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Show TEE BLADE. Mormon leaders, denounced them with- THE AT out stint, and in the most bitter and CHILDREN' completely awaken the earnest enthu.-bias-T. of the people as that of John KINDLY. m "LITTLE Trustee's Sale Notice. NEPHI HOUSE Whereas, Edwin Goble and Mary Joll.,i,jO Caine. His ripe age, and long residence in Utah are suggestions of soljdity of character. He is not an offensive par- Good Sample Rooms for CommercIalTrav- elers. tisan, but is kindly and conservative. Hack Meets all Trains, Free to Patron has service His long public abundantly to and from the station, quallified him for the duties of that position. His love of Utah is II, GOLDS BRO UGH, known; his houesty and integrity are Proprietor. unquestioned even by his political opponents. When it comes to a question of "claim THE for recognition," Le is without a rival CfonrInii1 lonrf in Utah. Let us go back in history to N W ESTER t of the when a time the liberties people of Utah hung upon a thread; when the RAILWAY! very heavens seemed brass; when the prayers that daily ascended seemed to o THROUGH return unanswered, and when the cloud that enveloped the people 4was so dense that not a ray of light penetrated the gloom, the voice of John T. ROCKY MOUNTAIM Caine was heard in the halls of Con gress in on e of the most eloquent ap Choice of Three Distinct Routes, peals that ever rang out for 'liberty. all those trying years John AND THB Through T. Caine stood forth as the champion of MOST MAGNIFICENT RAILROAD SCEKER! Utah, the unwavering- friend of her IS THE WORLD. people. His was the missiorf'to protect while others that now desire to become Two Fast Express Trains Pail? governors were seeking to destroy. The Blade has faith in the memories and EACH WAY BETWEEN gratitude of the people of Utah. If John T. Caine becomes a candidate for OGDEN, SALT LAKE AND DENVER. Governor, he will be elected. wife, of the County of Juab. Territory of trjali of trtist dated oi l ,' did, by their certain deedrecorded A D, 1889, and October 7t,!i berlst, A. D. 1?89, in book JvTo.- 12, page No. 4Ifl the records in the office of the Record.' of deeds of .said Jnab County, convey to liam W. Pet. Trustee, the. following deWrUw. scathing terms for their alleged partisanOne of tke strongest evidences that uiatters. ii ... . 'eryear political the human family is making headway ' $2.00 ism and interference rehave (Payable in advance). the We have faith that people along the great highway of civilization, real estate situated in Juab County, Utah Ter. F. Gl BBS, turned, or at least are returning, to their is found in the improved methods of to' wit: Editor. ritory, '.'.;..' e -of the fouth-tessense; that the intoxication caring for and governing the little The north-eas- t quarter of the an"d half north the the quarter, of Section progress caused by unwonted draughts of political folks. Notwithstanding has been made at the Nephi eight 8, and the of quarter of iJPaiort Bouth-wethat in r respect, is the will Section world the quarter transmission and as that making the mails off, is they wearing through econd-clas- s wine, twelve (12), South of in all nine mail matter. (9), Township stUl is us there observation teaches Lake Meridian;'' range pne,(l) east of the Saltmade sustain an impartial and in trust tit wb,s which said conveyance reform. room for great Lombard of secure to the the order SATURDAY MOttN., AUG. 2, 1895. paper. the payment of the Raid Edwin ii ' It has been truly said that the laws be not under must it and ble's By Goblo'o, one promissory note of Mary reflex the of a true of any people are even for Jhe principal sum. of date thereof, stood that The Blade will abjure the natures of the men and women that $l.00.X;dne mul Eighteen Hundred Dollars uavable on.the first day of October, A; D. mt Edward II. McCune is Tbe Blade's discussion of govermental principals. Our constitute the nation. Thus, if their with interest thereon from the date thereof at Special agont and solicitor.and is author- faith in the infinite progression and di- laws are the rate of ffix per cent, per annum payttf.ii! cruel and tyrannical, harsh, on the first days of April and ised to make collections arid receipt October of each year as evidenced by interest vine destiny of man is so strong and in- an examination into the natures of therefor. J. F. Gihbs, coupon notes attached to saidAndprincipal we could not, if we would, the governed will demonstrate the of even date therewith. that tense, Publisher Blade, said deed of trust provides that US oruel and are Whereas, that truth and naturally laws they avoid ths discussion of those in the payment of said note- - n of case default v : orwomen thus Men and the trustee shall upon thereof achieveany in tyrannical. the part assist will that principles the of legral holder of said ihdH.j. to will be tyrannical and cruel BLADE AGENTS: ganized In of the above descrilK-,sell and conditions. social edness, dispose of ment improved in the manner In said deed of trnn The Uelruv Is a list or our agents, who will property their living majority offspring. described, after giving thirty days notice of tln J'cCiva Subscriptions and receipt for so doing, the political corns ot both par- under a despotism, will be despotic in and place of sale, by publication m time,terms some ties are liable to be pressed, and occasion- their natures. As payments: published In newspaper printed and advances humanity to which is hereby Juab (reference County, Wm. Chastaln, Ibapah. Tooele Co. some politician may become angry, beyond the iron restraints of despotic made for greater certainty ), for the purpose of ally COL'NTY. MILLAIII) said note together with the costs paying but The Blade columns will be opaa for laws, they become more leuient and and expenses of executing this trust. And Jos(ph A. Lyman, Oak City. made in the paymej t Christian Anderson, Fillmore. Whereas, defattlt wasdue all and any opponents. The Blade has less tyrannical toward their fellow men, on April 1st, A. 1), "Thos. Iemrnott, Scipio. of the interest coupons "O. A. Bates, Holden. 1894 and October 1st, A. D. 1894, and the an earnest advocate of the doc- - and this same feeling of amity and ever been "Chris. Oversow, Le;wuington which was due on October 1st, A. D. IHiil, 'Geo. Crane, Kanosh. trino that the envernment should own kindness will be manifested in the and such defaults still continue, and by reaJames Hatton, Petersburg. son thereof the present legal holder of said' and operate all railroads, telegraph lines, family government. note has requested the undersigned successor Virgil Kelly, Burbank. Wvruia Adams. Meadow. in trust to sell said above described property,' enslaved. can In be a not is prinThat Ignorance, only, etc. , etc. coal mines for the purpsas herein set forth. And of aware is its knows Call it telligence rights, old provides that in of Whereas, said deed of trust or the of either parties. ciple removal from of the death, resignation ease asserts and its it. righteously or whatever you like, strength of the said William W. Poet.; the Socialism, Populism Territory THE LAST TIME. then said third party, or the legal holder of the we stand prepared to defend it and other intelligence is spreading and growing indebtedness thereby secured or any part there, of mass world's the hu great among of, may appoint or substitute any other perAft?r what ha3 been published in The unorthodox social principals against all son to 'act instead of the said trustee, who sbVtl and hand in hand with intelli manity, CHAIR CARS! RECLINING ELEGANT succeed to and become vested with all the $$lade regarding its independent atti- comers. AN OBJECT LESSON. power and authority conferred upon ' gence the Goddess of Liberty is climb rights, Free of said trustee by said deed of trust. And tude in politics, it certainly would seem Charge, Do the people want a paper that will ing upward toward the apex of the Whereas, said William W. Peet has removed .in necessary to again refer to the matter. work for all of them, irrespective ot party, from the Territory of Utah. And The other day, Edward Morris, the of human Liberty. Direct Connections made in Union Depots. mountain Whereas, Frederick P. Papre has by his in4?ut a conversation with a Republican d affai- - that or do they want a of Nephi, came in and THE MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED RAILWA? strument of writing, dated July 2nd, 895. apJust in proportion as the people feel carpet-weave- r undersigned Everett W. ofWilson of pointed the of friend the other day , has induced ua to would lie or shade the truth for its party? the bonds of restraint loosening on said; "I read the last number of The IN THE WEST. the County Salt Lake, Territory Utah, as ot out to trust said the trustee to want and our subscribe for Said carry six provisions resmention the Bl,ade Tigain subject. Without misgivings The Blade will themselves, do they lessen the deed. C. DODGE, D. S. H. BABCOCK, NOTICE IS HEREBY NOW, THEREFORE, friend: "I was recently await their answer. traints and severity of domestic govern months, here is a dollar." Mr. Morris' Aiepubiican General Manpraer. Traffic Manager. W. Wilson, successor intrust.,, Everett I, that object-lessoan be should to F.A. WADLEIGH, example Pass. ment, which includes the little folks. at the request of the leal holder of said note approached for aid to a local partisan paand under and by virtue of the power and auin of matter the in many Nephites The inevitable conclusion reached ; taking HOME MEN AND I have no fault PATP.ONIZE per, and I said 'no in me vested by the terms of said trust thority No. 2586. deed, will on Tuesday the 20th day of August, reliecting on the foregoing truths is, care of their home paper. In addition o find with TheBLADE's course thus far, INSTITUTIONS. A. D. 1895, at the hour of 2 o'clock, in the afterNOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. that those that treat, their children to his lack of wealth, we observed that noon of said day sell the said above described and as long a3 it continues fair and indeLand Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, real estate, and all the right, title and equity and harshly, are ignorant and he is lame; yet such men as he will do, cruelly 25, 1895. f of " June, have will it entire redemption of Edwin Goble and MaryGoble, in store my one pendent support.' As there is but drug in their natures, and that by and are doing all the time, 100 times as brutish Notice is hereby piven that the following his wife, their heirs and assigns therein at pubIt was then urged that The Blade had towu, the Blade cannot be charged some error in tbe law of named .settler has filed notice of his intention lic auction for the highest and best price same much in proportion to their means as to adaptability, make final proof in support of his claim, will bring, at the front door of the County few Wen moved here by the other party with discrimination by saying a . are that city of Nephi, County of and is live that said proof will be made before the Court House, in the many a an in era thousand that they for the purpose of of Utah, Juab, of at Clerk Juab Territory Coimtv, in County Utah, Nephi the of We have no reference here to the Utahon August ti, 1895, viz: JensO. Nielsen H. E. paying said principal note, enterprise. all interest li in advance of their natures. 'meaning the Democrats "andthatas words favor years a of exeand costs the and all as a as thereon, expenses No. N. W. 8789, H Lots for the E. and In and drug Nephi. large as of ooD city the campaign opens, it The In the dark ages the laws appealed large majority business men of Nephi 2, Sec. 19, Tp. H S., R. E. trust. this cuting Dated this 20th day of July,' A. D. 1895. f3LADE He names the following witnesses to prove will go Democratic, in fact, that store is not a luxury, it is a positive only to the physical natures of men, who have responded liberally to a&sisst Everett W. Wilson. calhis coLtinuous residence upon and cultivation necessity, and it would be a public As the program. ' ' and they could not be expected to ap- The Blade in its struggle for solid of, said land, viz Successor in trust aforesaid. to succumb for lack George Larsen, James Christensen, Wm. C. Wh ile we regard all such efforts to ob- amity to permit it peal to anything higher than the phy- ground, and it is believed they would Brown, Soren P. Jensen, all of Levan, Utah. is not Summons. of patronage. There enough sical fear of their offspring in a harsh do more if necessary. There are also BYRON GROO, Register tain subscriptions to a rival paper as be- sickness in (thank the Good Father) many ner found friends that have re exaction of obedience. No. 2635. of Utah, ing inexpressably contemptable, we would Nephi and vicinity to support even one Territory of of The higli3i laws nations today ap- sponded with more substantial en County Juab, bot refer to it but for the fact that such prescription druggist, but there are NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. In the Justice's Court of Nephi Precinct. almost solely to the reason of the couragement than mere wishes for peal Excelsior Mercantile Co., a corporation, plain, Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, Arguments reflect on The Blade's sincer- people who imagine themselves to be governed, and in time, an to rea- The Blade's success. Our remarks 1895. f appeal titf, versus Thomas Smith and Rosa Smith, af, July sick, and very likely some of them are, son will be the supreme law of all na- are for those who are fearful The VOTICE is hereby given that the following defendants. ity. Many of our Juab county subscribsettler has filed notice of his inten- Demand $125.25 upon a book account. ers have been secured under the avowed that instead of seeking the advice of a tions. In the appeal to reason, parents Blade will cease to exist and they tionnamed to make final proof in support of his claim, The Pecle of the Territory of Utah, to Thomas-Smitand that said proof will be made before 'declaration that The Blade will continue reputable physician, they diagnose should recognize the truth that the will lose their subscriptions. Rosa and Smith, greeting: the Clerk of the County Court of Juab Counown cases and then dose them little folks form a their We oth-'e- r to desire no man as in as on at all well to be and appear ty. You are class say here, summoned Utah, Nephi City, Utah, right September very important independent politics hereby 1895, viz: Mark Bisrler, H E. if for with nostrums, selves before the at my oilice m 7th, me, they patent undersigned, a has lost on dollar the suspension of the N. E. '4, See. 2, Tp. 13 S, R VV, Salt Lake Nephi Precinct, Juab County, Utah of the body politic, and that their matters. For the last time, we say to Territ'bi-ywill do that kind of they reason should also be appealed to in the Standard. The Blade takes up Medridian. to answer a complaint riled airatnst you herein all our friends (and we have just as many He names following witnesses to prove by said plaintiff within five days (exclusive m should bear in mind that their druggist their its subscription list and continues it. his continuoustheresidence upon and cultivation the day of service it' this summons is scr government. warm friends among the Republicans as of said land, viz: John Pyper, George on you within said Nephi Precinct; within :' their favorite remedies. In adkeeps to come to The has J Blade In the past, the law merely sai "do stay. Kendall, Robert G. Pyper and John Kendall, days Nephi if served on you outside of said Nep'd In the ranks of the Democrats) this paof scores dition, the druggist keeps all of Utah. and within twenty days if ser.i-iwill live Citv, in time It and become Nephi Precinet, no reason be should prosit it'and gave why BYRON GROO. mper depends for its support on the manelsewhere. useful and ornamental articles for sale done. In Said action is brought to recover from you the proper control of child- perous. Register. hood and womanhood of the people, that, when needed, or wanted, should W. A. C. Bryan, attorney for claimant. the sum Of 25, alleged to tw due Plaintiil The present editor and publisher, in ren it is not enough to say "do it," or sold and delivetv from merchandise for you Vather than on that kind of political par- be purchased of tbe local druggist. to you at your request, at Nephi City, ,lual o. near the or the do You must die, it." may future, not people certainly and Territory of Utah, between the 1211) dav "t Don't think you will be poisoned by "you Legal Notice. tisanship which places party victory over have a reason for the request you make may reject his services, (although it A. D. 1894 and the 21st day of Man September stora. 1895.. D. and the around A. looking entering that of the public good; above a partisan-Haof the child, then take the time to does not look that way) but The Blade And you are notified that if you fail Territory of Utah, is not a lass of business men There to so appear andhereby answer as above required.1 .e deto that stoops lies, trickery and will take a little will live on and its subscribers will not state the ;eason. County of Juab, It will take judgment agaiust you that are more careful, pa'inataking and rnore time to state the reason provid- lose a dollar. The uualitv of The In the Probate Ootirt in and for said County. Plaintilf H 25.25 and cost of suit. ception to accomplish its ends; and It conscientious than are the matter of the estate of James Larson. druggists. To the Sheriff, Marshal or any Const abi Blade will depend entirely on the In the ed the request seems to require one matters not which party is guilty of that Deceased. said county, greeting: Make legal service au.i of hearing' of final account and peti- - due return but in the long r un, the moment or patronage it receives. If good, the Notice hereon. kind of partisanism, it is simply of a and tion for on of distribution While the subject Given under my hand this 10th da drugs a will own. become to t credit the iL two will reason paper the expended stating damnable kind. July, A. D. 1895. is hereby given that the final account medicines, it will be timely to say a be an economy of time, and a saving of If a starveling it will look lean and ofNotice William Stoi:t, Martin esLarsen. the administrator of the We certainly have our preferences as to few words on the claims your local 9 Justice of the Pea' of tate James Larson rendbeen has heart-ache- s and read thin and watery. If ered to said Court for deceased, to innumerable both hungry, yoursettlement, and that a 'political principles, but oar past course physicians have on you when the ser- selves and the little ones. the Tatter, the writer of this will not be petition for final distribution of the estate, has NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. been filed with said account, and that Monday 'as to politics and religion has been that of vices of a doctor are necessary. associated with it. make the Many religious parents the 5th dayof August, A. D. 1895. at 10 o'clock If our readers will examine any of mistake s absolute independence, and it We are more than willing to make of A. M. at the CountyCourt House in Nephi City, WHEREAS Silas L. Jackson and Harriet il of always giving a moral reaJuab , Utah has been County, his wife, executeu and delivered duly Territory of Jackson, the and Lake Salt the H.b.3 division movement many papers, son if they happen to vouchsafe Nephi a ermanant home. Can it be appointed by said C urt as the time and place L. 11. Hoie, by more than their certain trust doc-for the find of will settlement the said account and the tearing date Trustee, great, one. They fail to recognize the fact done? the lirst day of Feoruaty, A. u a score of years. The writer led the first country sheets, they of said hearing to secure the petition, at which time and to John 11. Miller, advertisements of "specialists." that a child's moral nature is in an interested in said estate may of- - a certain lirstpayment place bond or mortgage independent election ever held ia Utah. flaring appear and file exceptions in writing to the executed by said hilas L. Jackson and Ha no'.e. An analysis of their ads. wili show that said account and contest the same Dated Julv E, Jackson, as makers thereof, for tic jtm THE WAY IT IS DONE. It was a losal revolt and only lacked 14 embryonic state and cannot be reached siii.i 15, 1895. Wlt.l.tAM P.I1ITAV one to cue of Five hundred and Fifty, Dollars, and disease, by such expressions as "God will be only they propose Votes of winning. That affair has Probate Clerk. there on at the rate of eight per ecu! but that all other ailments spring from annum, untiil maturity, and which s ml per been a source of regret, not because that one, and that they can cure that angry with you," or that "God will The U. S. Government is 119 years bond or note draws interest at the rate o you for wrong doing." While old. twelve per cent per annum after due. Sa, Notice. is not under the sun There Legal lt was a wrong act to be independent, but one affliction for a certaim sum per punish bond or note was payaoie 01 the first, day o: it is well to inculcate respect for those another of In such the a of matter as the February, 1895, Said trust deed was recot i.i we of man. country well estate are and look on D. back then you magnificent the event, month, because, Benjamin in the Recorder's office of Juab County. Ut ,u laws, it should be understood resources. higher deceased. Thomas, in Book No. 12 of Mortgages, on page 492. of t!: V"3 no V7 realize that t.ha mrMir Yet, the political jugglery Notice of sale of to a a Those sharpers will select some catchy that are too abstract, too vague Mining property. they of said office, and given upon the follow records called made has it for a laws, further and possible Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of ing described premises, situated in the Conn "wrong. We have always been In a state names for their institutes as to warraut their sole the an order of sale made and entered by the pro- of Juab and Territary of Utah, towit: to Lot the and means of afflicted strong prey weak, upon the apby entrapping 3f mental revolt agjainst restraints that use in the government of a young bate court of Juab County, Utah Territory,' on Four (4) hlock Four (4) flat "C" Nephi C;:.v mil20th to the of 1895, place six billions, nineteen July D. in the matter of the Survey of building Dots, Situated in Sectiou pealing to sacred things or names. In child. The law of cause and conse$mack of the delusiveness of the 'you estate ofday Benjamin Thomas, deceased the xi'our (4) iownship Thirteen (13) South ot six "We lions, hundred and 99 100 seventy-ninof out times frauds, quence ean be more effectively invoked, administrator of said estate will Range one (1) East of Salt Lake Meridiim, they Undersigned clubs of and don't care a cent whether their sell at public auction subject to confirmation 60 acres, together it one and nine eighty-fivhundred and thousands, said Court, the following mining properties containing be in will and by water and all owned by said Jackson addition, any they learning ot right ot partisan politics religion. We have misled patients are, err are not cured useful lessons which will be dollars' worth of mortgages on the and stocks, to wit: pn(3 wife, or either of them, or belonging to or reAn undivided long interest in the Dove with or used upon said premises or any pan 'never yet asked a favor of any party nor so homes of the people of the. United mine, as the same is recorded long as they get the cash. and described in and membered. from Teach them their the records of the mining recorder of Tintic thereof, WHEREAS It is provided in said trust deed .do we expect any. The Blade is for the That such piratical concerns can ex- early youth that certain effects will States. Fifty two per cent, of the mining district, Juab County. Utah. .n undi amng other things, tha t in case of the breach vided are or farms leased America interest in the Pelican rented. IpeoplfV their fights and liberties as ist and grow fat,is a wretched commen- follow covenants therein the as Jpfanyof contained .if . act as results. Point out J .. the same is laid down and described mine, every in the f uc kcjli l auu. iJcuiiriuBu uy me saiu Jsuus. a has became of land common luxurv on of sense the of the the peoof records the combines pampered 'against tyranny tary cliques and Harriet E. mining recorder ofTintie or the failure to them, that those results will effect Juab County, Utah, and undivided two to pay said bond or note Jackson, maswhen clue, then said of and squalid poverty; hind political "mutual admiration soci- ple, who, if a traveling agent of one their welfare either for haughty fifth interest in the Swan mine, as the same is Trustee shall sell and dispose of said good or evil, for ters and premises, com- laid down and described in the office of the or any part thereof, and slaves. establishments of those Trusts, all the right, title abject "specialist" eties.' j or ; If of recorder you: happiness unhappiness. Tintic only mining mining district, Juab benefit and equity of redemption of the said Utah, and 42,900 shares of stock in Silas L. Jackson and Let E. Jacksoii with average Intelligence, happen to be in town, will rush to him get the child to understand that it bines and monopolies flourish in the County, the Eureka Consolidated Minings Company, a their heirs and assigns Harriet feed bone and and land sinew is either the he and all therein, the for because upon repaid, of must earn its reward, and that it puntake a corporation, all which mining property be- or in separate parcels as the holder or holders survey of the two resentative of a of hopeless toil that often asks for ing situate in Tintic mining adver- ishes itself district. Juab ofjsaia note may prefer, at puolic auction, at flaring great, it! canown acts its that by Utah Territory. County, Jjreafc political machines called the Demo tne front door of the courthouse in said Jual a is bread stone. and vast The Said sale will be made on the 19th ' day of County, and because he hails from the not avoid the just consequences of given tisement; or on said as may be spee.i ' 'erratic and Republican parties, and anal August, 1895, at the frontdoor of the Cotmty fieid in the noticepremises, such sale, for th sacred city of Salt Lake out of which wrong doing, the task of governing the wealth of the Nation has become so Court house in Nephi, Juab County Utah, at highest and best priceof the. same will brfng in ze the 12 o'clock a. m. of said objects of those that lead nothing bogus, nothing unclean nor day. Terms cash. after first cash, thirtv givintr Q days' nrevions more than half accom- centralized in the hands of a few, that will be child Wm. A. Loose. ; notice of such sale, in any by men in can publication Hhern, and what is the result? Place and fraudulant can possibly come. these United States i. Administrator of the Estate of Benjamin D. newspaper at that time published in the said An appeal to reason, rather "fifty plished. ' At the same time the people of the than to the rod, will be more effectual precipitate a panic at will." Every Thomas, deceased. County of Juab, and plunder profitable jpositions for them WHEREAS said Silas L. Jackson and of leaders the two the those itinerant repselves and Btrikef3, and after the . victory country patronize political Harriet E. Jackson, have both and each comfortable to both parent and year and made default in the payment of said bond resentatives of big &dds and colored chili. In alternately, have had LegaJ Notice. oi note and of part of the interest thereon child will earn giants ofthat, the addition, the business of the Nation, looal physiand love and respect its parents. Home charge fthey say of the voters a3 :'th inimitably water, they pass by their of Utah, ) to WHEREAS Xt is also provided in said trust Territory and say, "You Din it," each other face cians who, very likely, have been heal- will not be a f of deed that in case of the absence from said Juab, County place of physical and and then ask the voters to further fasthe Probate Court in and fof Juab County- lTuab County of the said Hole, thai then James their their wounds, ing pains soothing to be deserted and H. Bacon, of Salt Lake Citv. Utah, shall he t the masses, Mamn jtha people." ' Vl- "ru8lua ,M OF' and is by said trust deed of slavery upon their and curing them of their ills tiurng mental torture fetters ten the r'c appointed and made as soon ;as age and ton, deceased. successor to said Hole, with like powers and The people of tTtahj have Had three years years and years, and In many instances shunned Amid of red own the limbs. glare; will permit. Besides; the memory Order to show cause vhy order of sale of authority, and said premises shaW thereupon one of politics. Let each figure but the have never received ; a penny for their of cruel floggings will not be burned in- lights, the roar of a "mighty victory" al adnersonalproPertyshould not be made. too is heard in the land. One of the giants benefits that have accrued to the masses generous services. The home physi- to the hearts of your It appearing to this Court, by the petition fiL ! mentioned, and e ed on the 10th, day of July A. D. 1895. hr 7.mnn : so deeply that a will SWHER2A,S said Hole is absent from said Aside from the cessatjiou of the Mormon cians are the men you can tie to . .Their often administrator of the estate of Juao County, and unable to act in the even dim the recol- has triumphed; they sit down, shake Whittak.ervthe nor not eradicate Drusilla Norton, deeased. that it is necessary premises, hands and divide the spoils, while the to tnd strife,the results can be reputations are at stake in the recovery lection of parentaj cruelty. sell all the persoi.al property and a portion NOW THEREFORE PUBLIC NOTICE IS toilers go on with their struggle for of the real estate of said estate to pay the HEREBY GIVEN That I, James H. Bacon, Vecordedm onS figured-- - The strife, now-2e- rt of their patients, while the proprietors of decedant and; the expenses and Successor in depts uds. Trust, as aforesaid. Will on act! otthe with cool emaciattheir strikes bread: and suit HON. JOnN T. CAINE FOR GOVbig specialist of administration. charges the THURSDAY, has been merely transferred to of rooms day of August, A. D. 1895, in Halt. Lake, work on the It is therefore ordered by this Court that all at 12 o'clock noon 15th or said day.at and. wait until the next ed front door results, ioF Is ia UTAH. ERNOR persons interested the estate of said deceas- of the County Court House in the a "sucker born 'every in said Neighbors and b feiween men that before theory t.hat Nephi, before tae PrpbateCkmrt on Mon- Juab County, Utah, sell at election for a redress of their wrongs, ed, appear -or we auction which minute" second, public forget he 19th, dajr of AtigTist,iA. D. 1895, at the to the highest and best bidder for cash, said the division mo ement Were lneperable and that they are the v legitimate prey in the face of such conditions, day hour of 10 o'clock a.ta. In Right of said day at the Court premises and water rights here in- before or the looking grove through room of said Court rit the Court and the proprietor suitable timber for house in Nephi descrlbedto-gethe-r rlend3, but who now experience the of the bunco-steere- r will shout men a wHh all the right, title, themselves hoarse for the Hon. of ' Governor, County of Utah, to benefit and equity of redemption Cty, Jtjab, &acred Territory with ad. a of the said of name, the y yr" Chills ve'ry va& they meet. flaring feause show of an order should not be gran- Silas L.. Jackson and Harriet K. thiP slavery, why John T. Caino should be remembered. continuation colored water. . and to the ted said administrator to sell so much of the their heirs and assigns therein foreJackson, rer.'and The fafct of the matter is the ilormon , will make, execute, real and personal pioperty aa' sh all be jnecess-aryThe Blade's advice is to patronize The Blade is not in the nominating and deliver acknowledge and a that of this be order to the purchaser or purchasers at said sale, eopf published "people came as n'eir going craiy over your home institutions and your home business, and for that reason the above fThere is not a in The Blade a weekly good and Repute four successive; 'weeks sufficient deed town by build your Insupporting up men, is newspaper printed and published ance for the premises sold or deeds convey intended as a suggestion. Juab io cares Utah merely that lican to politics as It was possible and not rhatce of have future ' .' want when COUnty. Dated this tsth day of July, A. D. 1895. your home paper, and column you JUatft July 17thl?f. ot The There is not within", either of the history record that Isaac Trumbo purjtah a manimoth insane asylum. Men any James 11. Baoon, . tiling, consult theo it jilXEUtCK. W vHAPPELt) Successor-laTrus- t as aforesaifi lirtiea a raaa whjose oanee; would so chased a seat in tbe U. S. Senate, . of the JjrABE for iflfonnatf Vis nrrt-- before Erabate iudg-e- .JSUBSCRIPTION RATES: ... . - i i old-tim- t' w-e-ll post-!'rac- e non-partisa- n non-parti.sa- north-.?r-qttart- st Investment-Company- J semi-annuall- y note-an- THE -- . outb-eftKt' - . priiu-i-pa- l ' i one-side- 1 I; I n F N V . sir-ee- i ' well-to-do- 1 1 6-- : 3-- 9 8 I L I . 1 self-doctorin- , g, - V . t l 2 ( 1; m I j f j 5-- a ante-date- ; , auy.-perso- n i -- 6-- al-va- 8 ys i -- ill-detln- ed e fc "tickle-me-and-I'll-iickle-v- 9- -1 e la one-thir- d i two-fift- h 1 . 1 . . . T I 1 . mining-district- , ? an-y.on- e in-ma- non-partis- an ss . -- -- ' 7-- 9' ;t j r self-relian- ce off-sprir- k rw4...oi.; r - - 1 l"tUf" gs, life-tim- anti-Morm- oa i j r- if j - , i self-respectin- i g " ..';..!!;;.:. ftpokeiihtlarly . - !.. ji . - ,g |