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Show POINTS FOR SILYEB. IT IS THE FRIEND OF THE AMERICAN PRODUCER. Gold I tbe Only Hop of th Money Lender and Usurer The Issue Is One Between and Producers Money Lenders. The remonetization of silver, at a ratio of 16 to 1, would result in a vast expansion of the per capita circulation of the country. - Such is the strongest argument put forth by the friends of the white metal. On the other hand the gold monomet-alist- s argue that the remonetization of Silver would drive all the gold out of the country. This is their strongest argument. There are other arguments on both sides, but they are all more or less dependent upon the ones given. All arguments for and against free coinage of the two metals must necessarily be based upon either proposition. Thus la the coming national campaign with one party in favor of free coinage and the other against it the issue will be greatly simplified. The two parties in next year's contest will make finance the dividing line, no matter by what names they are known. The friends of liver will flock to the standard, which, without reserve, declares for free coinage. The friends of the single gold standard will flock to the party whlca represents the gold interests. Party affiliations will count for nothing when It comes to this issue. Especially are the friends of silver determined on this point. But to the merits of the two propositions on the financial question. The claim of the silver men Is founded on truth. No one will for a moment claim that free coinage of silver would not result in an increase of the amount of money in circulation. But what kind of money would It be cheap or dear or just medium? If the proposition of the gold men is correct, free coinage of silver Is not desirable; for so long as we use metallic money of redemption It should consist of the two metals, so that the money lending class will not know what kind of money their loans will be redeemed In at any given time. y every political party, is, or to be in favor of the double pretends standard. Yet we have the single standard. Just because we use a large amount of silver money is no evidence that we are on a bimetallic basis. The silver must be redeemed in gold and Is therefore only doing the duty of paper money. Silver as it is now used is totally undesirable. Put it on a. plane with gold anji it will go into hiding Just like gold with the result that paore paper money than ever will go into circulation among the people .something greatly to be desired in the work of finally solving the great problem. But for present purposes all we need is to establish a parity between gold and silver, so that neither metal will leave the country. The condition desired is that which existed prior to 1873, gold and silver being then on a parity at a ratio of 16 to 1. To rearrange the parity between the two metals, it .would seem that all that is necessary is the of the law that existed prior to 1873. For inasmuch as the "act of demonetization." passed in 1873, has resulted In a decline in the price of silver, an act of remonetization will have a like effect ih the opposite direction. For all the purposes required for civilization silver is just as valuable as it was prior to 1873. So is wheat or oats or anything. Yet the price has fallen. Here attention may be called to the fact that the enemies of silver continually point out the fact that the price of wheat and other farm products has fallen because of the increased supply. They tell' us that prices of commodities are affected by the laws of, supply is true. Every, and demand, which But when you argue knows that. body to the same point with regard to silver the gold advocate becomes greatly confused for an answer. He knows that the demand that would be created for silver by an act of remone-tixatlo-n would bring the price up to a parity, with gold at a ratio of 16 to 1, but he won't acknowledge the truth. Nine times out of ten lie will wind up the argument on the' To-da- ent I Q. W; PAKJiS, lo umn. Our Stockralsaps' AND FRIENDSHIP. SAM DEL A. KING, interest on foreign loans. Nearly MARRIAGE Bt,XD will continue Id each nnnbst Tire never that money everybody knows M publish brands under yearly contract at t Ruth Aihmore'a Opinion on the C I aomlaal MINIKq s leaves this country except for the purprice. Problem. present ex3 Tbe advantage to the tockra!ser of Xamfl pose of settling balances. For One girl who wrote to me recently the publio with his brand and mart 5 Eagle Block 4 Co Rovms and laiizing ample: friendship, on good comradeship, and are to well known to need attention. It U u rie .1 If during the month of July Eng- said: "Wouldn't a marriage based on the stockman as valuable a an advertises in1 . land', or some other European country, on SALT LAKE 0IIY, UTAH. one?" t to the merchant. a be respect happy thorough buys' American goods valued in dollars I don't know. It might be a placid one, Collections Proistli Att ilei to. r same the and cents at $100,000. During a a but one, be it respectable might buys of Engperiod the United States love cannot be the Ctas. P. without marriage Thus FRANK WHITEHEAD at $100,000. valued land goods 101 National bank Biif . First were or one intended, I Offloe, for which, you no n the accounts balance exactly and Ladies' writes Ruth Ashmore In the r RANGE: actual exchange in coin or bullion is Home Journal. Comradeship and inxu raovo, pc we $110,000 buy made. But suppose Sevier and jtV be Lower and a Music. ssj Rink nf Beaver. fiA worth of English goods and sell only all that were thorough liking might sunpre the Jiecessary during Address: $105,000 worth of American goods, then pci would what but they Oasis. Utah. shiny days, an we must send to England $5,000 In amount came? to when the days gloomy on. Piano, Orraa, Vl0n ' Will give r coin or bullion to make the balance And do chi you think if a man were tryItc, and teach FiaMls at lowest xUt good. For thirty years, however, the ing to solve some great question, were Jno Ho Demnnp reasonable tern;. balances haye all been on our side. We tip to demon soul the from his drive In trying we OUi further For buy uddretw sell more in Europe than particular, to the of turn In would he that we slit unbelief, on Upper Gold Hill (i Europe, consequently we have been, would right, under slit FRANK WHITE.IfcTAD, he for comrade No, good help? absorbtrade of the balances, face bi the In left ear. go to the woman who loved him, and HINCKLEY. ing European gold. A change to the whom he knew knelt down every night Range :Crioket double standard on the part of this and Mountains him. a of for her life and said prayer tw Lower 8evler. country would not change the scale When Oasis and Pish Springs stage! leave Ts or cy are inmentally suffering, people Oasis and Ibapah at 8 a. m., each Monday ms against us. If anything it would Address, Deseret, Utah. or and Thursday, and arrives at terminal point! es crease the importations of gold, for physically, they do not turn for help is 52 hours. to one whose witkin that speech sympathy standard double the reason that the is Jos Dewsnnp pes $3.00 Oasis to Detroit, would, as even the gold standard ad- brilliant and witty and whose brain ray a little reach like 6.00 " but out, Fish restrong, they vocates admit, have a tendency to Spr'ngs, plo 7.5C " Gold Hill and Ipabah. best, Under slit I pre strict importations. So with the bal- child, to that one who loves them with COPYRIGHTS. rifrht. under Is and whose heart l&r return cm overflowing and out for Tare ance of trade, always in our favor, It transportation left ear. CA1V I OBTAIN A PATENT? For tal fares. Address, and one-hais not likely that our "gold would leave sympathy and pity. Friendship is a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to cu MUNN fc CO., who haye had nearly fifty year? Range; great blessing, but it can not take the F. DAVIS, Proprietor, us." $U In the patent business. Commnnica, experience a: of love. And, if either a man or A Handbook of 1b. confidential. extions place un' strictly the meant is what by Probably formation concerninpr l'n tents and how to eh, a a woman pec that believing marry, a money-lendin- g sent Also free. them meciiia. as of tain the used catalogue pression by ical and scientific books sent free. Address, Deseret, Utah class is that foreign loans would friendly feeling will be sufficient in Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive cln notice in the Scientific A uiei irnn, and specialare at once be recalled in event of a free their united lives, they surely in time re broueht widely before the public wltfc thus realize only too sadly the possibilTl out cost to the inventor. This ppier.diii paper Y Smith coinage act. It hardly seems probable will of issued weekly, elegantly illust rcted. his bv fnt the the to and love $s them, coming that so much good luck would fall to ity largest circulation of any scientific work ia tbe tw world. S3 a venr. Sample cojMos soDt free. WATCHMAKER, dread of a tragedy if he should be the lot of this country all at once l50 a year, feinclft Building ka Editionmonthly, Grower Horse Every number contains beaucopies, '25 cerits. e free silver coinage and the with greeted with joy. Therefore I say to NEPHI, UTAH. aud Deae? n and tiful new of colors, plates, photographs life in pes reyou, up your my with to builders housesi showtia interest-bearingirl, building enabling g plans,secure drawal of loans. I Watches and jewelry promptly RANGE: contracts. Address and latest designs rrl solicited. orders Mail & CO.. MUNN Vouk. :Wi Rhoadwat. Kew have not got the exact figures at hand you need as foundation for its shelter not paired. Mountain-anHoupe corner-ston- e no other of and the love, but it Is safe to place the foreign capJus Lower Sevier answer. will If in its place you put counnow ital drawing Interest in this lei Add ress. sympathy, or good Oasis, Uth. try at $5,000,000,000. Four years ago it friendship, mental Pll over will house the topple comradeship, ! was more than that, but a large amount for its when of comes, thvind misery has been withdrawn since that time. CrersonBri. coi The annual Interest on this sum is foundation stone will drift away, car&ss Breeders aa4 indifferof ried sands into the along enormous, about $200,000,000. How do dealers in Short T, - j FA.-5TS03Sence, and you will. stand alone, weephorn Durham. we pay It? TT97.A.II. Pll s a at Horses one and is for who not, that Mi having I said above that on the face of the ing brand 3n laft Pi; and lis around AND MANUFACTURER IMPORTER OF you only friendship thigh. Cattlo-Upbalance of trade reports our country Tc is and love for slops while you long eacu ear. xiangrt always stands on the right side. But kindness, Nose Bags, Collar anto Whips. Buggy Saddlery, its Sevier sympathy. rirai condo we we as not why grow richer ft' UU UiVUUMHWt, ft: im; tinue to absorb European gold? The between Mil.s1 ttion on the U. P. Ky and Lean etc. Hardware, Pads, Leather, truth of the matter is that while the MATERIALS FOR EMBROIDERY. lngton. Address, I eamington, Millard Oo., Utah. j " Wholesale and Eetail. balance of trade is always in our favor, a Harness Fine Buggy Specialty. Use to Is Inferior Poor Economy to Parley Alirtd the deficiency is not paid in gold. It is It Stuffs and Silks. Dei Horses same simply charged to the account of InterOur goods have been extensively used in Deseret and vicinity, and hiTi gls The first rule to be observed in tbe ,Wi left Wi est on foreign loans in the United selection of materials for embroidery brand on the best satisfaction. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. Cattle thigh. given fw States. So we find that the interest is that they be suited to the particular close crop in left HI and in slit on foreign loans is the real mischief-make- r riat purpose for which they are destined; ear. Range, HEATED BY STEAM. ELEOTRIO CALL BELLI on the scales of international then, also, it is Sevier. that they be Lower imperative Dea1 Address, trade. We are giving away the prod- of good quality. It is the worst kind ret, Utah. bai ucts of American labor to settle the in- of economy that grudges the necessary terest en European investments in our outlay for a good foundation, while to own country. And this interest keeps work with inferior silks means failure, T on left thfck4 i growing in volume until at no distant with loss of time and temper. The same hrand om left we 1 of day it will annually absorb the price most suitable foundation is a fine round cattla. Haass hip 1 we should receive, lift Willow Springs. poi fqr our entire annual thread linen of sufficient weight to lie : exports. And yet there are those who smoothly in place. If sheer linen is F. J. Kearny, pretend to be afraid these loans wili preferred the use of it is quite permis i Fisk SDrlntrs. be withdrawn. The same sort of a cry sible. The effect will be found a little pla .1 was sent up more than a hundred years more dressy for special occasions, but Utefc. lnj i3 guau uvuaqi fFe ago when the people of this country it is desirable to affix it, when finished, 0 Ton left thigb; 111 began to discuss the question of throw- to an underlying mat of colored silk or double swallow wi ing off the yoke of England. The or- satin harmonizing with the tones of the fork in left ear. Range, Lower Seiginators of the cry said that this talk design. It may here be noted that it is Men & Address vier. of freedom would cause the withdrawal never well to fold linen centerpiece's, CMS. TtOfiPSD of English money. For a long time it for the creases will invariably show ne Oasis, Millard Co. kept the timid in line, but finally it and prevent the perfect flatness when Utah. was drowned ,by the patriot cry "To laid out which is essential to show off ha arms, and the war for independence the beauty of the needlework. Filo silt la Hark, tin finally stilled It. The English money selle is the best kind of silk for thia right and two sBte In ear. ch Sasae eft did go and it was replaced with Amer class of work. It is composed of six Pi brand on left bei ican money. The question of the pres- strands; these should be separated, and shoulder on kersos pu P. N. Petersrvly ent bears almost direct relation to that for the fine work under consideration thl Oasis Address, decided in the past. When the Euro- only one strand should be used for Utah, Range, Lew ad er Sevier. ma pean capital goes, if it does, we will working the flowers, while for the stems m of the some leaves of the larger replace it with American money and and Sam left thigh th All on be then enter upon an era of prosperity foliage two strands may Horses. taken. ete Upper slope ana once again. the work is to be executed in the simple one under slit t AWARDS. tic left ear, and two Between the single gold standard and Kensington stitch popularly known as thi under slits in Support the ideal monetary system there is a the long and short stitch, says the ear. BANGS right :Oak 13' Creole, wide and yawning chasm, perhaps as Ladies' Home Journal. The great art an wide as a thousand years. Alas for in working is to make the direction of Sims Walker th Home State Fair humanity, perhaps even ten thousand the stitches imperceptibly follow the Address, Oak City, Utah, Gold 1894, fer years. The double standard is merely form that is being filled in. Where the Medal. b a step in the right direction. It will curves are somewhat sudden very short too better serve to balance accounts be- stitches must be taken. Sometimes it Industries Fe: of a tween the money-lendin- g class and the is even well to split single strand Fe producers than anything practicable silk In doing this to avoid even a sugPa. SALT LAKE. Three Cream and just now. It will injure the money gestion of clumsiness, pie Baking or lender,, because It creates an addiPowder Gold In Tea Sweepings. Bis Money tional supply of his General CoiissiouMerctiaiil Medals. just One of the principal sources of the leu as the opening of the vast Indian in is the of caffeine eep England supply to Dealer in the productl on of wheat empire i has a tendency to decrease the sweepings of tea from the floors of "the f Tiwcr mxx Twa THrca kin and warehouses wharves various docks, VEGETABLES, BUTTER, FRUITS, price of wheat grown In America. in London. These Superior Quality tHOw fCRonif SCRWS 4McxH Your sweepings aggreUnder bimetallism, money becpming Veal Pork and Game, Zgffs, aii Poultry, Flavoring an of tea about 675,000 pounds more plentiful, people would borrow gate Smoked and Fresh Flak, Beef, Extracts Gold ? Floor, Hay and Grain. Is lese and rates of interest would de- nually, or, with the dirt, nails, hoop-Medal. with wood mixed which and iron gets la: g class would cline.; The money-lendinMoney It will pay you to ship your goods to me. I to 400 ons. to loss The about the tea, as 10 eent. for handling and remit per gradually b forced into the field of the tea about ekarge is soon as roods are sold. Can give annually importers and usefulness. is such It production 11 A a condition of affairs (being forced into $125,000. The sweepings have natur- oountE? references desired. tall Best at wit a field of usefulness) that the money- ally a fair proportion of good to fine oor and con teas mixed and Quality with them, grade Pro lender most strongly objects to. He Display of ser hatea humanity, y would trample upon sequently contain a larger amount of tru8oda Water. active principle of tea, called by Home. te; liberty and would consign the Bible to the low of than the chemists "caffeine," the uttermost limits. He despises the the l)e Word of God on general principles, but quality teas. The sweepings cost the btst a cent per OFSTCJEl especially because it' says: "He who chemists only about half pound. does not work neither shall he eat." 58 W. 2nd, South, SALT LAKE OITY f Pro I MANUFACTURED BY "money-lendeof the designation By Too Honest. P. O. BOX I do noW refer to the ordinary Hotel Altogether Clerk That lawyer stopping Pre lebanker, who, as a general rule is all with us is the most honest man I ever troi ..$1.60 Its at heart. the HmdSamplei. fellow that right of. ' Iron Assay 1.00 SALT CAKE CITY. urAH . . controls the banker to whom the title heard, . . . BOX 633. I ft Landlord Why? 1.00 Copper ...L....... Assay..... belongs. nd Bottle Clerk He sits up in a chair 3.00 Samples The campaign for bimetallism is Spioel Pare and Ground Daily. at night. sleeps rs between money-lendethe neoessarily Landlord What's that got to do with and the producers, which means every it? !. Of body except the money-lender- s. says after his day's work r C. S. Land Office.) !ye course a large portion of the producers i3 ClerkHe (Lbip Kover he doesn't think he ought to j will vote with the money-lendewhen lie In bed. Land Mining Attorney. j Has a full line of-it comes to an issue. The campaign of education in behalf of the free and ... Encore. Conespcn'jmce solicited. Twenty unlimited coinage of silver without the i tat The b cyclist who was riding a rery three years' eyperiencc. advice or consent of any other nation wheel took a headet and j SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. on earth, must continue to be vigorous, high an almost genuine somer fault. turned complete isoi a point musi do yielded to the After he had recovered himself f and ! And is selling dow n at Panic Prices for Pay Down. enemy. One more word and that about wiped the dirt from his fa,oe and clpthes G for Either Cash or Produce at cost. International consent. Did the signers he was jvery much! astonished tohear i of the Declaration of Independence one of two small ant boys on the slddwalk Travelers and submit the document to Europe before say: ;.;! !;.,"; I ' will Sheepmen find me supplied with nvv .:yjr j; I affixing their names to It? What pot do This that agin, will yer? "Mister, would they have thought of any one fellow Lend & didn't see it." lit! Attorneys, Agents who suggested such a thing? If the cash . Highest price paid for Hides and Pelts. Don't other nations want free silver let them forget Pioneers In Suffrace. Poi The first national; woman's s uSrage legislate for themselves. . We are In tier terested first In the prosperity and hap convention held in the United Btatea SALT LAKE CITY. XJTAH. (ir sir convened at Seneca Falls, N. fr.. In piness of our own people. '.;?-OAK CITY, MILLARD COUNTY, . P. J. D. 1S48. . . . : UTaEL LAND and' Law. Attorney at 4 ' M. t: re-jsp- ect - Professor of , " ir-- les--n- s for Detroit, Fish! Springs, and Ibapahl , i i s sIJ-I- lf Criefc-Mounta- ins j G. A. Gardner, Ml ' Harness W.and Saddlery GEO. WILLIAMS, per Harness, tmA if rr--r m i fjntJu LfSWwS V.ri. t i.. r. ! i i i ; i ! j H0 m T !j L ;;; 7- L. HOLBROOK, Prop. Headquarters for Sheep, Cattle Mining PROVO. UTAH THREE CBOWI BAKU Leads All the Rest- O. S. -- 1 Mi MARTIN, . stock-in-trad- e, : " i j f first-ela- M ! j what, you are talking about." It is as simple as abc thatiremone-tixatio- n of silver would result In bring-fln- g the metal up to parity with gold, 7ho would be foolish enough to sell silver at lees than $1 dollar per ounce Iknow. I i ; ; W.Q.M STEWARD, j j the mint? ' ' r - With a Tiew of injuring the cause of free coinage, the Reform club of New York, principally made up of Eng- Hshmen, recently promulgated a news-- ! paper fake to the effect that a ring had "cornered" all the silver product of the country. It was their idea to convey the impression that a gigantic monopo-- ! is at the head of the silver move-- S lj taent. Here are some lines quoted from at the first dispatch sent out: " This stands to make' fifty per cent on' its investment if free coinage work wins. Here is a problem for ' over. to Are men ponder they lng coins to. assist a monopoly of this "kind?" Now is this not a confession that remonetization of silver will bring the price up to the desired; point? It came unwittingly rrom tne gold stand ard men. As soon as the boomerang nature of. the fake was' discovered the .Reform club discontinued sending out reports on the subject. So, with the purchasing value of gold and silver made equal, neither metal would leave the country in preference to the other. In any event not very much money in auy: form will ever leave the country except in the way of syn-l-dic- , t tt, r" . , HEWLETT BIOS., ! 1 - . j J i I i Franke'tD. Hobbs, - j Mi rs JOSEPH A. LYMAN General "'vMerchandfete -- BIRD & LOWE, j ? i - HAT, - GRAIN - AND - STABLING. i JOSEPH A. LYMAN, ; i |