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Show Country PeoplB Read Absolutely Independent On all questions whether politioal, Sooial or Religious, Is the ou Blade. Tlje BLADE or Favor." Tpytn Without Fear Motto:-VT- he Terms; 00 7 ; - , . - ptsr year, in advance, Six rnoDtbs, n.QQ. 2. The advertisements in the Country Papers, and as has the Largest Circulation pf any s J?aper Sn Central . and Southern ptah, ' Jt offers the best possible ipedinpi for Advertise nients, hi. . . III. VOLUME SATPtfpAY MOANING, JULY NEPJII CITY, NUMBER 27, 1895. 7. INKLINGS. Personal Mention. abundance of water for 12,000 acres (one , Special Political Notice. Miss Florence Pike of Provo, is yisit: fourth of the engineers' estimate.) which The campaiga will sboqj be oja,' anJ $1.20 ing with Miss Tettie Hague, Chop barley at the Nephi Co-omeans homes for several thousand people. 1 everything points 0 a red-hfiht. per hundred. From NSpringville, the Misses Abbie Thai water will be sold on the install- The will not be in it;' but as wa Blade The County Court is in sepsion as a and Sadie Uroesbeck are spendjng a few ment plan at flO. per acre as follows: are not here solely rtfor ou- - health, The. board of equalization. days with Miss Iottie Bird. down in balance four $2. l the yearly Miss Efl3e Deal oSpringville is yisit A full assortment of patont medicines Blade's columns will be open j o either payments ,at a low rate of interest. The or any political pirty or oan4ida6e for a. at McNally & Lunt's. ing with Miss Neva Booth. Selectmen Hugo D5prezin and Judge Doctor told The Bxade representative, suitable compensation. It takfta money Home-mad- e molasses for 75 cents per are welcome visitors from Eureka. Co-oPike that fl, 000 will now complete the dam, to pay typos, buy jpper eta. aqd gs there Try a few gallons. gallon at the Miss down is Salt from Lizie Taylor which is one of the best in the and is, no money in and Sponees, perfumery, &toilet soapsDrug-aristfor country edit week with Jriendsv. that an extension of the main West, s. this Lake, spending' at a prs, aside from politic newspaper for eahal Lunt's, McNally stationery regular ader Cbas. Qstler and wife came oyer from "distance of a of miles will comcouple we be to to for relaManti friends visit and propose thai paid tising, Tuesday MrB. J. H. Love presentea her husband plete" the work when J the enterprise which will benefit other people and in with a ten pound baby girl last Sunday. tives. Be sure yru eet Utah sugar the cheap- will be ready for settlers who can enter dividuals. All concerned are doing welU L est A fin The only restrictions The Blade wili and complete line of tooth sior.and best 16 lbs. for. fl.00 at Excel- land to suit themselves. This was Mr. Silliman's fjrst ...visit to place on the political writers U that brushes jnst arrived, and for sale at hard Missj-ouris Griffin from here Miss Callie McNall times prices at Lunt's. Utah and he is delighted with her confine their expressions within they the visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. i people and the fine chance3 for profitable bounds of from Wyoming J. S. Cowan returned of No Hickman. meq abue decency. Saturday where he has been for the past and parties will be permitted. Free, A thousand things that cannot here be investment. six weeks in the interest of C, Andraws Dr. Westphal is also a heavy owner in enumerated can be had by calling on &Co. gentlemenly discussion of prjociples i & Lunt. Beaver Reservoir of which Jtr. Par- all the McNally of We carrv the onlv complete stock right and will do good. Domestic Cigars in Nephi. McNally &d H. Draper and J . A. Simpson came up dee is the president. The reservoir if The Blade's large and increasing cir. from CJoshen last Tnursday and report situated iittni, uruggiscs. this side of Miiford and cov- ulation will make just it the only tsje4ium 0 in that place. j everything prosperous The attenlion of Agents for ers several thousand acres of the choicest the 01 reaching people 0 Jua'u ao? Millard is directed to the local advertisment A. L. Jackman called on The Blade, land in Utah. the Independent Order of Foresters in the other day, and reports a real, counties. old, Dr. Westphal in answer to an enquiry, another column. fashioned and enthusiastic celebration of Price of space cin be learnwii I. appli alE. E- Brown, one of the tbree sdsnects, the 24th over at Levan. Mr. Jackman says Colonel F. H. Halloway, the Manand cash must a.cconjainy the was ta'en before Justice Stout on Satur- so reports most excellent crops, and a ager of the two reservoir enterprises, will cation,, or the accounts assumed by indi "copy" day and examined as to his complicity in fairly good supply of water for irrigation. return to Utah in about a month. viduais. their iikei An case. effort promises, Party plat the U. P. sa'e burglary t to cet Indian Bill as a witness from Of Interest to Nephi. was unsuccessful, as the old fellow Removal of the Ibex Smelter, J. F, Gib us. was seriously sick. An effort to obtain a From Democrat. the Publisher of Thj N ADE, County Attorney tf. For two or three months past there has continuenoe failed and the prisoner was Pike vas summoned over to Nephi on been a not well defined rumor that the turned loose, Wanted, Do the people of Nephi care to have Wednesday to prosecute a case of burg- Ibex people had under contemplation the blow-xn- g best the men of for the credit arrested three removal of the smelter from Lemington Local organizers for the Independent having lary against in Utah published in country paper U. P. depot at to Provo. The reasons for the transfer Order of Forresters. A good Opportunsafe at the the open this city? If so bring in your quarters, were, that Provo is a natural smelter-poinhalves and dollars on subscription and Nephi last Saturday night. ity for the right axa. Apply ina! ubdiata-lto selectOre, so it was said, could be carFrom the Miner. Wm, SANDERsbjk. help The Blade to breath until "after best have will the and they Care of harvest," A. Sine, man Jas. H. Mynders of Nephi and his ried in from Tintic over both the U. P. Portland, country paper in Utah. We can and will R. and also from and G, of N. Oregon. F. W., Bingham do it, with your assistance. Albany, Mynders nephew, J. over and other northern those camps, J. R. Edgeheill," on the 23d, returned Y., were looking about the camp last I No. 2635.1 fmm Glenwood Springs, Colo, where he Tuesday, roads, and ore from the Horn Silver and was called to attend the funeral of his over other southern points NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. theU.P. It Adbrother-in-laJ. D. McParlane who died From the Miner. Deputy Sheriff evenwas also G. contended when R. that the Land Office at Salt !,ake City tjtah, on July 15th of erysipelas and pnumonia. ams came over from Nephi Sunday W. road July 44,j?895. f lead reaches the proin this ing. He reports nothing new or startMarysvale, it will be remembered that, early is hereby given thnt thes following duct from that point would naturally go NOTICE settler month, Mrs. McFarlaDe was visiting in ling at the county seat. has tiled notice of his in ten Mrs. Mr. and this Citv with her prreots, to to a were tion there smelter make Provo, provided riqal proof in support ofjhjis claim, David Udall, and was called to the bedana that said proof will Ik; niH(e beforw at reason that Another that Mcpiace. side of her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Teachers Examination. the Glerk of the County Court of JJial CounDame Rumor gave, is the greater facil- ty. Utah, at Nephi Parlane were married in Neohi and have City, Utah, on' fefptembe? o in All teach the persons intending 8629, for 1895, Mark viz: 7th, two children aged 11 and 13 years, resfor obtaining fuel and fluxings. It the N. E. H, Sec, '4, Tp. 13 3, IIII. W( Salt wiji bo at the teachers ex- ity Lake public school Cenpectively, be in to was held amination also said Provo stood ready to fur- Medridian. Nephi, at Moo-- , If! c a proT$ names the following tvitnestip tral School, beginning 9.30 a. m., nish and a bonus. The fore- hisHecontinuous tyrs. Kate CoIe:nan passes Away, residence upon aud cjujtivation Aug. 12, 1895. This is positively the on- going grounds, were the principal reasons assign- of said land, viz: John Pyper, Ujeorfre Mrs. Kate Coleman wife of John Cole- ly examination which will be held this Kendall, Robert G. Pyper and Johijj Kendall, ed for the change of base. John Foote, man, died suddenly yesterday morning. year. of Nephi City, Utah. all Co. Supt. The lady has been ailing for sometime, On the other band, it was argued that UYKOE GftOO, but was thought to be much improved :Iejgister. is a at the smelter built great already W. A, C. Bryan, attorney for claira ajiii. The City Fathers Meet. Thursday evening. Mrs. Coleman was expense. That the company has an unrespected by ail those that knew her, and The regular meeting- of the City Coun- limited water power and could obtain all she was widely known as one who possessed in the highest decree, those attri- cil was held on the evening of July 19th. the ore they would need from points No. 25S(i, butes that are involved in the names of Mayor Clayton in the chair. Roll call: south and west of NOTICE FOR PUBLICAT ON. and that Lemington, wife and mother. Land Ontice at Salt Lake Citv, Utah. f Booth, Warner, Pexton and Pettigrew with the extension of the U. P., other J1SS5 June. present. camps would become tributary to Leam24th Accident at Monatriven is Notice the that hereby allowing Committee on claims reported favor- ington and that it would ultimately be- named settler ljat Hied notice of his Eddie Sheppard of Mona was celebratto make tinal troof in support of his claim, cartridge became stuck in his gun ably on Cooper & Pyper Co. of $33.89 and come a great smelter town. So hoped and ing. A ran that said pro jf will bo njnde before the' a ramrod down the bore to which was approved. he mo the people of Millard County, and so County Clerk of Juab County, riajbi ;tt. Cep!:j redrive it out. He succeeded with the Ausrust (5,1893, viz.: Jen'J.N'ilien H. E, sidewalk Tn ReThe matter rjtahon and still Blade adjacent hoped affixing hopes. J ami sult that the shell entered his right calf N. No. 8780. for the E. i ami SLtots tho premises of James W. Paxman, cent large fl ads of lead near the railroad 2, Sec. 19. Tp. 11 S., E. W, to the keee the bullet while f b4uw dropE. just ou the names the following witnosscn to prova ped ground. Mr Sheppard was referred to committee on streets and close to the Millard and Bsaver line hisHecoLtinuous residence upon and Cultivation to and Dr. Husmer cut highways with power to act. Nephi brought up to increase the largely promise fluxing of, said land, viz: the piece of troublesome brass out and Bill of Grace Brothers flS. 44, for lum- ores as the gangue is a soft lime spar. George Larsen, James Christenebi Wm. O, gave it to his patient as a memento of July all of Levui. UtiJl. That the rumor as to removal has tak- Brown, Soren P. Jensen, ber was referredjto committee on claims. 24th J895. 13YKON G KOj K.eis LetClaim of Alf Madsen $1,53 for collect- en tangible form is proven by the fact Death of Editor Dlehl of the Eureka Demo- ing tax on three dogs, and $3.03 for kill- that on Tuesday Supt. Paul Johnson of Legal Notioe. H crat. was allowed. six to went was the where Provo he Smeltsr dogs, the matter of the estate of BeJifamln I). From the Desert News, it is learned ing Two dollars each, were appropriated to to meet Mr. Underwood the principal in Thomas, deceased. that Vm. S. Diehl was accidentally killed at American Fork on the 25th. The pay H. Adams and Geo. Golden for extra backer of the Smelter, and that they Notice of sale of Mining property. team which Mr, Diehl was driving ran police services was appropriated. would look over the situation and decide Notice is hereby given that in u'uanee of an order of sale made and entered hy he away and the deceased jumped out of the to was of the fate Millard the Two dollars pay appropriated County industry. court of Juab Comity, Utah Territory, cm reon his death and struck wagon head, the 20th day of July 1HJ?. in the. mattet ol the from the tone of Lis Thomas Stephen, work on water tank. sulting.theJudging of Benjamin D. Thoniiis. deeiiiBed, ttm estate for of The Bill $9.03 Diehl Mr. Blade Eureka Holden printing Democrat, paper, Hanpenlngs. estate will undersigned administrator of said was of a kindly organization and a good, was approved. auction subject to coulinuation sell at public d editor. said Court, the following- mining ht0 parties D. W. Miller, Supt. of water works, Editop Bladb: We wish to enter our by and stocks, to wit: An undivided interest iultlje Dove in tendered his resignation to take effact at protest against the disgracful write-uas the same is recorded and dds?ribed in Explanatory. mine, was accepted. headed and the Filmore 'A once, paper Lively the records of the mining recorder of Tiatic. Owing to E. H. Pulver, The Bide's he had Scrap," wherein Edward Stevens one of mining district, Juab that Cnuuty, Utah, ;in reported City Attorney foreman, beingsickin Fayson, found the in the Peliqasi juaine, as hustling interest of our P. John Kirgan, J. report and Roy Cowan , of The Blade's typos, respected citizens, and known the same is laid down and in the of of recorder as the records an the honorable Tintic; mining mining being sick and "off" a half day, and all correct and same was approved. county throughout hands celebrating the 24th, and several district, Juab County, Utah, and undivided two Is saught to be made the On motion of Pextoa the council adgentleman, fifth interest in the Swan mine, as taj? jsame in moin! at the last legal notices coming a down and described in the ofn.et of t))e laid in from drunken row, coming are we journed. to forced discard items all ment, of Tintic mining distri-miniag the district court recently held in Fill- County, recorder relative to the celebration of the 21th in and 4'i,900 shares of! slock in Utah, Nephi, and regretsoit the more because the Mining Co(ijj.vtij a more, and as making an attack upon an the Eureka Consolidated Train Talk. all of which mining property bethat did well in the bicycle ra'boys" corporation, a drubold man "deserved and was a northgetting ces are deserving of recognition. ing situate in Tintic mining disttieit. Juab Apostle F. M. Lyman County, Utah Territory. bing. bound passenger on Tuesday. Said sale will be made on the lPtli day of That there was some very plain talk August, 1895, at the frontdoor of ttie Count v Teachers C. W. Aldiach, Manager, of the Clear in Nephi, Juab County IJs! ah , a t house Court no one result The home denys. Please take notice that the Teachers' Lake and Swan Lake Reservoir Compan- coming 12 o'clock a. m. of said day. Term- h. suit wherein Mr. Dodge was W)i. A. Union Institute of Sanpete and Juab ies went south the other day, and gave of the law nh r Administrator of the Estate of trying to get our water, and Mr. Stevens Thomas, Counties will be held at Manti, Sanpete The Blade representative a few items of as deceased. president of our Irrigation campany, County, begining August 5th, and clos- interest relative to his section of Millard Mr. Dodge is a big bur-le- y No. 3,537 ing August 9th. The attention of Teach- county. Mr. Aldrach says the Clear lake preventing him. a trifle older than Mr. fellow, (only ers is directed to Section 61 of the School reservoir will be completed this tail, and OF THE CONDIITUON KEPORT law. All persons in the District who ex- 6,000 acres of ohoice land on the lower Stevens) and challenged that gentleman OF TII pect to teach during the coming school Beaver bottoms will be brought under out of the wagon to fight, well knowing year should be in attendance. one arm his has but usefull that opponent cultivation. Referring to the Swan lake PeterofGeeaves, Jr. FIRST NATIONAL BAtlK. a cripple with the other all his he being as to Schools, SanpetetCo. proposition, Mr. A. has no dubiety Sup't. life. Having spent considerable time, John Foots, future. Some of the land will have to and SupJc of Schools, Juab Co. its money in defence of the peoples' be drained, and when that is accomplishMr. Stevens was in no mood to be at Nephi, in the Territory of Vfuih at. rights, no in land finer be found will there ed, V. P. The Break Jail at tantilized, and jumping out of his wagon the close of business, July lltrj, 1895. Manti. the West, A daily mail will be estab- and with his one hand punched the big , resources. Yesterday morning Sheriff Carter dis- lished on Sept. 1st between Fillmore and man on the nose a good one, and although Loans and discounts jSO.fifiO.s, covered that the two birds that were serv- the Clear lake station ou the U. P. By., secured and unsecured. ; ll.48H.7S we do not approve of fighting, we admire Overdrafts, 25 of a sentence for U. S. Bonds to secure circulat ion ing days stealing regards the his whom the, charge of andk altogether Mr. Aldracn success on U. S, Bonds in and of out it Premiums i,750.(k shirts, and over coming grit for his section as being in every without even a scratch. I etc the U.. P. safe here in Nephi 5.1'r".7( Stocks, securities, cracking , Banking-housefurniture and fi.vturtss 2,000.0 was banging, had flown. It is believed way satisfactory. real estate ana mortgages that Brown, who was released here on the Prof. Theo. Krauss, metalurgist at the The affair was a small one and serves to utnerowned 2,791.73 illustrate the danger of the press (in some Due from National Banks (not 23d, weotover to Manti and nelped his on came Ibex smelter, Wednesday's people's hands, ) when under the pretence up 69,97.1. 33 Reserve Agents) pais to escape. Marshal Goldsbrough describes the men train and went on to Salt Lake. The of 263.11 items and cash Cheeks other is brought in Notes Of other National Banks news, giving prejudice as follows: One of the men is about six Professor was rx7iV).o. suffering severely from a to try to damage honorable people. Mr. Fractional paper currency, nickels j; feet tall, very dark, black hair and musand cents and his object in go- Stevens, for cause, had stopped his pamolar troublesome tache with dark, restless eyes; about 25 LAwrtiL KONsr beservk in bank, vik: extractis was The acher old. to the have five 6 north about .feet other, years ing per the day previous. Specie... medium darfe, short mustache ed. inches tail,bullet-headelook-ofund with U. S. Treasurer on ever the Our reporter, d 'Comparisons are Odious,' bnt some- Redemption 592.3t full face, and wears a good t5 per cent of circulation; . natured smile; age about 24 years. Both for Nephi, informed him that this town times useful as illustrations. We notice .p 164,843.01 Total men are well dressed, has a couple of fine dentiss, ,4Oh," said in the last issue of The Blade, "A scrap" LIABILITIES. I know the Professor, I diden't that, wherein ' three prominent and respected 50.000.00 stock paid in Two Adventurous! Damsels. haven. t seen their ad. in The Blade," j citizens permitted their their temper to Capital 37,500.00fund Surplus Miss Estelle Neff and Miss Sadie Orme, and my ticket is for Salt Lake. ' ' Asked less expences and V.255.10 get the better of their judgments," came Undivided taxes profits, two of Nephi's bright girls, can justly for information paid relative to the ramor re- to blows and wer6 fined. The news is National e,690.00 Bank notes outstanding...;. ' take the cake for daring equestrianism . 264.50 bankers of Due to and Banks State Ibex the smelter removal the in a to garding given peace healing tending spirit, 58,954.50check. to Individtial deposits subject On the morning ol the 21th they started from Leamington to Provo, Prof .Krauss and good fellowship, whereas the Other Demand certificates ot aeposis. . for a ride to the bald summit of Nebo. knowhis statement the that excites the beligerency Of every friend cf parried: by .. $16415.01 TOTAJt. Up the canyon and around by the Salt- ledge ot the company business is con- the of tTtaJi, wronged. Territory works the road is easy, but a couple of fined principally to the smelter laboraCounty of Juiab, f ' , We also: notice in the same Fillmore paof the Cashier W. W. miles farther up, the way becomes tortu- -' tory. Armstrong, I, :y swear that the aborts y:: per, that a charge of assault, is headlined bank, do selemnly ous and in places extremely difficult and e 24th, C. H. Siliiman of Fort in large print,An attempted rape case.' statement is true to the best of my knowledge On dangerous. But the girls quailed hot at W. ABaraTROxaJcaihier. Dr. Westphal of Burnet, The accused's name and address are blaz- and belief. the dizzy precipices nor awnlngchasms,v Wprtn and; sworn to before ime this 22: and and J.j. D. Pardee of Salt oned forth, and details gl veh before a Subscribed 185. but went as far as they could with their Texas, were of north-boun- d T. C Wixx, Notary Public. Lake , passengers. hearing is had. Every transgressor has a day Jul, horses, where they tied them, and pro- The My com. Exp. Apr. J 1, 1 895 attest: Co were first kbkct out is tw or mother wrung named, gentlemen friend, whose heart Gao. C. WhitmoAk ceeded on foot to a. point above timber at Buraank, Soake Valley and gave the by the aot, why lacerate their wounds upM. A. tJROVEH, 8BAL ' a acheived and feat that has line, L. S. Hills, not, reservojr enterprise in which they are on the public gibbit? We dont think Director. probably been heretofore accomplished heavily interested, a thorough examina- the people's tastes desire It in Millard of sex. The their distance travany by A free conveyance from the Des Yours Very Truly, county. tion, and are well pleased with the less than forty miles. eled was net meets all trains at .t Covert. Feme House, ...:..; The reservoir will furnish an LOCAL p. ot ,. aP-d- p, SaW I III f j For Sale by i i, j: ' : 1 - fn (An you T0U a s i JUiT iff l r h c c ooo romTs or rEncETMO OF rni bttwt T fi t C 00 Q POtWT KEb5rr5 Des-ere- FOIi SALE ONLY BY t. y x-county pc ant i Go. w ( We have the Finest and .Largest Stock of Footware ever shown in Nephi, and although leather goods hate advanced from 25 to 100 percent, we are still selling at Old Prices. Buy at once ana save money at Big-ler- , 1 EXCELSIOR MERCFTLE CO. Leaders in Low Prices. H. Thill & Go. H. Thill & Co VV , i 7-- " ? 8 o--n t 7-- - , ( 4 r Pn To a - 1 of many of our T raeft the wishes TAII,OI-MADJ ... ra to place nUlTS within the reach of all; we have For adopted the installment plan j ; 3-- PerWe'uk SI : Sz, until paid, you oan secure any.plotning you desire. Orders from the Southern Counties Oompany, MERCHANT TAILORS. Solicited. Send for samples and raeasnrini? blanks. Nest dopr to P. 0. Satisfaction Guaranteed. - - 8 Nephi. all-roun- j p A Great Sacrifice is now being made foX Summer Clothing and MenV Russet Shoes at Ord e pro-bat- Brother's one-thir- i d midi-vide- j two-tift- d h de-crib- ag-grese- r d; or Ju.-U- i l , )o-5- B-uj- In order to make room for our fall stock to shortly arrive. .i 17-- 9 . j i srfe-Cracke- rs I """" H . " " i I I I!.-- San Pete . I , ; Money to Loan. out-loo- In any amount from one hundred to ten thousand dollars .on long or short time.,; On: improved farm or city proper- Valley ' Railway 1. :? TIMETABLE - ' T. C. , 1 ty or on water stock. WIN2ST, County Becorder. , shij a About August 1st we will train-loa- d of sheep to Chicago, and continue during the fall. Those desirN EFFECT NOVEMBER .7, ! 894. shipments to na,, therehy .obtaining ship through market- - price for their No.2 Leaves Manti r 8:00. a. m. ing the higheston or address, Leaves ...i 8:30 a. ru. sheep, call ( ; - j Ephraim ' leaves Chester ,.'o.i , j j ..9:00 a. ni. Pat .3 maw Qakbett, Nephi. ',."," 11 To Advertisers. Four issues constitute a month's adLeaves Ft. GreifeQ. . . . .9:48 a.m tf Arrives Kephj. . . . . . 10;40 0. m vertising in The' BLaDB. . ....... Leaves . . & Leaves Moroni.... ..9:15 a. ro. 11- - NEinl. .....11:25 a. m Leaves Fountain ureea.vl2:27p. ra.J Leaves Moroni...,,, 125 p. m 1:06 p. rn. Leaves Chester. Anlves Fphraim. . . . 1:40 p. m. Arrives Mariti. . . . p. m. Trains leare Haaitl forSterlingr Eirok'H Late v i. ; Why and Because. f 'should pat-- ; Why the people of. Nephi Because It is a , "... ; , proprietors. . j t - . - - . iabove-name- d & . ut i ronize their Drug Store. home enterprise, Because: whatever you, I as as purchase there Is genuine andclerkscheap I know the cheapest Because the MorriOM no misg;i5 p. m., Monday's, Wednes-sm- what they are doing and amake rM&j'a, Heturninfr. arrive at takes, and Because it la credit to the 1,Mn.:.15J.m.. of - II.S. ilEODOUE kraUItACk, city, and in every respect is deserving, KEl'.K, ; & LUNT, McNALLT fie.al Manager; ' CenU.gupf. your patronage. , j . . ' ' ( I i . . : i oat-loo- k. ' ': V.'--- Qeij ( s |