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Show ' saorians found t burial place in the once soft mud but which now forms the walls An InJoyatxJe outlnfl Spent Over In the four sides of a Sn of the stately Temple,houses P$ts rtUntl and the TfmPle, and hundreds hundred On Sunday forenoon laat. The Ula.de of rods ofungraceful walls. unsightly editor an4 bla fright bo wer," Qene Pul-ve- r, back of the Temple there is an Just through the courtesy of II. 8. Ke-- r, geological conundrum, EmbeddOenl Sapt. of the an Pete y alley Jy. ed in the oolite, is a reef of conglomerate cry po.t took a dead, head oqtin over to consistingofsmali wave or river-wor- n older are Mantl.. infinitely staline pebbjes that The day vya delightfully cool, th.e air than the oolite, The entire reef is heavily yards Sweat and Invigorating nod the ride stained wiih iron. A few hundred of the another is ledge of the east Temple enjoyable. There is nothing romantic or grand in same conglomerate, and which has an the grey, barren of Salt Creek easterly dip of aboqt 23 degrees. Whence well-uJ.3 p to where those little pebbles came and how deposraoyon, untilone place, is a they can look back on the eastern decliv- ited in their strange abiding answered. ities of the Nebo range. Then the sceae question that is not easily is one such grandeur as is rarely witness Someone should have tnose reeis aaiuyeel. Although the bag a of that lofty led and assayeo, ior wui i mry range is somewhat hidden by the foot carry GOLD? The return tramp of fully a mile, was bills, the abrupt, Assured and splintered tnountaln wali la grand and right through the heart ofthe city, and The little and bif, farms scattered as it was Sunday evening, the youth and along the canyon, add picturesqueness beauty (this is exclusively applicable to the ladies) were out in force. The girls, and variety tp the landscape. valAs wo gain the summit, San Pete (does a man ever get so old and bald that A he doesn't think tney are looking right southeast. to blue, the lica below ley "down-east- " haze is resting over tne at him?) are nearly (not quite) a8 handentire valley, softening the outlines and some as the ??ephi belles. Besides they towns in a lacked that quaint picturesqueness that veiling the the jSephi Kind of mysterious indistinctness. But just now characterises wooden over the interveuiug hills to the east, can maidens as, with s be plainly seen the flourishing towns pi dumb-belletc, they wend to the while Fairview aa3 M. Pleasant; their way nearly every evening to the the are miles distant, southeast, a few "physical culture class.' Friend Eenner has a pleasant home hamleta of Fountain Green and Moroni, of base the situated former at the extreme southern end of the nestling against a latter the mountain wall, Main street, and from a gentle Slope upthe westero is and the so bench, on which his neat residence stands, there distant from mile or littlo "city set on a bill." Across the is a full view of the long main avenue is Spring City, with its double row of fine shade trees. valley to tha south-eas- t In addition to his being of a thrifty, and away to the south are the out-lina Chester while occupies of Ephraim hustling organization, Mr. Kenner is northern in the somewhat eccentric, as, in the absence of nearly ceatral position of watch-dothe a he keeps a large Thomas valley. portion locothe little from tied his back yard during the in np Nephi, Going cat, up motive breathes and panta like a thing day and turns the mouser loose daring of life. On the steeper grades it actually the nigkt. Thomas Q. is so well trained acts and looks as if it were tired. But that every morning exactly at sun-ris- e when the divide is reached, the hard he walks up to the post and mews to fce oreatbing ceases, and with brakes set, itas tied up. bounds joyfully down the gentle grade, To Mr. and Mrs. Kenner, The Blade's if assured that its hard work is over for thanks are extended for a most enjoyable th day. visit. The Li. G, W. Il'y, enters the valley g With the halucindtion refrom the north and "hugs" the eastern garding the running of trains, that side of the valley all the way down, while clings to an old residenter of Deseret, we tne little fciau Pete road takes a bee line loitered around, and barely had time to down the center of the valley among the climb on board as the little train for Ne- meadows, then curving slightly, makes phi pulled out. An revoir San Pete. straight for Ephraim. Then, Bide by side svith its giant competitor, the little road runs on to Mantl, and seems to feel as DESERET DOINGS, big and independant as though its guage EDITOR Bla.de: But little is transwere regulation width and its route 1U, in this locality that is worthy of IXX) miles in length. Manti, our ojective piring mention. k special Although the point, occupies a beautiful location on a is favorable for a revival of business and bench that slopes gently to the north and therefore of news items. general thing of west, and can be made a a Quite large contingent of Deseret's beauty and a joy forever." Aside from pedogogues are attending the Summer one business block, a few modern dwellschool now in session at Ft. Cameron, ings and a magnificent school building, near Beaver. They are; Mr. and Mrs. Manti probably looks exactly as it did Milton Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Moody; fifteen years ago. The old tumble down Dona Misses the and Brown; Georgie garden walls, the monotonous, white Cropper, and Miss Maggie Peterson. unthe without houses stone cornices, Mr. and Mrs. Moody will teach at Oasis; tidy front yards, dilapidated fences, and Mr. Brown and the Misses Cropper at stables abutting on the sidewalks, and a Deseret Miss and Peterson will be the huudred other things, make Manti look in assistant the Hinckley school duras If it had got to a certain point on the he school term. coming up grade, and then stoppad,. refused ing The is to the average, and hay crop up to grow, refused to improve and prothe of harvest grain at Hinckley will gress, and as the late President Young all surpass crops. In fact, previous once Batd of Spanish Fork, "have gotready Is a there not in place Utah, acreage to go back to Jackson County. "However, the piles of brick and foundation stones considered, that will surpass our flour neighbor in the yield of cereals. scattered around, announce that the ishingare a community of hustlers out 'reaurection morn" has come to Mantl, They and that she1 will soon take her place in there, and have learned tne important fact that too much water has been used the Van of progress. The finest residence on the land, and they are profiting in the in Manti, a $7,700 brick, is just completknowledge with the result that the soil ed, and belongs to one of the fraternity is rapidly improving, , that have been ruined by ten cent wool. We have a large number of hard-wor- k TheS. P. V. R'y. has a handsome litmen In Deseret, but a industrious tle station at Manti as also at Ephraim. ing like proportion of idlers and saloon- John H.j Ho'rnung, once the genial, bums it is believed, be found in thorough agent down at Oasis, presides at Utah. connot, are a positive drag on, and They the key and desk of the Manti office. curse to the community, and help to inJohn H. haaen't lost any of his thoroughness or courtesy and invited The Bla.de crease the feeling of despondency that tramps to supper. It was the last we saw seems to brood over this wart of the of him until the next morning, when we "survey." The loafing element are algrasped his hand lor an instant while the ways waiting for something to turn-up- . Ore from the Ibex is again coming In. wheels were turning, and bis reprochea were drowned in the rumoling of the but the hauling is being done by Richtrain. Nevermind friend John, keep that field parties at f4.50 p9r toa, so It is re supper hot, use your influence withSupu. ported. Word from Detroit is to the effect that Kerr to send as another dead-hea- d pass, and we'll eat supper, and more if you'll the Ibex mine is improving right along let us, within thirty days. After a hur-- . and the ore now being shipped is of exried lunch with bro. J ease n, "we hunt- cellent grade. Following are the results ed up Beauregard Kenner, who la nearly from five sample assays: Per cent oz. gold, as big a'crauic ou geology , " specimens," Value of copper, gold. and as a ,4rock sharp," aa The Blade ediNo. 1. 5.3 ....2.96 ..$59.20 4.2 No. 2. tor. It wasn't his specimens, nor his fossil No. 3. ..1.2(5 25.20 3.60 72.00 'hells, snake skins nor fish that we were NO. 1.24 24.80 f....:: xmo. after. We wanted him to "hook up" .1.5$ 31.20 The average of the "his team and drive over, to Funk's lake. five aside samples, " It wouldn't work, Mr. Kenner had only from the copper is f 12.43 per ton. The one horse od the place; and as it was get- three samples showing no copper are ting late.we had to give up that part ofthe from flne iron carbonate ore. No mine program; so we just sat down and went in Utah can make a better showing for through Mr. Kenner'a cabinet of ores quantity and quality of gold ore than can be seen in the Ibex. and curios In genuine "rock-sharp- " The "Buisby," also, is showing well After which Temple hlU was visstyle. and will 6me day become famous as a ited and an hour spent in viewing the grand edifice that crowns the western great' prodncer. In fact. If Detroit dislimit of the hill. When those terraces trict were only within the hallowed and around the building are completed and charmed boundary lines of Salt Lake adorned with vegetation, the Manti Tem- county, there would today be from fifty ple and grounds will t a source of joy to one hundred producers in the camp. On Saturday, P. N. Nicholas a to every lover of the beautiful. mining On the flat below, just a short distance expert, of New York, and Leo Altenru-the- r of Colorado, came down, and one of the Temple, is- the to the north-weSunday morning went out to Detroit and icemetery and of which every Mantian is will give the district a thorough examijustly.' prcud. Long rows of tall, grace nation On arecent trip with Colonel Henry to the Deep Creek country, Mr. ful poplars form a lovely grove, while Nicholas passed by the Drum Mountain .from the greensward rise white marble Detroit --and so Impressed with monuments and that mark the its appearancebecame columns as a mineral that 'Testing places of departed loved ones. he has returned to go over it.district, That peaceful city of the dead as viewed trf8LSa,!ay, the Be bad a ia the peopl9 tine meeting from the lofty upper terrace of the Tem honL l?ir 8eJIloe3 Edwin s. Hinckley, who pie grounds, is almost inviting to a man one of KretQrn(fd ,rom' Ann Arbor, was speakers, and related his exwith the people of the East in perience corn cracker, and whose buoyant spirits removing prejudice. Hinckley are such as to make the lovely San Pete spoke of his studies in theElder natural sciences hen eaid;--Wand the scientists valley seem like a veritable paradise nave discovered the uttermost truths in of is The formation ol Temple hill yel- nature and will sociology, they they TChltPi A fa rvrMtir Inwinh verit" are in perfect harmony with thefindcosnel and able cemetery of forms that lived and of Christ." Ed, Stewart has severed his connection uour,ioea just alter motner xJartn naa with the Emma Company at Fisb ceased garnering her treasurers of car- and on went so Mer Springs, tiofalsroas fnol. Sheila, flab, and even j cur where he willTueaday, hereafter. operate i un-solv- on-uaaal- hill-aid- es awe-inspirin- Iree-enibrower- ly g. ed war-club- s, 9, mop-etick- es g, ever-lastin- out-loo- ' ed Nenhi .Her Resources, Advantages CREAM OF OUR EXCHANGES FROMjNEPHI TO MANTI. Territorial News, Culled and Condensed for Blade Readers There is talk of a newspaper being established in Monroe. Monroe is .an town but there is a Whole lot of thrifty people there and a newspaper friend might be made a success. Our old the back is at George Hales, of B)ichfield, of the movement. Saiina press. The gas engine in the Press o&Jco" exploded this week, carrying death and destruction throughout the entire building. The office cat was severely scalded, two compositors were blown through a rear window, and the editor saved his life by being up town. It is a bard matter to grind out local news withont the aid of the gas engine. rSalina Press. A dispatch from Yuma, Arizona, dated the 10th, says; it is now generally believed that the gold mine found neur Indio, on the deseret, by the McHancy " mine, brothers is the old1 'Peg-Legand Smith found by party sixty years ago. The quality of" quarts, old workings, human bones, kind of gold, richness and location indicate that it Is really the old mine. It is producing And General ay out-of-the-w- Peg-Leg- ?' to 1000 per day in a $300 two-stam- mill. p Two million dollars has been offered for ,f st - at-nn- I anu iXboraumima. Land Offlce at Salt .Lake City, Utah, Goble. his Whereas, Edwin Ooble and ot of the ''l ' wife, juao. ext trusts dated Octo ,, , LiL.i County oci alis v. a x tcua ft.ni rPoTded October tn Rltu,t.l Geographically. Nephi City . JXo 410 ol Its latent natural , torn' s w.ir Ji most in the center of Utah. Unlimited.. " "7 Office nasre acIts Recorderresources are practically it' the of of to VVi tive resources consist (1) of Aprriculture; (2) (4) eonvey said County, of Juab of deeds (8) ofthe Sheep Industry and rrwuctoo the following descri oean tv Horticulture; To he North, West and South of minerals. in Juab County, Utah Tria a largre area of aa fine agricultural land real estate situated of south-weas can be found in Utah. Abundant crops The northeast quarter ofof the cereals and alfalfa bless .he labors of the huse quarter, the half north the southeast and bandmen. To the Norfh.tbousands of acres of (8), and the ofSection eijrht quarter watered spring's, by large natural meadow, quarter of bectton ouarter of the south-wecarpet. The nine Bpread out like a great emerald twelve in all Township (9), unexcelled vegetable gardens of Nephi are one (1) east of thcSalt Lake Meridian, in the west Its fruit and that of. its contigu. ranjje in trust to conveyance was made Investment which ous towns, is as perfect as can be frrown in secure said Lombard of the ,o order the this latitude. Itx order to illustrate what can Company, the payment of the said Edwin Gabe accomplished here with bees, it is only nec ble's and Mary Goble's, one promissorv note of last, that a Nephioffarmer cssary to state even , date thereot, ior me P1'1""" , hpne-yand fine shipped 8,700 pounds Hundred Dollars l,uu.wA. to Eighteen the apiary Is merely an adjunct his farm. nn the first dav of October, locality, is one of narkhio ,The wool industry of this as thereon from the date thereof at with interest the demand to such is and in largest Utah, six the jwable of rate per cent, per annufn attention of two wealthy firms and large of April and first on the days of and warehouses for the storing handling October of each year as evidenced by lntei est the product. notes attached to said principal noie coupon near A couple of miles east of the city, and of even date tnerewixn. auu the mouth of Sali Creek Canyon, is a veritable and in of trust provides that or Whereas, saidindeed mountain of pure crystalized gypsum. Cofti case of said note the of default payment mill for a is to the quarry, complete venient " the trustee snau which is any part thereof grinding and refining the toproduct holder of said indebtof the legral application the being- continuously shipped described dispose of the above states of the Pacific Coast, 300 torn last edness, sellin and Of trust deed said manner in the property after1 month being: the output of the notice privingr days thirty described, in Up Salt Creek canyon and north easterly of sale, by publication and place grish from time,terms about nine miles, pure saltmeans springs in sam and some published newspape one printed of of the the mountain side, and. by is hereby County, (reference to which most complete salt manufactories in the Uni Juab of for the purpose made for certainty), greater ted States, the brine is converted into table, costs the with note said together and packing1 salt that has but few equals paying dairy of executing this trust- And and no superiors in the world, The brine is and expensesdefault was made in the payment Whereas, 35 per cent, salt and the supply practically due on April 1st, A. D. of the interest coupons manufactured the to In addition unlimited. D. 1894, and the princiA. 1894 October and 1st, or are several miqes quarries product, therethe on 1st, A- D. 18U4, October' was'dtte which extent of which cannot be pal of rock salt, still continue, and by reaand such defaults computed, of said thereof the present legaj holdersuccessor As a distributing point, Nephi recognizes son the note has undersigned requested to the is Utah. in It one key but superior trust to sell said above describedAndproperty Southern Utah, and with the advantage of two in for the p,irpi3 herein set forth. and to out the east south, railroads stretching in said deed of trust provides that in Whereas, the best point furnishes, wlthoui question, of from removal or of base the death, resignationWiUiam. W, Peet, manufactories the Utah for the establishment Territory of theorsaid and wholesale housesholder of the then said third party, the legal The attractions of Nephi as a resideree indebtedness or secured any part therethereby situis It town, are unique in her variety, other peror any substitute, of, dimay appoint of the ated on almost the highest portion shall the. said of son tru.stee,who instead to act vide that turns the flow of waters north into with all the into the Sevier riv- succeed to andandbecome vestedconferred Utah lake and south-ar- d upon authority power rights, dead lake Sevier to the the onward er, thence trustee by said deed of trust. And sea of MiUord County. Its attitude, gravelly said Peet has removed Whereas, said WilliainW. soil and perfect drainage ipsure the best of from And of Utah. the Territory are such, that health, in fact, the conditions have occurred has by his inP. Frederick Page Whereas, in but two cases of diptheria 2nd, 1895, apdated of strument July writing, five years ampng a population of nearly 3,Q00, Everett W. Wilson of the undersigned pointed and The are citizens progressive. Its the County of Salt Lake, Territory of Utah, as wide streets and avenues of large shade trees, trustee lawns and eleganta deed. to carry out the provisions of said trust cosey cottages, beautiful of make modern public buildings, Nephi Now, therefore, notice is hereby given is a real luxury. place in wTiieh life W. Wilson, successor in trust, that I, Everett of It is supplied with a complete system of the legal holder of said note the at request water from flows the which along and under and by. virtue of the power and aumiles some the three up distant pure springs terms of said trust five miles, the thority in me vested by the20th canyon. To the west about and on the will deed, acday of August, Tuesday of easy mountain range is low, rolling 2 o'clock, in the afterA. D. of hour the at 1895, To with rich pasturage. cess, and abounding of said day sell the said above described the east a qoupie of miles, the Nebo range noon real estate, and all the right, title and equity abrubtlv rises, to the north east a few miles redemption of Edwin Goble and MaryGoble, the top of Mt- NebQ rises into the regions of of his wife.their heirs and assigns therein at pub, eternal snow, auction for the highest and best price same Without exageration and without coloring, lic will at the front door of the County of the a lovely Courtbring, the foregoing is discription in the city of Nephi, County of House, in of Juab County city of Nephi, the Capital of Utah, for the purpose of won Juab, of Territory which are found the mines Tintic, the note, all interest due principal dtir and admiration of the Great West. Be- paying said and all the costs and expenses of exesides Tintic. the rich mines of Fish Springs, a thereon,this trust. and other wealthy and cuting portion of Deep Creek 20th day of July, A. D. 1895. Dated this the in Western are situated Growing camps . Everett W. Wilson, part of Juab County. Successor in trust aforesaid. Following is a directory of Nephi's business hustlers: Summons. C. ANDREWS & CO., etc. Dealers in Wool, Grain of Utah, UTAH WOOL GROWERS ASSOCIATION, Territory of E. R, Booth, Manager. Juab, f ' County of Precinct. In Court the Justice's Nephi NEPHI HOUSE, Mrs, E. Goldsorough, propr. Excelsior Mercantile Co,, a corporation, plaintiff, versus Thomas Smith and Rosa Smith, A. W. PALMER, defendants. Wagon and Carriage Shop, General M.-vr- f June i0,! 893. the following that TOTICE is hereby given, A named settlor of his int.m filed notice has . : n r, tvVi ri n ri nrnoT In sunnfipt nT Tnia i and that said proof will bo made before" uienc oi .juaD Couih WuJlatn Jiurton, uouniy City, Utah, on August tw "Utah, a!t Jlephi irt.h ir LV iwjs. vizi lieorsre l. i W. Hi Nl E for the Lot 2. S, No. 8745 1 VV. 11 "C C. f .. vTnif . . .It - .... - , w 7J, uauiua (JlUYg his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said Jand, vis?: Harvey Partridge and Hy rum iiincn m vusauii, u uu v., umu , xwienar VniiTid find (i1ft iveei oi ivoxia, o uau o. Utah. ' , L--1 ,r ' ;LIIo. 2583.1 NOTiCE 'FOR PUBLICATION. y ALk. 1 V- - 1 -- J? 1 . T . st ' r, I i 1 C! 1 st . :T. C. BTr,Kr. Attorney, .Register sea-so- n Legal Notice. i-- semi-annuall- inter-mounta- - Territory of Utah, j! County of J uab. y Id the Probate Court in and for said County. In the matter of the estate oj James Larson. ... r jjeceaseu. Notice of hearing of final account and ptij lion ior aisiriouiion. y . f . Notice is hereby given that the fihaf acooiiTif ' of Martin Litrsen, the administrator of the est tate of James Larson deceased, has been rcml erei to said Coiirt for settlement, and that a petition for final distribution of the estate ha been filed with said ac count, and that Mondavi the 5th day of August, A. D, 1895, at 10 o'clock A, M. at the CountyCourt House in Neohi Cit.r. Juab County, Utah Territory, has been du.'vby said Court as the time and phuappointed for the settlement Qf said account and the: bearing of said petition, at inwhich time nni said estate person interested place any and tile exceptions in writing to th said aceountand contest the same jDated July in - may-appe- - the property. Mercury Mercury. The northern end of Sanpete was the scene of an uncommon asmospberic phenomenon on the 12th inst. High above the mountains on the west of North Bend appeared a tremendous black cloud having the shape of an inverted pyramid, about a mile loig and a half wide. Out of the lower center angle of this cloud, when about a mile from the ground, a funnel shaped water spout descended and within what seemed thirty feet from the crest of the mountain seemed to burst, the center having the appearance of an aeriel mirage. The sharp crest of the mountain divided the water, thus providentially preventing a disastrous inundation of the valley below. Springvllle Independent. Reports from the sheep herds are, witn very few exceptions, that the flocks are in s condition, and that feed is will be in finer shipping Muttons good. condition this fall than for several seasons past, and there will probably be heavy shipments. Of late years, sheep owners have begun to breed their sheep so as to secure a combination of good wool producers and muttons, and now market sheep are beooming one of the principal considerations in sheep raising. With heavy shipments, nothing but lambs, ewes, and bucks are retained, and it relieves the ranges, and at the same time nets a good revenue to the owners. Several sheepmen have personally told us they look upon the sheep industry as having a better outlook than for a NEPHI LIVERY STABLE, Jno. R. Downs propr. couple of years past. The wool market UNION HOTEL, a especially cheering. Mt. Pleasant Mrs. C. R. Foote, propr, ar Probate Clerk. fr8 . - thi-ift- y water-w- orks first-clas- PIQTO - LOCAL TIME CARD. n 16, 1894. effect.Dec, Train arrive and depart at various station daily as follows; Southbound. Stations. Northbound, Leave Leave Arr. Avr, 8.00 pm 2.55 ai Ogden 4.2Q Ar Salt JLt 7.0Opm 7.00 udw 7.45 am Lyv f Lake Ar 4.45 pax 8.10 am 4.16 pm Sandy 9.37 am - Fairfield ... 2.40 pm 11.30 am ... Eureka. . 1.00 pm 8.42 am. .Lehi Jhnet-- . 3.45 pm 8.50 am Amer'h Pork 3.36 pm 8.55 am Pleast Grove 3.29 pro 9,15 am . . . . Provo. . . . 3.10 pm 9.34 &m Spanish Fork 2.52 pm,', 9.82 am ... Payson... pm 10.55 am 1.50 pm Nephi i 11,35 am Ar j Lvl.15 pm 11.55 am Lvl Juat) f Arl.00 pm Demand $125,25 upon a book aecount. IgO pm Leamington 115 am 3.25 pm Oasis .... 9.55 am Thomas The People of the Territory of Utah, to 9,1 Gam Clear Jake Smith and Rosa Smith, greeting : 4,10pm 7.30 am Ar J Mil- - Lv 6.05 pm and are You 8,10 am Lv) ford f Ar 5.45 pin appear hereby summoned tobe before me, the undersigned, at my office in 10,00 pm am Frisco. . 4.30 CountiV-UtaGAZETTE SALOON, Juab Precinct, Arrive Nephi Territory, Leave J. W. Hartley, propr. to answer a complaint filed against you herein Trains souh of Juab run daily except St W 3VL McCUNE, by said plaintiff within five days (exclusive of days the day of service) if this summons is served Two through trains daily from Salfr Bakery and Confectionary, on you within said Nephi Precinct; within ten Lake to all points East. McNALLY & LUNT, on if of served outside said Nephi you days Pullman Palace Sleepers f r m Sal Through Druggists. if served Lake to Precinet, and within twenty days without ohang Chicago COOPER, PYPER & CO, elsewhere. Improved Tourist Sleepers. Dealers in Hardware, Tinners and Plumb-- . Said action is brought to recover from you Free Reclining Chair cars. ersthe sum of $125.25, alleged to be due Plaintiff day coaches. Elegant from sold and for merchandise delivered you EAGLE GOLDEN SALOON, The only line opepatfug diwrngr oar rvi-e- . City, Juab Co. BJackettBros. Proprs. Dealers In Wines, to you at your ofrequest, at Nephithe The shortest Ed fastest line to all poii tfc 12th day of and Territory Utah, between Liquors etc. east. 1894 D. A. 21st of and the day March September M. P. KONG, E. D. WIOKINS, Ak'ent, Nephi. A. D. 1895. Cabinet and Coffin Maker. And you are hereby notified that if you fail D, E. Burley, Gen'l Agt. Passgr. Dept.,-CitOSTLER & ALLEN, to so appear and answer as above required, the Ticket Office, 201 Main Salt Lake Manufacturers of Harness and Saddles Plaintiff will take judgment against for E. L. Lorna. Gen'l Passgr. and St., you Ticket Agt. and dealers in all kinds of horse furnishing $125.25 and cost of suit- E. Dickinson. Gen'lMntrr.. Om.ili S. H.H.Clark. goods. To the Sheriff, Marshal or any Constable of Oliver W, aCiak, said county, greeting ; Make legal service apd T. B. FOOTE, due return hereon. Dealer in Groceries and Provisions. E, Ellery Andei sou, Given under my hand this 10th day of John W. Doane, A. V. HAGUE, Frederick R. Couden July, A. D. 1895. Butcher. 3.10 ni 2.00 am pm 3.10 am fe-- Black-smithin- g. ( h Goshen Accident. A 24th accident occurred in Goshen on Wednesday. The little eight year old son of George Hoyt while playing with picked up a giant oap and and touched It off. put it in a The result was the loss of a thumb and A fire-cracke- rs, fire-orack- ar portions of three fingers. The other hand and his face were somewhat lascer-ateThe little chap was put on the train and taken to Payson for treatment. d. ': , Trustee's Sale Notice. To Die Easy. Go to Hyde and Whitmore's and package of the German Household which colors silk, wool or cotton less labor, time or trouble than any Dye. Sugar, $5,85 per sack. Nephi An Ordinance get a Dyes with other Co-o- p. Regulating the ing of Bicycles in Nephi Rid- Git'y. - L , W. M. STOUT, Repairer of Boots and Shoes. CHAS. FOOTE & SONS Receiver. Willlam StoiW, Justice of the Peace. 5- -9 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. Dealers In General Merchandise. NEPHI COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITUTION. T. H. G. Parkes, Supt. W- - H, PETTEGREW, . and dealerj in Harness, Manufactur tf Saddles, and Sheep-Men'- s supplies. JNO. S- - PAINTER, Dealer in General and green Groceries. 'ii ' III III II n limn gliimi wmjn rr tt-- WHEREAS Silas L. Jackson and Harriet E. his wife, executed and delivered to Jackson, L. H. Hoie. Trustee, their certain trust deed, bearing date the first day of Fenruary, A. X). 1890, to secure the payment to John H. Miller, of a certain first mortgage bond or note, executed by said &ilas L. Jackson and Harriet E, Jackson, as makers thereof, for tre snm CLOTHING BROTHERS CO, ORD of Five hundred and Fifty, Dollars, and Gent's Dealers in Clothingr and furnishings there on at the rate of eight per cent OSTLER & OCKEY, per annum, Untill. maturity, and which Siid bond or note draws interest at the rate of Butchers. twelve per cent per annum after due. Said H. H. HAWKINS, bond or note was payable on the first day of THE Boarding house and Restaurant. 1895, Said trust deed was recorded February, J. M. C. OSTLER, office of Juab County, Utah-iin Recorder's the Boot and Shoe maker. Book No. 12 of Mortgages, on page 492. of the records of said fflce.and given upon the follow H. THILL & COMPANY, Merchant Tailors. ing described premises, situated in the County of Juab and Territary of Utah, towit: Cot FRANCIS SELLS, Four (4) block Four (4) Plat "C" Nephi City RAILWAYI Furniture and undertaking. of building Lots, Situated in Section Survey BIRCHALL& OSTLER, Four (4) lownship Thirteen (13) South of Clothing dealers. East of Salt Lake Meridian, Range one (1) . NEBO SALT MANUFACTURING CO. acres, together with containing one and A. Cazier, Supt. any and all water right owned by said Jackson snd wife, or either of them, or belonging to or EXCELSIOR MERCANTILE CO., or used upon said premises or any part James with Dealers in General Merchandise. th reof , and ,W. Paxman, Supt. WHEREAS It is provided in said trust deed GAGE & EDGHEILL, other things, that in case of the breach among . City Liquor Store. of any of the covenants therein contained to be kept and performed by the said Silas L. PEXTON & CHASE, Jackson and Harriet E.Jackson, or the failure Blacksmithing. GhMcs of Thr6e Distinct Routes, to pay said, bond or note when due, then said KNOWLES & WEBB, Trustee shall sell and dispose of said premises, Wheel Wrights. AKD THB or any part thereof, and all the right, title, HYDE & WHITMORE, of redemption of the said and benefit equity General Merchandise. Silas L. Jackson and Harriet B. Jackson,, ftlOST UAGNiFIGENT RAILROAD SCENERt their heirs and assigns therein, either in mass GEORGE HARDY, or in separate parcels as the holder or holders Boot and shoe Maker. IK THE WOUU1. of said note may prefer, at public auction, at THOS. BELLISTON, of said. in door house court the the front Juab, Agt. Mt. Pleasant Marble Works. as may be speciCounty, or on said premises, Two Fast Express Trains Dafly fied in the notice of such sale,, for the best price the same will bring in highest and first: cash, after giving thirty days' previous XiSL WAT BKTWEKS notice of such sale, by publication in any Legal Notice. newspaper at that time published in the said OGDEN, SALT LAKE AND DENVER. County of Juab, and Utah, Territory of said Siiak L. Jackson and WHEREAS County of Juab. Harriet Ew Jackson have both :and "each in fof and Juab Court the Probate County made default in the payment of said bond i In In the matter of the estatei of DrusiLLa Nor- oi note and. of part ol the interest thereon, aGAHT RECLtHIIIG CHAIR CARS! In-tere- st . Sec. I. Be it ordained by the City Council of Nephi City, that it .shall be unlawful for any person to ride a bicycle at a greater rate of speed than eight miles an hour, upon any of the sidewalks within the limits of Nephi City, and when passing or attempting to pass any person tha speed shall be reduced so as not to exceed four miles an hour. Sec. II. Every person owning or riding a bicycle in Nephi City, shall provide the same with; a bell and upon passing or attempting to pass any pedestrian, shall ring the bell at a distance not less than thirty feet from the said pedestrian. Sec. III. Every person riding a bicycle upon any of the sidewalks in the night time shall have a lighted lamp placed upon the bicycle in such a position that it can be seen from the front. Sec. 1 V. jAuy person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be liable to a fine in any sum not exceeding five dollars., for each offense, or to imprisonment in the city jail, not exceeding five days, or to both fine and imprisonment. . Passed inly 5th, A. D. 1895. ' 4 ' Attest; B. i. Clayton Mayor ot Nephi City. G. W. McCriNE, Recorder of Nephi City. Territory of Utah, uounty oi Juab, ss Nephi City I, G. Wi McCune, Recorder in and for Nephi; City, Territory ' of Utah, do hereby certify that v ; the above and foregoing is a lull true and correct copy of aa ordinance, entitled . An Ordinance Eegulating the Eid- -' 6EAl4 ' . ing of Bicycles in Nephi City" passed by the City Council of Nephi City, July 5th, 1S95, as I appears of record in my office. In witness whereof I have hejeuhto set- - my hand and jaffixed the corporate seal ot said City this, the 5th day Ol , ... ! " i ; , ' : - 'July, 1835. ,G. , W. McCUNB. City Recorder n StandardGauga . THROUGH THE,. 60 1CICY MOUNTAINS! . - , 1 and'; - WHEEEAS It ts also! provided in said trus deed that in case of the absence from- said-j.ua-County ot the said Hole, that then James-H- Direct Canneifiows made in Union Depots. Bacons of. Salt Lake City,. Utah, shall be and is by said trust deed appointed and made HOST raOKOrjQHLT EQUIPPBDi RAILVAf successor to said Helev' with like- powers and I IN TEE WEST. aatherity, andsiaM. premise shalt .thereupon, become .vested, in said, successor iw trust, for in said trust dee h DVC. DODX5E,; the uses And purposes ; H..BABCOCK, v mentioned,. and. l , tJeneral Mangaer.; t Traffic Manager. ' WHERE AS said from said F.A. WAOLEIGH , to and Gen'l. unable Pass. Agent. Juaa ebunty, act in the J premises, NOW THEREFORE PUBLIC NOTtCE IS HEREBY G&VEK That I, James H. Bacon, Successor in Trust, as aforesaid. Will on 15th day of AugustijD. 1895, THUasDAYthe at 12 o'clock noon of said the front door day,at in Nephi in said Court House of Juab- Gounty,TJtahv sell at .public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash,, said premises and water rights here im before wiih all the right,; described, . benefit an4 equity of redemption of the- -title, said' Silas L. Jackson and"- Harriet K. J&cltson, QiJod'SampIb Qdoms tot CdmmercialTrav-elersthet- heirs and assigns- therein fore er.'and! iJAtJftst air iTainSk irree vp- jaiiuw. wiitmakei: execute,, acknowledge and deliver "Mo. w ana iroca to the purchaser or purchasers at said: sale, the station.. good and sufficient deed or deeda; :canyy ance fowthe premises sold. Dated ;this 8th. day of July, A. Di.1805; James H,.U&aon, excellent ULGGLDSBROUGIT ; Successor ijaXruiJ'vas,a,f-3re8id11.!. 2: y. ton, deceased. Order to show cause why order of sale of real and personal property should not be made. It appearing to'this Court, by the petition filed on the 10th, day of July A. D. 1895 fey Zenoer Whittaker, the administrator of the estate of Drusilla Norton, deceased, that it is sceeessafy to sell all the person! property and a portlkm the of. the real. estate of saidi estate .and the' expenses and? depts ofof decedant ..,.,. . administratioa. . charges by this Court that all It is therefore ordered In the estate of 'saut deceasepersons interested - the Probate Couar 6tt Mond," appeal "before-of A. D." 15V ;at 9th, day Asigust day the of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the Court room of said Court at the Court house to Nephi Juabv Territory of Utah, City, County of an order should aot be grancause why ted to said administrator to sell so- - much of the real and personal property as shall be necesscopy of this order be published, ary, an that a weeks in The Blajjk. a. weekly four successive newspaper . printed! and published in v..Juabt County-; Date July 17th 1895. FBJDERICK. W. CHikTrTrLtr 9&A.I.J &-Probate Judgo - b - , to-pa- y -- " Hole-iaosen- -- 4- the-hou- r MEPHI HOUSE to-sho- ! - ' '.,'. - to-geth- er - i i Call lor a few gallons molassa. Nenhl the-CtHint- y Co-o- p, oi our - . j J W- - Jirld" AlU-e- h s. |