saw sends forth ncises of encourageUnetit tn his competitors in the guber- wishes it an era of unexampled inde- ment to the boys on the subject of hbme industry. natorial field. pendent prosperity. Our evenings are spent around a inblazing camp tire, and the writer is ReWith a keen memory as to Judge of clined to think tlmt the voices HARVY IS RIGHT, Goodwin's record as one of the most formation campers may De heard in The Blade's sanctum, if its editor atbitter, unrelenting and cruel oppnsers Mr. And is tells when he tended to the supremacy of silence. narvy right of the people of Utah in the past, .The Wednesday all the men folks are gohis Hoar(y)-beadeantagonist from Blade would infinitely rather see him the land of ing to town, and the sisters are going calf worshippers, to the gold .Senate than the the 'a get together and hold a meeting. of has silver cost each that the ounC9 Hunting and fishing are our chief caricature from California. Aside from two world dollars. If Hoar Senator sports, and up to date the table has his bigotry on the one question, Judge will come to this western country and been supplied with meat at the expense Goodwin has baen a consistent worker the gun and rod. The children are over the silver camps, note the of tramp are as ioi aim liicim ui uiau. happy and playful as lambs, and The shallow and deep shafts, the open enjoying a general good time. are registered in camp: are in reat demand cuts and long tunnels that have been following Mrs. G. Andrews and family; Mr. and driven into the adamantine rock and Mr. office. Mrs. for candidates B. R. Birchall and famand prospective an ounce of ore has Mr. P. P. Christensen and and Mrs, Ohas. Crane comes first on the list as from which not ily; or been would not if Mr. John taken, pay taken, Beliiston, Mr. Joseph family; an avowed nominee for governor. Hon. , Miss Nellie 50c on Howson, Miss of the dollar Cowan, the the W. 1L King is talked of as a likely Schorleld Lomax Miss Nellie and Edith again make his we like Sam'l. A. King is being gentleman would not would In closing, dear editor, maas to childish ''improved argument 6end a from to this drink puro mentioned for judge of the Fifth, and you Mr. Hoar spring, but impossible; however the reand methods." chinery L. is Holbrook of Provo, Mayor being should also see the army of prospectors formers extend a hearty invitatiou to as a of rival nominee Chas. suggested TheBLADE's staff to join us around the Crane for governor. Step to the front, tramping over these western wilds table and 'n our general festivities, One of the r arty. friend Holbrook and you can easily searching for the precious metals, and a factor in the In as their time Reformation figure Camp, July 31, 1895. secure the Millard delegation as cost. should the he examine Then Urane. records of each district and learn that, DETROIT DOINGS. 1 in 100 no more at the than most, very was to The Blade among the first condemn the methods of Col. Trumbo of the claims ever become profitable. The Black Diamond Bonded Mr. Godbe ExIf Mr. Hoar will but do this, if he has in the use of boodle to further his senpected in Camp Other atorial aspirations, and to point out any sense of justice, h3 will cease his Jones, Wm. McCaird and N. and bond that hp was bidding for the country oldtime Cry for protection to eastern O. Novell have taken a lease 1 No. 2 Ho. become and Diamond and on the Black press of Utah, and that papers would manufacturing capitalists, The in Detroit mining district propa 3trong champion of the western silver ; i i.i i m iam ;a te esiauusueu luteresui. mi A. S. ine industry, J. and Jacobs to J, belong erty and of free coinage at a ratio Blade was criticised by a few of its consideration being McBurney the 1. $20,000. Work will begin August 15, readers because of its comments. Those of 16 to 1895. critics are lespectfully referred to the It is rumored that Sam Godbe will LEAMINGTON LEAKS, columns of the Salt Lake Tribune be here in a few days to look over the which is making a noble fight against Charmed mine with a view of taking Trnmbond hli boodle methods. Sure- The End Has Finally Come smelter Like hold of the property. The Ibex is again making shipments. ly to be Sold Dirt Cheap. ly no one will accuse the Tribune of mine is look;ng well, plenty of ore The This morning the Ibex Smelter is insight. in this instance. being partisan Mr. Mount returned to uamp The Tribune's singlehanded fight drawing its last breath. The bins are last night and thinks the future for but a little swept clean, and Ibex is good. against the gold plated, 18 carat pea- iron ore and coke nothing remain Unused. All theS. H. Alexander ajid sons are doing cock from California, is "creditable matte and bullion will be loaded on cars in the Sawtooth work considerable v before night. The. last hot breath of mountains. "Alex." says he has ttome and admirable!. the furnace will soon be drawn and- title property there. You will hear from Unof it later. 'The prospectors for oil south of the with it will come the endfizzle. the There is a report in camp of a big city have every reason for the faith that a now for There is is in Viem. A good good opening gold strike in Death canyon, north-eas- t tnany years ago the opinion was that oil was to be found out some energetic Company to buy in the of here in the Simpson range. Report in this in the depths. One of the smelter, and by securing the services says the ore goes 16 oz. gold. old gas ViUpy, wen was a pmall one West of of Paul Johnson, who is one of the best Main street, at ftinth Sottttu just smelter men In the west (and who Detroit, July 30, 1895. More Ano. The above is" from the Salt Lake would have made a grand success if Tribune, and applies with evda more given Charge of tbe enterprise in the FILLMORE FUMES force to that section of : country lying beginning,) to build up an Industry be will here that profitable. s Make Love In IT CO VL LCDUCU The smelter will' doubtless be sold Couldn'tAbode Result ofthea Kick; All uiujuiuvij alonff the HouBe range the same kinds for a song, and the cost of adding anEditor Blade: Since the District of formations .that, in the East, con- other furnace and' roasters will be is There Court inexpensive. disbanded, tbe army of loa'ers have tain petroleum dip gently to the east comparatively an abundauce df ore south and west afsO" folded their tents like theArabs and and passing under the valley are found of this point to justify such an underas silently stole- away. along the Canon range. The conditions taking, and there are many new and By comparison, this ancient capital of are favorable in that part of Millard vahiable finds of ore being made. The Utah seems insufferably dull since the continuation of the industry at this county for the existence of enormous point means the development and departure of Judge Wm. H. King and reservoirs of oil aud natural gas, both prosperity of Millard Beaver and a his array ol glittering legal lights. After of which are now believed to be tbe portion pf Tooele counties. the taste we'tejhad of the outside world as an Mr. Underwood's of Jurisprudence", we warn oui reputation products of jseaweed, With an un man ever has and been honest good, (Juab Co) of thle "Fifth," that she will limited storehouse of fuel right tt the next will put that question find Monday a healthy rival down this way to centre or such a rich mineral region as beyond doubt, as that Is the day he "the advantages that maybe gained or would pay all arrearthat will be! protco to be Millard telegraphed-h' to lost the northern end of the district. ' he will, not be found county would hardly have a competi ages. We hope Blade editorial July SOth.j wanting. He was shamefully detor in Utah. ceived and swindled by those that are Chess is still popular as Frank Holother fields of profitable brook has cap ;ured a king and a queen If the SaltviLake Tribune we're'j all now seekingbut those who have worked one game. May their lineal subjects adventure, that the Standard, Messenger and and waited for their pay, are not to at be many and their pathway prosperous. are anxother o organs represent blame". Future developments ".Love's voting dream" sometimes : Oi awaited. , it to be. thA t. rnfh nf it a ftos'rt?rtnst ('an- - iously plays queer and Unexpected prank?. A hot be dimmed by Counter Charges" of respectable young man of this place' has Examfnatfdn Teachers been visitine the residence of his best ca'uujr on ice panorjuafffl vjoouwiq. to All in teach the persons Intending The hard, cold charce of 'boodleism' girl a genuine Ruby. The residence scbooj will be at the teachers ex- aforesaid is bossed by a public who against Trumbo, and" trie willingness" amination to be held id Nephl, at Cen , the Mon-use' forbade to man' a young recently or Urane tral School, beginnrag9.30 m.t to'jdm tha uh'zzT eombmey Atfg. 1895. This is positively the, ontenement his court 12, The house. jfora stands out injbold!' relief and almost ly examination which will 6d held this yo"ung man was not Will ing td1 forego John Foote, g year." undetiied. Irj connection Trith the his visits, and the other evening was unGo. Sap.. 7.8the foil wing from the" Tribrfne is expectedly catight' within the embargoed interesting because Its satisfaction is4 ' .' ' residence. John said, git' and Will D'eseret Dots,' . said "all right" and had got as far as the premature:' if p to 98 lu BLi.UE: Eurroii ; Mercury TbeCastle Valley I?ew3 IS the name of door when the tried to assist 11 cowhide boot. In instates: Journalistic venture in Utah the shade. No. his with him Pioneer Ltay was" celebrated tfs ustal; a ?rinted t Price, Carbon county, and jiffy .the yotfng man had his prospective' rJr.a Republican paper. e to' it! The thief event at liinckley wa's & 8acces by the nape of bis nefek A,Ye Republicans of Carbon should drop Bislfob between shams and 'give a hearty support to' and literaly swiped , the earth1 with; him ' j paper of their own party.Pratt, Postmaster Wm; Alldredf, and a;nd gave himja drubbing. ftjfr. de wa'i A gentleman Mr. Hocan. a Alldredge father-ia-laone of the stepf But recently told The BLAdE ' got' brasS Hinckley! winner The the clared Writer that before between bfa eye and Will's little fingers September 1st, nine PftCerS Will fu cfortorJ in tffoW rfitia band, as tfsual, discoursed some! sweet stomach teeth and Seriously 'mangled it. the day. At Oasis a.sec-le- The 3lade hones-tlbelieves that six,': of music during proved himself ' a good success was for the of given party a nine and rushed down toward Main will be organs, Which, thanks are due to Mis! Mabel "Walker and Street shouted, "look at me, just look that they will receive aid and in- Crafts for her excellent music onlthe vo-done it.'' Ills facS at me,;Wiil f7" Mrs; Noyjsi lin. Also to Mrs. Lavina ' of spiration from the bung-hol- e blood and was with smeared Mi Webb, Mrs'. J. M. M6ody D " - would have received someand he certainly alleged barrel, and! tha't each" one sympathy In a those sir rwn'CM fhnV.i r fn Miss Annie DeW&nup. of Dferet; and is of Oak City" w.fereltiarried community where he not Laown. Tbe side of the Tribune1.- Ior all of Maxwell Webb on Monday. Oo4 their re- Justice of the Peace held a post mortem1 in Fillmore l"at, tbe Blad-- predicts a' sweeping turn,-a reception will be held at the resi- examination pn the and condence of the bride's mother Mrs. John5 cluded that Will had got flO's worth of victory for the Tribune. Trumbo-an- d CLEftRftNCE OUR ANNUAL Call and See for Yourself. ng To. oyf n d brass-mounte- d Connubial. From a personal letter from Fillmore, it is learned that on Tuesday evening Miss Ruby, eldest daughter of Bishop T. C. C&llister and Raymond Ray were joined in wedlock. The young people are assured of The Blade's good wishes for a long and prosperous life-journe- We are daily receiving new goods and afe thus We are constantly abreast of the times. adding to our stock such things as are needed by our friends y. Ex-ri!lardit- es Money to Loan. i out-lay- roocn-ssman- . Notes-Raleig- In any amount from one hundred to tea thousand dollars on long or short time. On improved farm or city property or on water stock. T. C. Winn, County Recorder To Advertisers. Four issues constitute a month's ad vertising in The Blade. derwuod-Po8e7-Willia- tf , , -- San Pete Valley x 4 Railway h i We have just received direct from the factory an elegant stock of Crockery. Quality and Style Entirely New. Our line of Ladies', Misses' and Child reus' Shoes is complete, and having bought before prices advanced, we are giving our customers the benefit of tbe same. Now is the time to buy Clothing. Buy before the p,rice advances. All. kinds of wool and cotton goods are advanc- ing in the East, and soon the effects will be felt in our vicinity. We are always- happy to meet our friends, and pleased to compare goods and prices with others. No' trouble, to shotv goods. Yours Truly TIME TABLE NO. 14. --1 JL. V JT Effective Thursday, August 1st, 1095. SoiUh. North. No. 1 i Dist. Manti Stations.- 43.0 38.0 33.0 23.0 23.2 19.5 16.0 11.15a 11.40a 12.10p 12.25p 12.43p l.OOp l.lOp Salt Springs. HoHovray Fountain Greeri Draper Moroni Chester Ephrairtr Lv. Ar. Manti 8.0 1.43p 2.05p Ar. Ijvi Netapi Dist. from Nephi No. 2 Daily 10.40a 10.26a 10.12a 9.53a 9.30a 9.10a 8.55a 8.27a 8.00a 5.0 10.0 14. tf 19.5 23.5 27.0 35. 43. tf Trains leave Manti for Sterling, Funk's Lake and Morrison at 2:20 p. m., Monday's, Wednesat day's and Friday's. Return ing ari-iv- e Can't be bought, But that which breaks the Ieat4 tc hare to sell. Manti at Direct connections at Nephi tvith Union Padiflc Railway from and to Salt Lake City( Ogden, Butte and intermediale p6intSi- and all poihte East and West. Stop on signal. THEODO&E BETBAClt, 5:25 p. m. Ask your storekeeper for - Pres. Supt. & A I DlMllTlT"1 11X711117 Sheaf of Wiieat Brand, Salt Lake City H. S. KElR, &Q.F. Gta Ply Muuin uioiiii uiiuiiu i thaw Gen'l Manager, & r Step-Father- MATT HP IT P. Agents Manti. And take no other. that each BALL BEARS A RED TAW. Thfs Twine will operate successfully In everybody's binder, But better in the best, See U The MINNIE BINDER - Tubular Steel Cyclone Mowers 11 nd Rakes frotfi the Manufactory of W. A. Wood, are unexcelled; so a"lffo are all tfcre lrnes we represent in Utah and Idaho'. , co-partn- er Amongst whlcii are found! Bairi Wagons. Deere and Oliver Plots, Russe'U Threshing Machine' Tiger Rakes and HayandLoaders, Fowler Bicycles. Address, Columbus,' Lindsay e Crane-Trumb- ; ', step-fathe- r; -- - ftfre-Uo'm- .. , - I ' ' ":- -v step-fath- er " ; , j W-If- s. heavy-weight- loot-rac- . step-father-iUj-l- aw " - welf-deserv- ed i w . - ct Crane-Tfum- bb S ' JV 1 ; . 1 1 - step-fath- k " v??.tiF Wdftf ea - : Dewsnup. M. Mr Mf'' tffi?.ci!oivout fit er proecti? nfA?.- - iV Local t!m card. IVE! , Ogden end Northbotind. Arr. Arr. a.ltt pit. 2.00 am.... Ogden .... 8.00 pm 2.55 am 7.00 am pm .2tfpm 3.10 am Ar ISalt j1 Lv 7.00 r 7.45 am Lv f Lake Ar 4.45 pm 4.1 pm r 8.10 am ....Satidy 9.37 am . . Fairfield .. 2.40 pm f 1.30 am . . Eurek a ... 1 .00 pm am..Lehi Junfet.. 3.45 pm 8.50 am Amer'n Fork 8f36 pm 8.55 am Fleas't Grove 3.29 pm1" ; Provo.... 3.10pm ff.l5rtm 9.34 am Spanish Fork 2.52 pmj 9.52 am . . . Paysd-- . . . 2T?9 pm v 1.50 pm 10.55 am ....Nepht..-.- . l'-P"1 11.35 am Ar j ' ' 11.55 am Lv1JuaD f Arl.OOpra.' .1.20 pm1 Leamington 11.25 amA 3.25pm ....Oasis.... 0.55am 4.10 pm'" Clear Lake 9.10'ani 7.30 am Ar Mil- - Lv. .05 pm 1 8.10 am Lv f ford f Ar 6,45 pm 10.00 pm Frisco . . . . 4.80 am Leave Arrive ' Ju'Jtfe EXfcEPlr'StJii rurf Boutfo'f Trains daily Station's. SoTltlibound. Leave Leave WAGON CO-OPERAT- In en"ec,t)ec. 1&, 1894. Train arrive and depart at various stations daily as follows : The -- Itflhe LEADING HOTEL ,of KfePfil Two through trains dally ffona . Salt liUko to all points East. Thr"6'tth Pullman PalaCe "Sleepers i ram Sak Lake to Chicago without change' Sleepers. impro'ved Tourist Free Reclining Chair cars. ' coaches. Elegant day The only rttfe operating dltrtng cat Service. line td all points The shortest asd fastest E. D'.' WlCIvINS, Agent,- - Neptii. ' ' H A Hack BJeets All Trains, Free to Patrons.Two Sample Rooms.NeareO t6r Business Centre'. - - ;. D; BI. Burley,' G'eti'l A gf . Passgr." Dept.; st.Salt Lalfe. City Ticket Office, 261 Main El L. Lomax, Gen'l Passgr. and Ticket Agt. Gen'l Mngr.,' Omaha' s. II. H.Clark, i W. Mink,-- ' Oliver ' 2V ' ' . s ,. E. EUery Anderstoti; W Doane, .reOerick R. Coudert, ' John pwToj-vor".""- ; Pjroprietor. - Hot '"and Cold -- i . BATHS -- at :t KENDALL & NORTON, Proprs. Wrt nthicwvB -- Ico Gream and Confectionery, aor wuerc C3"Laaies maV enter soum from store. ptfrlora are operate iiRSd.'ii.'j6of . : GO TO 1st floor north Union Hotel. v 1 1? The PALACE,' 1 v CO TJi'ih; Idaho Fall arrd MontyeHer, Idaho. Loan, General Offices, Salt Lake City, GEO. L ODELL, General Manager. -- 1 & MACHINE For- Hi H; HAWKINS' TIIUJ1MAN & WEDGWOOD, Attorneys Room at - Law, 1 and 3, First National Bank nuilainpr-. T""!' MT," |