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Show THE BLADE. SCIENCE UP TO DATE. Published Every Saturday at NOTES PROGRESS MANY LANDS. OF UTAH. NEPHI, FROM A Wonderful The Xautlcal Bicycle y Clock An Electric Mail Car Cars Carriage Without Horses Two-Stor- Delegate to Prank J. Gannon. Confess TERRITORIAL OFFICERS.W. West, ..... Caleb Governor. . . . n. C. Richards. .VJT-- .S. Secretary. A. Merrltt. Chief Justice. . Geo. isarxcu. Wm. H. King. Associate Justices.. 8. W. Smith. ..J. W. Judd. Attorney Prosecuting -- .Nat. M. Brigham. U. 8. Marshal. . . Bryon Groo. Registrar Land Omc iiarna. ...FranK Keceiver uauu T. B. Lewis. rvv, s Commissioner ofYSchool , COMMISSION. TTTATT JUAB COUNTY DIRECTORY. rea vv. ounppcii Prnhote .TriM Charles Foote Hugo Deprezln Selectmen A. Li. Jackman .J. T. Sullivan Sheriff . .D. W. Cazler Aaaaanr and Collector Clerk and Recorder William Burton, Thomas Winn . Edward Pike Hanford William Ockey Bastlce John Foote Attrnpv T. Surveyor'. Treasurer Coroner Supt. Schools MILLARD BOUNTY DIRECTORY. Joshua Greenwood Andreas Peterson. I John Styler. iJames Gardner. . ..O. O. Holbrook. Probate Judge Selectmen . Sheriff... . . Assessor ... .. . .. .Alma Greenwood. A. A. Collector .Thos. O. Hinckley Calllster. Clerk and Recorder . .. .. .Jno. M. Hanson. Attorney . . . . Wlllard Rogers. Purveyor. Treasurer...- - . . . Joseph D. Smith Coroner. Teeplea. ..Sidney D. O. CaHlster Supt Schools .... A popular subscription of flva cents contributed by every person who sympathizes with Laidlaw in his effort to wring that $40,000 out of Russell Sage would enable him to keep up his legal fight and eventually win. to be And now there Is trouble at Superior, Wis. Only a few weeks ago Rev. O. S. Starkweather, an Episcopal clergyman, was elected mayor of that city, and much in the way of reform was quite naturally expected of him. But now it la claimed that the mayor has granted the saloon keepers and gamblers certain concessions that are not in accord with the views of people who do cot even claim to be reformers. A full investigation is to follow. In England an oak sprang up and grew through the hole of a millstone. It filled the opening and lifted it with its growth. The question was, will the itont kill the tree, or will the tree burst the stone? Finally, with a noise like that of a gun, the stone was shattered and some of the pieces were thrown outward many feet. An acorn is more than a match for a millstone, and a mustard seed can move a mountain. Faith is a vital force. "This Is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." Public cycles propelled by two men two and capable of accommodating passengers are reported to be traversing the streets of London. Should this getting about become widespread and popular, the question arises, What will the poor passenger do in case of an overcharge? He usually has some difficulty in getting off with both purse and life when toted about by one mode of man and a horse; he will doubtless walk rather than cope with two men. Governor Matthews of Indiana is having a hard fight with the gamblers who run the race track at Roby. They have for the time being beaten him in his efforts to close the track by securing an Injunction, but he declares that he will have all the pool sellers arrested for gambling. Matthews is a hard fighter and he will win In the end. The Roby race track, which is near the Illito Innois line, has been an eye-Bo- re diana for some time and until recently the governor has made the pace hot for them, but the owners of the track hare secured an injunction from a judge, and acting upon this will seeklo carry on their unlawful business. There Is no doubt that Governor Matthews has the sentiment of the state with him, and he will never let. go until he has fought the Roby gamblers to a finish. BA- - The exact figures were recently given by the Philadelphia the latest amateur Ledger. to try his hand at Four or five cutlets can be fried by a nautiinventing employing the equivalent of five lamps cal bicycle. He has for twelve minutes. This includes the perfected a machine time required for heating the pan. for use upon lakes When the electric oven Is used, the and rivers with equivalent of eighteen lamps will raise which he has been the temperature f pqjn 53 .degrees Fahenabled to make renheit to 120 degrees in five minutes, about six miles per to 256 degrees in ten minutes, to 356 hour. This machine degrees in fifteei minutes, and to 437 Is composed of two cases of steel, which degrees In twenty minutes. At this serve as floats, and are connected by rate, electrical cooking is still more excross-bar- s. Near the'stecn, in the space pensive than ordinary methods. Neverbetween the two cases, is a paddle theless, its use is daily increasing. Its wheel, operated by pedals something great advantage is perfect cleanliness. like a bicycle. The machine weighs The electrical kitchen hardly seems to about one hundred pounds. It is steered be a kitchen at all. There is no heat by a small rudder at the stern and has from the fires, no smoke, and no dirty been tried successfully by its inventor, utensils. As soon as the "current" can passing over the water quickly and be sold at a figure which will command its use for kitchen purposes it will beeasily. come universal. One Afore Insatiate. y Science is an exacting taskmaster, Cars of Paris. and he who serves must be ever ready There are no trolley or cable cars in to give up time, talents, hope, ambition, Paris. The storage electric cars even life Itself at the beck and call of seem to have been battery made a success the tyrant. The search for the North here. They are much' larger than Pole has cost many lives and more those which were for a time in operatreasure, and yet there is no lack of tion on the Madison and Fourth avenue enthusiasts who are ready to take up the work where the last victim had laid it down. The latest idea is to explore this region by means of a balloon, which seems quite the most visionary and hopeless of all of the many fruitless efforts that have been made In that direction. The effect of intense cold on .the gas in the balloon, the possibilities of blinding- storms, the impossibility of getting out of trouble In case of accident, and the certainty that no rescuing hand could reach the party as no one would know where to find them, should all be considered It may be among the line In New York, being literally two stories high. The outside seats are possibilities of science to store gas un- roofed and are protected at the ends by der pressure and at such a low temperature that an amount could be pro- glass screens. The approach of a car vided sufficient to bridge over almost or omnibus Is not heralded by gongs, any emergency that might arise; but as It is in America. Each of the big,a in tasks of this kind there Is so much lumbering vehicles is provided with to be looked out for and guarded against horn, which the driver can sound by a rubber bulb. These toot and that only a temperament of the moat pressing toot and toot, wherever one may go. elastic and daring description would Ex. think of going Into it. The history of explorations is punctuated with horrors A Wonderful Clock. and tragedies and fringed with the bones of martyrs to science. This, One of the most extraordinary meno to is bar chanical future wonders of the world is dehowever, Investigations, and there is not the slightest scribed by the New Orleans Picayune. difficulty in filling up the ranks when It is a clock built by a Russian Pole the order comes to go forward. named Qoldfadon. He was at work upon it two thousand days. The clock A Purifying Article. represents a railway station, with all The following communication from of its appointments and details careM. Girard of Paris, on the most efffully carried out. On the central tower icacious way to purify water, will be is a dial which shows the time at New and Pekin. interesting to every person who would York, London, ofWarsaw an hour the station like to Indulge in what is at times a Every quarter most dangerous beverage. According begins to bustle, telegraph operators to this account, a most efficient sterilis- click their machines, the statlonmaster ing process has been discovered. "The and his assistants appear, porters buswater is first treated with permangan tle about luggage, and a miniature train ate of calcium, and then filtered through dashes out of a tunnel on one side of It appears the platform. All the routine of a railperoxide of manganese. that the calcium permanganate a salt way station Is gone through, after easily manufactured is, In the presence which the train disappears into another of organic matter acid tunnel, to reappear at the next quarter decomposed into oxygen, manganese of an hour. oxide and lime, and the organic matter and the bacteria are thus destroyed. An Electric Mall Car. But in order to further Increase this It is stated that an inventive genius oxidizing power and at the same time Of Ionia, Mich., has invented an electric destroy the excess of calcium perman- mail car capable of attaining a speed of ganate added to the water, this latter is two hundred miles an hour. It will filtered through a layer of manganese make the distance from New York to peroxide. The filtered water is perChicago in five hours, instead of the now required for the fastfectly limpid, and is entirely free from twenty-thre- e and other est is said that he has at It pathogenic trains. and from organic matter. The sim- last succeeded,, and will shortly give a plicity of the process tells greatly In fts public exhibition of his device. His car favor. Is made entirely of steel, and weighs some forty tons. It is thirty-thre- e feet Carriages Without Horses. long, and is operated toy an electric How far is it necessary, economical, or motor Independent of the automatic arconvenient to continue In our great rangement for handling Use malls. It towns the use of horse-powfor street is run over an elevatedy track about a is Here must eighteen feet above thej ground, and which traffic? question be faced sooner or later, and the sooner made of steel. The apparatus will rethe better. The only wonder is that ceive and deliver mall most people seem quite content to go on with no loss of speed, and automatically each car can with a method of propulsion for car- take care of thirty-fou- r stations. riages, carts, omnibuses, etc., which to any scientifically minded person is simOnyx and Petrified Wood. ply barbarous! That may sound rather Probably every visitor to the Columstrong, but it would be quite easy to bian Exhibition spent some time in adshow that the use of the horse for such miring the beautiful specimens of onyx and petrified wood shown on that RAMON ON j against all comers. v . j The pew woman at Bryn Mawr College is responsible for the latest and 1st! joke about the Delaware peach ; - crop, Mawr, in Delaware, they say at Bryn the people eat what peaches they can and can. what peaches they can't. The new woman who Is capable of fciad of thing will make her way. that i. "tall man with a blonde mustache" : 1. going about Central Illinois claim ' L log to be John the Baptist. He is doubtless an Impostor. He doesn't "answer the : authorized description of John the Baptist in any particular. Bute tiers, dhoiee Fresh Meats. a mule A Nebraska tornado struck and blew I it -- thirty rods before discovwas fooling with a danthat it ering gerous animal. without injury. v Confederate dead, realize the misery wad distress his hasty act may bring upon thousands of innocent persons? There is nothing like thoroughness. farmer near Moline, 111., made up his mind one day last week to commit suicide. He shot himself four times in the head, cut his throat with a razor, and tumbled himself into a well. succeeded. Man In which the seats are free to holders H0SMER, COMMERCIAL PASSENGER Salt Lake City, -- P. M. self-movi- ng 1 r Coal-T- . ur products a j f. 1 i . ' . j ; Ticket Agent, HAMESS, jpjUMXJ ILU SSJSeMIMi Supplies. Mill Work a Specialty. BROTHERS' - 1 HlJimi SADDLES AND II J UHI, HOPPLES, iYXill UTAH. f Utah. a. . j Erery t&lng RESPECTABLE. a. vtewlnc Wall of THE pUBEST WATER ON EARTH. Ca tt Premises, This Water la a QUAH ANTEED CUIUS for ftS .IOLIIMUM11BIJW.IIMJIJH.IU J.JUU1 IS BRIDLES, 1 1 Horse Furnishing' Goods Sheep Men's . IM NOSE SACKS, ETC. We also carry a full line of CStr and eoonty Newspapers from all paHs ' t Builders' Dealers in and Manufacturers of IM. da-whsr- SOLICITED. OSTLER & ALLEN, DESERET HOUSE. Detroit and Along the U. P. Railway NEPHI CITY, 1 Ore specimens from o TRADE Grace BrotterB, - SUPT. for HIMIQ SOUTHERN Plaining N. S. BISHOP, Mprters Fruit and Vegetables Manufacturers of and Dealers in Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Mixed Paints, Coal, Hardware, Coffins, Caskets, Pickets, Combination Wire Fence, etc. Special attention given to mail orders and the Southern Trade. By ordering from us you save the freight from Salt I&ke City to this point. trial. I jf 'vv' CHEESE. Beeret is noted for the fine qualit: of its jMilk, Butter and Cheese. Grr o FRESH Lumber Yard HAS FOR BALE ; Extras. a Van Pelt Isn't day rather high Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder for a hotel in the mountains? Landlord But, my dear sir, you T tlmlsli on Application. should think of the scenery. MRS. J. J GIBBS, Prop. V,an Pelt--Ho- w much; do you chare. . far that? ; . UTAH. DESERET, ;'- & GRACE THE DESERET DAIRY CO, j ' a Specialty Land and Irrlgatioi i Asbestos Clothes for' Firemen. At a meeting of the National Associa- " DE3EHET. Engineer for Ontrl Clerfr ipVe Land ard Irrigation Co Fillmore Lam i d Irrigation Co. and Whit Mountain Lai.u ind Irrigation Co. Office: Court House, Fillmose, Utah Dyes, tion of Fire Engineers at Montreal last summer asbestos clothing as a protection for firemen was advocated, and Its utility demonstrated by a practical the company test, A representative that is exploiting the idea entered a pre-- j burning frame building specially there! the test; and remained pared Sotminutes. He also showed the several value of asbestos rope for life saving. spot cash. Land and Irrigation Work established in this country. The" business flourished until the tariff act abolished the specific duty, and took away the profits, then half of the factories went out of the business. Others kept along as best they could, but were unable to compete with foreign labor. In 1874 Germany produced $6,000 worth aniline, 1878 18,000, and in 1882 $72,500 worth of dye. This is only one of the many products of coal tar, which is, indeed, a most remarkable substance. j STORE. It. E. L. COLLIEK, O. E. Engineering in all its Branches. and 1883 nine facto In the years ries for making dye from coal tar were 1882 Utah, OR- Complete Line at bottom prices for FULL CREAM Will promptly i St. Louis, Mo. JIIO. DEVSI1UP, r.lCR. wainscotings in handsome dwellings. It is said by an expert that in Utah are the finest onyx fields In the known world, and that the largest slabs ever cut out have been taken from quaries in that State. Petrified wood is being used in manufactures of various mantels, brackets, and similar pieces are brought out and used with excellent effect. Value of - nt, NEPHI, fill all orders for H. C. TOWNSEND, AT THE . BANKING GENERAL AGEHT. AHD PRODUCE Co., - MRS. M. A. GADD, Room 21 Morlan Block, GENERAL MERCHANDISE occasion. Of late there have been some exceedingly fine slabs of this material worked out and used S50.00O S37.60O - J. H. Ebicksok, Geo. C. Whitmorb, President. W. W. Abmstbowo, Cashier. FREIGHT AND Surgeon, Main Street, UTAH. Vice-Preside- General Passenger Ext UTAH. In All Its Branches. Call on or address UTAH Goods - CAPITAL SURPLUS of regular train tickets. Office, at the Goldsbrough Hotel. never-to-be-forgott- en j Chair Gars S. V. DARRAH, DESERET CASH - NEPHI, modern Equipment and NEPHI. NEPHI & LUNT, The Fi rst Nat ional Ir.mk route To the 'Great Kivers and Atlantic Oeean. Elegant and thoroughly Reclining SOLICITED. TRADE M'NALLY li Frorq Utetlr All kinds of shoes made to order. Workmanship second to none. First door south of Tabernacle, Cut. Carefully compounded. Mall or express orders promptly attened to. Large Stack at Salt Lake prices. SOUTHERII And positively the quickest BOOTS AND SHOES. . ar Pacffi No tiresome layovers. Close connections in union depots, Manufacturer and Repairer of Up-to-da- te PRESCRIPTIONS NEPHI, J. M. .0. OSTLER, 2 to 4 ... Hair And an DRUGGIST'S, RAILWAY. street-cleanin- Hours, A Painless Shave VIA The chances are that Cincinnati will Physician and is the place in which to get Be sure and ask for a ticket that reads He be the cleanest city of the Union. The g women have organized "a brigade' A woman knows how a broem should be used. C. S. It ST: LOUIS, MoNALLY & LDNT, OR The New York Mercury wants Chicago "to stop blowing about having 25,000 more children in school than New York until New York builds tchoolhouses for 50,000 children who cannot now he accommodated, and asks: "But the Chicago Inter-Ocea- n will New Yoric duiiq tne school- houses?" MAIN STREET, " . A perfect fit guaranteed. Repairing in all ita branches. Special attention called to his new style. Universal feed sewing machine does all its work inside of the shoe. Two doors north of Union, Main St., Neph KANSAS CITY, A LlcCune, Proprietor. QEOEGE HAREYY Boot and Sitae Maker. If yon are going to Does Mr. Brockway of Ydungstown, O., who has vowed never to deal with Chicago merchants again on account of the erection of that monument to the er purposes is very expensive, inconvenient, unsanitary, noisy; that it blocks up our streets unnecessarily, and causes the pavements to wear away must faster than they need, and, last, but not least, that - it is cruel. It is humiliating to think- that in a matter of this sort we, who invented the steam instead of once engine and the railway, are the more taking lead, being left far a behind by France, says writer in the Last London; Westminster Budget. Le Petit paper, year that enterprising Journal; in order to find out which was road the best of the various vehicles, held a competition. Roughly speaking, about fifty vehicles of the 102 entered took part in the trials. Various routes were taken from Paris . to miles distant, and places about thirty the whole thing was carefully planned out, the greatest interest being shown In the affair by the public.' One firm entered six separate vehicles this Is Messrs. Les Fils de Peugot Freres, of (Doubs), who have also a Valentlgney de la Grand Armie, 22 Avenue at depot All their vehicles are fitted jn- parts. motor, rewith the .Dalmler-Gazolln- e into England, and cently 'introducedinto several launches fitted now being on Thames. the construction In course of carof propelling They are acapable of from about nine speed riages at miles an hour on a good level to eleven or three miles on mad, and aboutIn two twelve to one In ten. Inclines of one The wheels are of the cycle type, with naauBQAtiG tirea. and the controlling lev ri. ii sideration. ms In Barber Shop, OSTLER & OCKEY, I THE LITTLE CHICAGO ALSO- The Richmond Times encourages the idea of a change of name for New York. It says the city is getting bad enough NEPHI CITY, UTAH. to need another alias. This view of the matter is entitled to respectful con- Free delivery to any part of the city. I Your patronage solicited, VEAL Butter, Lard, Sausage Both luckily escaped and Bologna. PORK llllj that sex. of electric cooking. s, micro-organis- Mutton, Veal, Chipped Beef j; - micro-organism- Wholesale and Retail season occurred at Marcellus, iMich., and Fred; Pate, of Battle Creek, was the victim. ) a. v. hague, OSTLER & 00KEY, The first fatal parachute drop of the Two-Stor- by a man who , The downfall of the whisky trust is causing much joy all over the land. May all the others go the same way. ' That "Quick Marry" club at the UniIt versity of Michigan was organized by BEEF young men, but it does not follow that Cost of Electrical Cooking. Inquiry Is often made as to the cost the idea originated with members of MUTTON Electrical Cooking:. The postmaster of Radford, a little town in Virginia, complaihs that "hia money order trade has been busted" has opened a' "Bee Hive" store in town, and advertises liberally. People who formerly bought money orders to send to the Philadelphia and New York department stores now patronize the home store. If, the owners of small stores in Illinois will be as enterprising in the way of advertising as is the "Bee Hive" man' of Radford, they will not need legislative enactments to enable them to keep in business. Of course, the big stores have many advantages, but the greatest advantage they have Is the possession of sufficient nerve to advertise liberally and suimcient hustle to keep pace with their ads. A little hustle and the liberal use of printers' ink in the country districts will enable the country and mall iowa merchant to hold his own er Is In front. The Daimler motor is underneath at the back and drives on the hind axle. The framework consists of steel tubes, and serves; as a reservoir for the cold water used for cooling the cylinders. The price of an electric Victoria for four persons complete is 268. The above facts are taken from two long and carefully written reports by the special commissioner of the Engineer. and Cowboys' Outfits. WE GUARANTEE SsitiBfeictioii l |