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Show Throat Paralysis. the courier 'rrom 1 I xici, tnikpd of the age of fifty, or perhaps year or two older. ' . The doctor, in his all ovor Clare some time before the reporter to Dover to ..v,ni,- - Cou-SSS- investigate auu finally went, , Tt ic. 7v in 11 ,0V ap-Saran- .INTERNATIONAL PRESS ASSOCIATION. CHAPTER H. (Continued). "It wants to get at Eliza," said the youth, in a confidential whisper. "Master says she would give him more'n he brought." He smiled affably at the two little stiff black figures, and departed in search of his mistress. "What what did he say?" gasped Bertha. Oh, goodness "Something about a Oh, help, help, help, help gracious! help!" The two sisters had bounded on to the settee, and stood there with staring eyes and skirts gathered in, while they filled the whole house with their yells. Out of a high wicker work basket which stood by the fire there had risen head with a flat, diamond-shape- d flickercame wicked green eyes which side from ing upwards, waving gently to side, until a foot or more or glossy, scaly neck was visible. Slowly the vicious head came floating up, while at every oscillation a fresh burst of shrieks came from the settee. "What in the name of mischief!" cried a voice, and there was the mistress of the house standing in the doorway. Her gaze at first had merely taken in the fact that two strangers were standing screaming upon her red plush sofa. A glance at the fireplace,, however, showed her the ause of the terror, and she burst into a hearty fit of ce em-Snv- ed ft to ary iea. Vtil the end would come. In conation with receiving the attendance medl-Hn- In. ot. e tried every known to the apothecary but rTver received any relief until Dr. Williams' Pink Pills came to my Before I had taken haif of the deformity in my face box the first kid left me, and before four boxes had wn consumed the paralysis had disap- -"J-1 ouiard entirely a.uJ "i"" have nrle I felt like a new womannot" taken any medicine since last spring trouble w about a year ago and Imyowe my Vaj not appeared since. Sfohyicians I have iU. Per, the as-iitan- Log isrla ce - -' the - AT. Yilliams' Pink "A snort time since my little boy John He Wi3 afflicted with St. Vitus' dance. could not walk across the room without assistance, in fact he would fall all over himself, but after taking a few boxes of entirely left pill Pills. noSt. itusofaance it is left. These trace life to Dr. health, my y and him, pffls Toa are worth their weight in gold. may say in this connection that I willing- at any time to make affidavit ja to the truth of these statements, and furthermore I will answer any communication concerning my case. Pink Pills contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness restore shattered to the blood and nerves. They are for sale by all drug-fist- s, or may be had by mail from Dr. Williams' Med. Co., Schenectady, N Y., for W cents per box, or six boxes for Iar7 American Housewife well, ) the poor exhausted gentlewomen. "She's hatching out some eggs. That is why we have J;he fire. Eliza always does better when she is warm, bne is a sweet, gentle creature, but no doubt she upon uei thought that you had designs touch not did I that you eggs. suppose of them?" any "Oh, let us get away, Bertha!u cried Monica, with her thin, hands thrown forward in abhorrence. "Not away, but into the next room, said Mrs. Westmacott, with the air of thre poands. Galvanized Steel Wire Fencing. The most extensive and complete plant for the manufacture of wire fencing in the United States is the De Kalb at De Kalb, 1890 barbed to yeart prior Tire was used for extensively fencing, but those using it often lost in lar stock, more than its cost and to vYtvoid danger to man or beast there was Bd of, and a demand for, a barbless fence. The nrnnriP.tnrs of this comnanv more having spent than 12 years in the Company, located Fence m. For ' manufacture of wire fencing-- biacK-giove- one whose word was law. "This way, if you please! It is less warm here." She led the way into a very nanusumuj x.v- Dointed library, with three great cases of books, and upon the fourth side a, recog- - long, yellow table littered over wun , Sit the papers and scientific instruments. conunuea. best lines of smooth wire fencing for all here, and you theYe, she pirposes now In use. The success of "That is right. Now let me see, which thU company is due to the managers of you is Miss Williams and which Mis adopting the true business principle of Bertha Williams?" "I am Miss Williams," said Monica,miking good what they make, putting enough material in their lines to make still palpitating, and glancing furtivethem both strong and serviceable, in- - ly about in dread of some new norror. rtead of producing a cheap flimsy ar- "And you live, as I understand, over tide only to meet the price of a fence at the pretty little cottage. It is very that has never given satisfaction. This nice of you to call so early. I don't sup- la what has made their fence so popular pose that we shall get on, but still the &na hr such intention is equally gooa. sne crusaeu great demand and they have over 40 SDecIal machines, her legs and. leaned her nacK against a capac'ty of over 22 miles of the marble mantelpiece, twice per "We thought that perhaps we might day, and their fencing Is used to every state in the Union. The fence be of some assistance," said Bertha, most used Is their Cable Steel and is anything whicn we Hog timidly. "If th-rfor to make you reei more ai field fence fencing, Cabl Poultry could do ence, Steel Web Picket Fence, and home" Park and Cemeterv Penne. and to com- "Oh. thank you, I am too old a trav- -Plete same they also make gates of wood eler to feel anything but at home wherew Bieei frames to match, and also fur- - - ever I go. I've Just come uacjs irom a Iron Jlsa posts. All of their styles :of- few months In the Marquesas Islands, ncicg are strong, neat, durable and where I had a very pleasant visit. That conomlcal In rrlcf was where I got Eliza, in many respects Ana everyone of any the Marquesas Islands" now lead the needing fencing uia win consult their own interests by world." 1 . m teadin? to th r ttiv tram rn 121 miss wimams. me!" ejaculated "Dear High atreet, De Kalb, 111., for their 44 what respect?" "In Page catalogue and prices. The reader "In the relation or the sexes, uney also directed to their, advertisement problem have worked out the great Isothis .paper. their and own lines, their upon has helped lated geographical position Electricity on Railroads. come to a conclusion oi meir to them deParture is about to be made by a woman there is, as she company which will be watched own. The i? H greatest interest by every railroad Bhould be, In every way the absolute eaual of the male. Come in, Charles, passeu-car- s lo install electric "niy rr on many of the "feeders" to its and sit down. is iiiuza wi ns"n "All right, aunt. taTm ineA wcn' at present, are run by iwua, pat to place in regular use a service. "These are our neighbors, the Misses cars for built & t?H2?J&ht .specially mey win nave bwuic h nWklir1""11 or grain.! Tne cars are to Williams. Pernaps the ordinary freight cars, stout. Tou might Dnng in a coupie ut more durable. Each car will carry Charles." y which, the loading and bottles, no. thank you! None for us! "in be It Is X5twillmnsdone electrically. cars to make I cried her two visitors, earnestly, of these tlKfl loadlnff and unloading much' tea tedi I am sorry that I have no tea,n0? the suoservilook alfivitsZ Yw.cars cai be backed into an to offer you. I as upon woman troBhii rwltc,h: be handled without any largely aue 10 ner ncy of ""pie or delay. A woll.knnwn railroad Ibandonlng drinks and invignutritious cearil" !,Pphesies that within two- years to the male. I do exercises from the great grain orating t grain W lllnLLVL9 Northwest will be carried into neither." She picked up a pair ox us center, by the electric trol- dumb-belfrom beside the them lightly about Ireplace and swung see what may be done her head. "Tou she. VI sn stout," said JilluiCf vfcn If U I Tea nnrnffl3 a GUestioa of time when bright "But don't! you think," the elder Miss "don't you trorSt114 Tit3Hty so enjoyable now be Williams suggested timidly,that woman Mrs Westmacott, v,iv VJwlLnTs5Ioke.YowLlfe Away," and mission of her own?" v this fact, and have produced niied n to-d- les ay e - si' j ; fl-.- ew j 1111111 bni-n- i , t - 633- - TOr- - --- us, ls : i t ?2JBw.itlioutiyslcalorfli tobacco habit, brings bacJt tie by JVitality DfteJ0"0 Tl)Uit UHnia 1 f wn --1 18014 , andurtetooUT' of th R!nm.w,. &H AVTVCft 5 f ! fl 1 WnfiL P Ini'taikVt electric batteries, two lm rUhly-tgen gas ana two of com- ani A J r. ( Eras tlv j'UITgen ... in maklnsDrr,,- . L tllLuai lt wxiJioas fco7f. - 1 i'nns center'-Kan- saa 1 a vortex. Jars m!n . Liiab I . - City Journal. I I I W in tne upper Then the cloada I II 1 ; rr. 1DnViA-- - Tn . soul-killin- g. it. All that will touch none . other . a imnncan nkn -.ii nmon'a mission, auu imyuv."Who , her? iinon c t Lid. .A.J " irnj3HM n.itaMnni narrow cooped her up within this Was it Providence? was I it sphere j was the arcn enemy. 1 x Apt 'dr thfit is mean, that is of , r toi nature? aver Momlflv th old "The old cant!" she cried.' ?Thehich mission is this Bhlbboleth! What for woman? All that is num- - Iki . the who . Kansas rainmakers , . 0.0." truonirn 1. nn4-iinfrt nnk er t n f-i'''uu """tc l"y n lj w ?,tfT1?ors for Mr. .1 n TT n 3ay commenced operations at a foiot an agreement to under: ftMstfUia jychita nio-- Ha PJlii SSS. tt vSnrX, v- house No, It tT auntie!"; x - t . . drawled her rf mna trntt w woman and your fellows. IBaytotftt selfish-aes- s the a a colossal monumentall this boasted of mm VTt is III. DWELLERS IN THE WILDERNESS. O W DEEPLY ARE our destinies influ- taut-stretch- ed close-cropp- ed d, quaintance. And especially to the admiral and the doctor were this closer intimacy and companionship of value.' j Each had a void in his life, as every man must have who with unexhausted strength steps out of the great race, but each by his society might help to fill up that of his neighbor. It is true that they had not much in common, but that is sometimes an aid rather than a bar to friendship. Each had been an en thuslast In his profession, and had re-- ; tained all his Interest In it. The doctor still read from cover to cover his Lancet and his Medical Journal, attended all professional gatherings, worked himself into an alternate state of exal tatlon and depression over the results of the election of officers, and reserved for himself a den of .his own. In which before rows of little round bottles ful of glycerine, Canadian balsam, and staining agents,, he still cut sections with a microtome, and peeped through micro his long, brass, scope at the arcana of nature. With his tynlcal face, clean shaven on lip and chin, with a firm mouth, a strong Jaw, a steady eye, and two little white fluffs of whiskers, he could never be taken for anything but what he was, a j old-fashion- ed o f J ; j j i The Pursuit of Happiness. When the Declaration of Independence asserted man's right to this, it enunciated an immortal truth. The bilious sufferer is on to the road to happiness when he begins take Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the most efficacious regulator of the liver in existence. conEqually reliable is it in chills and fever, kidney rheumatism, stipation,anddyspepsia, nervousness. Use it regularly, trouble and not at odd intervals. He Were you ever in love? She I thought I was once, but since I have read a few of the modern society novels I have concluded Warranted to cure or money, refunded. Ask you druggist for It. Price 16 cents. 's that I wasnt When Traveling, Whether on pleasure bent, or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale 50c and $1 bottles by all the leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only. in When a public man has lost his grip he will not do much handshaking with constitu- ents. Do'lar Snent in I'arker's Giner Ewry Is well invested. It subdues pain and brings Tonic better digestion, better strength and better health. The most dangerous "charge of the light brigade" is that made by the gas-om- ce clerk. Good Reasons why you should. n Hinder-corns- . It takes out the corns and then you have peac e and comfort, eur ely a good exchange. 15o at druggists. It is a lamentable fact that pride often wears patent leather boots and begs its tobacco. If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Be sure and use that old and remedy, Mrs. well-trie- d high-heele- for Children Sp see hands of a Wikslow's Soothing Teethlng- the When - clock al- you there isn't ways right you may be sure that much wrong with the inside works. 13-1- 4. 17-2- 6-- 8. to-Geo- scription. maidenhood, Denver, Colo. Condemning another Is only a roundabout . , way of bragging on yourself. FITS All Fits stopjecl free b3' Dr. Kline's Great Uerve Kestorer. Ho Fits after the first a ay's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise ami $2 trial bottle t Fit cases, bend to Dr. Kline,831 Arch St., Pliila., Pa. The pleasure of doing good is the only one that never wears out. fi-e- e J. While, however, it is interesting to know the distance of some of the stars In miles, when stated in that way the numbers are so large that they convey very Indistinct concep tion to the mind. For this reason It is customary to estimate star distances In light years." A light year is the dis- tance that light, moving at the rate of 186,300 miles per second, travels in one year. This amounts in round numbers to 5,880,000,000,000 miles. The distance of Alpha Centauri is 4.35 light years; that of Sirius, the dog star, is almost that's peculiarly adapted to her needs, and regulat- strengthing, ening the system and" curing: the so derangements of the sex. Why isto it Dr. owe women their beauty many Pierce's Favorite Prescription? Because beauty of form and face radiate from the common center health. The best bodily condition results from good food, fresh air and exercise coupled with the judicious use of the "Prescription." It reaches the origin of the trouble and corrects it. tly ! ! J j Man's life is a constant trial, and all his neighbors are on the jury. "Sanson's SXaglo Corn Salve.!' "When a man tells you I could not get along without Piso's Cure B. for Consumption. It always cures. Mrs. Oct. 22, 1894. C. Moulton, Needham, Mass., All persons old enough to bear arms should be vaccinated. Denver Directory. Headquarters For HARNESS AND SADBLG3 DO not be deceired by unraU-ablfictitious prices, aizl a t36 team Harness for 113, $30 steele cincha, cowboy-eaddlhorn, double for 115, but before pur- -Ulus chasing, Fend for ray new catalo?U3 trated and descriptive free, and see what you ar and if goods are not as represented, you ordering, can return same at my expense. I use the best oak tanned leather and employ only first class wori men. J. 11. WILSON, 3749 to 1751 Larimer St. DENVER, COLO e SSSg BAG E. & AWH1HC cw . Grain sacks, all sizes. Potato Centals. We are headquarters. Write for prices. THE L. A. W ATKINS MDSE, BURLING AM E'S EL ASSAY ChemicalOFFICE Laboratory. And Established 1885. AND PHOTOGRAPHERS, send your sweeps and waste containing gold and silver for treatment. Prompt return and highest cash price paid for gold and sil- JEWELERS ver bullion. Address 1736 and 1738 Lawrence Street. Denver. Colorado. THE COMPANY PAYS THE FREIGHT new steel horse whim. Will On their comraon-sens- e hoist 25 tons of rock 300 feet each shift. Is just as safe and reliable as an engine It can be paoked anywhere a jfatctt cuu ku. xx u tuu wiieeis or clutches to break. 90 per cent is wrought iron and steel and will bend before breaking. Over 850 in use some running 6 years without one dollar's expense. We make horse- noists at prices, $25, bU, l JUU $125 and on up. Send for an illustrated circular to WHIM CO.. 1222 Curtis St.. Denver. Colo. J SO or ths 90 , - . Catl'g-re- CJbV. mm 11 KJ . i v i i - TENT COMPANY, 15th and Wazee Sts., Denver. 1 JfUP una BUS ! a. you something can't swallow," Isn't It a little unkind to try to make him "eat his words." THE Raphael, Angelo, Rubens, Tasso A Sample Collar and Pair of Cuffs by mail for Six Cents, limine style and size. Address REVERSIBLE COLLAR COMPANY, 77 Franklin St., New York. 87 Kilby St., Boston. II E17IS' 98 rowszszs ax ' r Y IMPROVED LIVER PILLS A MILD PHYSIC. vnn. A DOSE. LYE. rssruior PENNA. SALT M'PG CO. TVT5 OTT.T. 'Meat or Molasses. ie fot each bowels of Gen. Agents- - Phila. Pa. necessary mcvement the day A These pills supply what the system lacks to health. as a rule can be depended make it regular, xney cure tieauaoiie, Dngawn Nature too better than cosmetics. PARKER'S Kyoj, and clear the Complexion upon to adjust herself to circumstances, They To convince sicken. neither gripe nor a.full box for 26c. Soldyou, we BALSAr1 HAIR er everyno matter how varying they may be- will mail free, sample Cleanwa and beaatUie the natr. Pa. CO.. MED. Philadelphia. BOSANKO where. a luxuriant prowtii. Promote come. In this way, the; present ad Gray Fails to BestoreColor. Never to vance in meat, which, strikes directly ' YV. 2N. U. Deuver. Youthful Its VoL XII. No.611-58- 8 Hair Hi.MM & hair lalline. rCT. I at tneJ poor, is noti an absolutely unV.and1.00mt Drorgiif When writing to advertisers, inplease say mixed evil. Its effect . upon the con- that this advertisement saw paper the you of sumption molasses, especially throughout the south, has already been noticed, and it is highly probable thai the advance, If it continues will create! a more or less boom in! molasses. When the poor are deprived1 of meat they fly to molasses as the next! The best in the market. best thing, and that product becomes! Also So that the decrease in the consumption! POUiCryo '" in., of meat instantly Increases & ; line of W Ire Fencing, Steel molasses, striking a fairly equltablei h ranee Board. -- Afull na Tomato Uuards. balance. "steel Web Piciei Tree, Fwer GateselostsRafls, Price. Jiow, "J-'013 CO., 121 Higk St., De llalb Ul Several petrified forests have been! discovered in Arpona Cabled Field and Ho Fence, , 1 lCl ; Garden Rabbit Fence. or B . (PATENTED) g ed 2 The strongest and pure ft Lye maae. unlike otner iye, it Deing a fine powder and packed in a can with removable lid, the contents are always ready for use. WW make the beet perfumed Hard Boap in 20 minutes without boilino. It is the best for cleansing waste pipes, disinfecting sinks, closets, washing bottles, paints, trees, etc DR. GUNN'S verse ue winnn reacn or our measure ments; here and there a jutting head land, while behind stretches the vast expanse over which the hundrds of mil- - ii lions of stars known to exist are scattered. mm j' 3 L The "LINENB" are the Best and Most Economical Collars and Cuffs worn ; they are made of fine cloth, both sides finished alike, and, being reversible, one collar is equal to two of any other kind. They fit well, wear well and look well. A box of Ten Collars or Five Pairs of Cuffs for Twenty-Fiv- e ; well-defin- 1 Hi1 exactly twice as great, or 8.6 light years. In other words, light requires 8.6 years to come to us from Sirius. And these are among the very nearest of the stars. Some, whose parallaxes have fOP been rather estimated than measured, appear to be situated at a distance which light could not traverse in less than one or two centuries. The great Any size you star Arcturns, for instance, has, accord to 6 want, h 1 h. ing to Dr. Elkin, a parallax of only Inches 1 to S Inof a second. Tires eighteen ches wide te fit any Its distance must, in that case, be about hubs axle. Saves 181 light years, or more than Ceet m an miles. And if its distance times In a sea-y son to hare set is so great then, since light varies inof low wheels versely as the square of the distance to fit your wagon from Its source, it can be shown that for hauling man-must actually give 5,000 or Srsin,fodder, Arcturns . UiV, i'VK t, as times tires much 6,000 light. - as the sun. resetting- ofAddress a vr a i -t a X V S is eviaently much Arciurns lei yieiaa. Mf fg. Co.. nearer than the vast majority of the Kmplre P. O. Box 33. Qulncy IU. stars are. Not one in a million is known ' to have a parallax large enougrh even PATENTS-TRADEMARKS to be Intelligently guessed at. There and Advice as to Patentability of Inmay be stars whose light requires thou- - j Examination Send for ."Inventors' Guide, or How to Get a vention. sands instead of hundreds of years to Patent. PATRICK O'FARRELL, Washington, D. C cross the space separating them from us. We thus see that only a few points on the nearer shores of the starry unl- -- Y.,says:Hair wo- and nervine Some Stars to Reach Us. . A. JOHNSON, Medina, N. Catrrrh Cure cured me." Sold by Druggists,75c CREAMERY SUPPLIES. manhood, wife- riAIRY State Agents for Sharpies Russian hood and moth- JJjmi J sold on separator, hand and power, erhood the "Preand long" time. L.. A. v ATKINS easy " payments a is scription , cu-wazee 15th and Sts.. Denver. Col. siutsa: supporting tonic It Takes 1,000 Tears for the Light of 1,000,000,-000,000,000.0- . 1415-1- 7 ILLIMITABLE DISTANCE. one-thousand- 3. ures FemaieWeakness of kind 30 ON THE ROAD Via Id VI Londoner Bk,1630 Arapahoeany st. Denver to recovery, the ACHIKIST Repairs of MINING, PRINTING woman young Machinery, etc. Pipe& threading and cuttinsr. who is taking Freight elevators. Nock Garside, 18th st. Doctor Pierce's Obtained in all countries. H. S. Favorite Pre- PATENTS Bailey, 6fJ Equitable Bldg., Denver In be continued.) lfre-quen- wxj Brother Talmage says In ' answer to the question, "What are dreams made of?" that they, are made of pie, But this Is a mere evasion; What is pie made of? Reduced Kates to the East via the Union .'' Pacific System. To Baltimore and return July To Boston and return August To Louisville, Ky., and return Sept. For additional information call or write Ady, Passenger Agent, 941 J.7th street, with two great dark eyes, so earnestly questioning, so quick in their transitions from joy to pathos, so swift In their comment upon every word and deed around her, that those eyes alone were to many more attractive than all the beauty of her younger sister. Hers was a strong, quiet soul, and it was her firm hand which had taken over the duties of her mother, had ordered the house, restrained the servants, comforted her father, and upheld her weaker sister, from the day of that great misfortune. Ida Walker was a hand's breadth smaller than Clara, but was a little fuller in the face and plumper in the figure. She had light yellow hair, mischievous blue eyes with the light of humor ever twinkling in their depths, and a large, perfectly formed mouth, with that slight upward curve of the corners which goes with a keen appre ciation of fun, suggesting even in repose that a latent smile is ever lurking at the edges of the lips. She was mod ern to the soles of her dainty little d shoe, frankly fond of dress and of pleasure, devoted to tennis and to comic opera, delighted with a dance, which came her way only too seldom, onging ever for some new excitement, and yet behind all this lighter side of her character a thoroughly good, healthy minded English girl, the life and soul of the house, and the idol of her sister and her father. A peep into the remaining villa and our introductions are complete. (to a-- .. Medical Mission Work In China. Dr. Alice Marston, who has been acting in for some time as a medical missionary China, has sent a long account of a tour she districts to recently tookforinto the country Christian Knowlthe Society Promoting she was sent edge, under whose auspices nnf- nnd works. Her account is a. most tn-mrAsrtinc onp. dpfwrlbmsr the manner cTitt onri fica Pflrsrms werft received ttti. visited and the at the various places they wflv in which thev first snoke to the women who were assembled to meet them and afterafter ward proceeded to doctor them. Day numassembled in considerable Mars-tonday patients bers to obtain the benefits asof Miss the fame of professional services, her medicines and her skill spread. eOne day pabetween 9 and 2 she saw seventy-fivill to go to tients, and when they were too own homes. her she Visited them at their s Prom a missionary point of view Miss Mars-ton'were were the that people their impressions .spending mostly simple country people The land. the time in cultivating villages contain a few Christians who have been conwere generally verted and the little churches crowded on Sundays. .Miss Marston considers that more missionaries are required to gain some real hold on the inhabitants generally. London Queen. rather than pretty, but pale, striking m t s - ; with a graceful, womanly figure. There was something stately and distinguished in her carriage, "queenly" her friends called her, while her critics described her as reserved and distant. Such as it was, however, it was part and parcel of herself, for she was, and had always from her childhood been, different from any one around her. There was nothing gregarious in her nature. She thought with her own mind, saw with her own eyes, acted from her own impulse. Her face was ne enced by the most causes ! trifling Had the unknown builder who erected and owned these new villas contented himself by simply building each within its own grounds, it is probable that these three small groups of people would have remained hardly conscious of each other's existence, and that there would have been no opportunity for that action and reaction which is here set forth. But there was a common link to bind them together. To single himself out from all other Norwood builders the landlord had devised and laid out a common lawn tennis ground, which stretched behind the houses with net, green and widespread whitewashed sward, lines. Hither in search of that hard exercise which is as necessary as air or food to the English temperament, came young Hay Denver when released from the toil of the city; hither, too, came Dr. Walker and his two fatr daughters, Clara and Ida, and hither also, champions of the lawn, came the short-skirtemuscular widow and her athletic nephew. Ere the summer was gone they knew each other in this quiet nook as they might not have done after years of a stiff er and more formal ac .worn pathetic than Clara and Ida Walker? So bright were they, so quick, so interested in all which interested him, that if it were possible for a man to be compensated for the loss of a good wife then Balthazar Walker might claim to be so. Clara was tall and thin and supple, - CHAPTER his self, and knew the reason. "When Mary was alive," he would say, "she stood between me and the little troubles. I could brace myself for the big ones. My girls are as good as girls can be, but who can know a man as. his wife knows him?" Then his memory would conjure up a tuft of brown hair and a single white, thin hand over a cover- let, and he would feel, as we have all felt, that if we do not live and know each other after death, then indeed we are tricked and betrayed by a25 the highest hopes and subtlest intuitions of our nature. The doctor had his compensations to make up for his loss. The great scales of fate had been held "on a level for him; for where in all great London could one find two sweeter girls, more loving, more intelligent, rand more sym- n, old-fash-io- "Oh, Bertha!" "Oh, Monica!" gasped Very How does it work when his pocket is touched? Where is his chivalry then? Will the doctors help her to qualify? will the lawyers help her to be called to the bar? will the clergy tolerate her in the church? Oh, It is close your ranks then and refer poor woman to her mission! Her mission! To be thankful for coppers and not to interfere with the men while they grabble for gold, like swine round a trough, that is man's reading of the mission of women. Tou may sit there and sneer, Charles, while you look upon your vic--tibut you know that it is truth, every word of it." Terrified as they were by this sudden torrent of words, the two gentlewomen could not but smile- at the sight of the fiery, domineering victim and the big apologetic representative of mankind who sat meekly bearing all the sins of his sex. The lady struck a match, whipped a cigarette from a case upon the mantelpiece, and began to draw the smoke into her lungs. "I find it very soothing when my nerves are at all ruffled," she explained. "You don't smoke? Ah, you miss one of the purest of pleasures without a reaction." Miss Williams smoothed out her silken lap. "It is a pleasure," she said, with some reproach to "which Bertha and I are rather too to enjoy." "No doubt. It would probably make you very ill if you attempted it. By the way, I hope that you will come to some of our Guild meetings. I shall see that tickets are sent you." "Your Guild?" "It is not yet formed, but I shall lose no time in forming a committee. It is my habit to establish a branch of the Emancipation Guild wherever I go. There is a Mrs. Sanderson in Anerley who Is already one of the emancipated, so that I have a nucleus. It is only by organized resistance, Miss Williams, that we can hope to hold our own against the selfish sex. Must you go, then?" "Yes, we have one or two other visits to pay," said the elder sister. "You will, I am sure, excuse us. I hope that you will find Norwood a pleasant residence." "All places are to me simply a battlefield," she answered, gripping first one and then the other with a grip which crumpled up their little thin fingers. "The days for work and healthful exercise, the evenings to Browning and high discourse, eh, Charles? Goodbye!" She came to the door with them, and as they glanced back they saw her still standing there with the yellow bull pup cuddled up under one forearm, and the thin blue reek of her cigarette ascending from her lips. "Oh, what a dreadful, dreadful woman!" whispered sister Bertha, as they hurried down the street. "Thank goodness that it is over." "But she'll return the visit," answered the other. "I think that we had better tell- Mary that we are not at home." self-assertio- laughter. Better lay least. I'll send out and buy two or CONAIS DOYL.3 - ex-lain- ed. Average . m, "Charley," she shouted, "here's Eliza misbehaving again." "I'll settle her,' 'answered a masculine voice, and the young man dashed into the room. He had a brown horse-clot- h in his hand, which he threw over the JIM. basket", making it fast with a piece of twine so as to effectually imprison its fio Need of Alarm. inbate, while his aunt ran across to re, a rice trust Man of i . . assure her visitors. haabeen formed, and there is no tellltis "It is only a rock snake," she hovsoon rice may go up. ia enough to last a year at j chivalry these fine words and vague phrases? Where is it when we wish to put it to the test? Man in the abstract will do anything to help a woman. Of course. yff' Us KM- - F 9 now,-i- n retirement, he was fussy over trifles. The man who had operated without the quiver of a finger, when not only his patient's life but his own ' reputation and future were at stake, was now shaken to the soul by a mislaid book or a careless maid. He remarked it him- av n o J7D had been hey-da- y, cool over great things, but A STORYffO. L" - his . ara nmmlneilt . ine n,,Ho repvi iniresDOnse to she objected to be-K! auestion whether interviewed, said, "Certainly not," agro Sir story follows: "About U years in abode our take to up decided 5f went .along Krer and everything business EStbly for seven ofyears, a savitl& tem- accumulated quite an we pr0fnt Our family Increased as the5 bv and we now have rf sickness made, its way into SSehold. and doctors' bills flooded until we have nothing left but home and our children.of Everything physicians.Lnt to satisfy the claims I had a mlserAbout three years ago of ears, back my the mj feeling at and the Sht hand became paralyzed arm and rSSvsis extended to my and head affect would my fS.t and lose S3. Sometimes forwas days I would life-fSa Vdzht my face nose deformed, to was drawn were, my u itand !2? side I presented a pitiable and never expecting to regain Efv natural facial expressions. I the best physicians that could be Procured expending thousands of ob-it-in for their services, but could not stated At my last, they relief mi was beyond the reach of medical Sm and it would be but a short time to-d- British medical consultant just a high-cla- ss , ; i. i |