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Show -- m. Our ccxrai..is'. ouma. Tn BTladi wtu eootJnim to 4n ecb IS A TEUE KEF0R3IEB, nnnVvt paWua brod urider Tc&rlj contracts at mia! price. The 4r&ota? to the stockrutwr of f miJ Urixlnif the public fitb his brand and tnr are to well known to rjed attention. U l M stockman a raluable a uo advertUemeai Cta. LAW I F. Htr .,f I eii. . Oula, t MRS. CHARLES H. PARKHURST 4 AN EARNEST WORKER. To Her Hasbaad Is Not Due All the Honor of Reforming New York She Was the Inspiring Anrel of the Great Work. T Is pretty certain that when a man does the work and grains Uuh. Charles slit In Xjpper the position occupied right, under allt In left ear Range: Cricket Mountains and Lower Sevier. Address, by H. Dr. t, Park-hurs- there is a woman in the ease, who Is something of a power behind the All the throne. world knows now that Dr. Farkhurst Is a moral here. The he is fact is universally recognized that he and that posa man with a thought, convictions. his of sesses the courage Deseret, Utah. sounded are everywhere, His praises but how many stop to think of the noJos Dswsnnp ble woman in his home, who has been herself, in a large measure, the inspirait tion of this great life? Nevertheless, Park-hurUnder silt lk Is a fact that H. Mrs. Charles right, under alii is a woman of such Intellectual In left ear. ability, moral and spiritualandcharacter, magnet-IsRane: Crleki as well as personal address aiki Mountains on this pedesas to be placed justly Lower Sevier. tal. She believes in her husband. She believes in his work. She is In fullest Deseret, Utah sympathy with him in what he has done and is doing. In her quiet, refined, Join T Smitt womanly way she renders assistance that can never be told and that will, But consequently, never be known. Horse Grower to be all given people everywhere ought and Dealer to understand that when Dr. Park-hurRANGE: and his work are spoken of, com- st 5 ; !i t ff 1y w - - Address, m, st Hou .Mountain and Lower Sevier. Oaals, Urah. Address, nected with many working girls homes, AND SAMUEL A. KING, ODlt relief societies, and, in fact, all of tin oJ church of the charitable enterprises which her. husband is. pastor, as jwe OF as a number of outside missions. Hei :CURRENT PRODUCTIONS enand WRITERS. FUNNY friendly words of jadvice cheer courage many a forlorn and heartbroken girl, and those who are deserving receive help from her generous heart in "He Knelt Before Her In the Bloat a more substantial way. The hungry . Courtly. Fashion" Not Invited to the Collections Promptly". AtUtei-never leave her door unfed,"" or the niked Funeral Way of the Vagrant Sharp unclothed. , Pencil Points. Regarding: Christian Endeavor socieOffice, Flret National lnk Bldg..j ties, Mrs. Parkhurst expresses hersell strongly against their necessity. "EviE KNELT before rROVO, 0TAS most dently the Endeavorers do reach some in her people who could! not be brought into courtly fash-Ioreligious fellowship in any other appar-a ent way," says she, "but where As maids romanYoung People's Christian Endeavor sotic think a ciety is organized you may be pretty lover should; sure of finding a weak church preceding crowded thor- Ho The it. Each church member should be an oughfare lay earnest, vigorous worker in the cause before of the saving of souls, and if he or she Gold Hill them, or conscientiousher his duty performs But here the ly, there can be no reason for organizof shadows of as a it I sign always accept ing. wood. the quiet hnwi wpalrnpss anrl thp nrMnizpd The Oasis and Fish Springs stage leaves Christian n;naeavorer acts as a prop to she while he feet bowed, Down at her O asls Mrs. and Ibapah at 8 a. m., each Monday from Parkhurst it falling." keep in silence and Thureday, and arrives at terminal points was born in Chalemont, Mass. Waited, with covert glances cast within 52 hours. . . about; 3.00 Oasis to Detroit, Harriet Beecher Stows. No. one was near to catch their words " Fish Spr'ngs, 6.00 or glances--It Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, wh 17.50 " Gold Hill and ipabah. was a timely moment, beyond was the sixth child of Rev. Dr. Fare for transportation out and return oaf doubt. Lyman Beecher, was born in Litchone-hafares. Address, and eduwas field, Conn., June 12, 1812, and F. DAVIS, Proprietor, cated at the Litchfield Academy. At He knelt before her, but the lover's the age of twelve she wrote composiwooing tions on profound themes, and at the Had been done a year or so ago; age of fourteen taught a class in "But- - He was her husband, and 'twas at her ler's Analogy." In 1832 she removed bidding with her father's family to Cincinnati, His knee was bent, his head was where she was married in 1836 to Prodrooping low. fessor Calvin Ellis Stowe. SubsequentWATCHMAKEK, j ly she made several visits to the south, He rose and mopped his flushed and and fugitive slaves were often shelNEr HI, UTAH. weary features, tered In her house and assisted to esAnd mutterecras they wandered from Watches and jewelry promptly recape to Canada. In 1849 she published the spot, paired. Mail orders solicited. me at the "That's fifth time you've got this business Next time I'll tie that shoestring In a knot!" n, Room : and MINING and 4 5 ' Eagle Block, SALT LAK li CITY, UTAH. FRANK WHITEHEAD Professor of Musi Will give lessens cm Piano, Orean, Violin .and teach Bands at lowest prices acfi, ?, reason able terras.: O to.., For further particular, ddns FRANK WHITMEAD . - HINCKLEY.; r . UTAB -- j j lf j G. A, Gardner, cAyfEATS.TRADE MARK? COPYRIGHTS. V CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT t For a opinion, write to , prompt answer and an honest MUNN & CO., who have had nearly fifty years experience in the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of la. formation concerning Patents and bow to them Bent free. Also a catalogue of mecb&n. ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive notice in the Scientific and special tnna are brought widely before Amerienn, the publfc withcost to the inventor. This splendid paper, out issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has bvlarthe of uny scientific work in the circulation largest a sent tree. world. ob.-tai- n S3 year. Sample copies Edition, monthly, $2.50 a yecr. Sinple Building cents. Every number contains beau, copies, ii5 of tlful plates, in colors, and photographs with plans, enabling builders to show the secure contracts. Address latest designs and new-house- MUNN & CO., 31 New York, Fqadwat. Harness W.and Saddlery WILLIAMS, How He Won. G-E- O. "False one!" he hissed. The beautiful blue eyes gazed stead3P ily into his. "Meaning me?" asked the owner of the azure orbs. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF "You bet. Last Christmas the candy I bought for you came to $7.43. ValenSaddlery, Buggy Whips. Nose Bags, Collar tine's day I sent you $13 worth of hothouse roses. In March I blew in $11 for Pads, Hardware, Leather, etc. theater tickets. ' And now comes along that odious Smithers and takes you to Wholesale and Retail. Fine Buggy Harness a Specialty. the music festival, sets up the ice cream, pays for a carriage and corsage Our goods have been extensively used in Deseret and vicinity, and hayc bouquet, at less than half the money and time I expended on you, and you given the best satisfaction. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. give me the cold, cold shake." The azure eyes twinkled. "Well, you HEATED BY STEAM. ELEOTRIO CALL BELLI see," she said, "Mr. Smithers bunched his hits." A.YSON, Harness, ililis' nation on the U. P. Ry and Leam la t ton. Address, Leamington, Millard Co., Utah Parley Alirti Horses same brand on left thigh. Cattle cloe crop in left and silt in rigat ear. Range. ' Lower Sevlsr. erf ret, Utah. for Detroit, Fish Springs, and Ibapahl just i If LAND1 j s and monntalns. Vetween .': at Law. Attorney , Breeders ai4 dealers in Short horn Dnrbama Horses s a a brand 3n left thigh. Cattla Upperear.slop Is each Kanp i a j- HtMOE. WIT urerson Brc. '!'; i G. W, PARKS, : mnrtlO-W.'- M Dewsnnp i e of Bearer. Address: BLak r His Idea of Grace. A young Chicago drummer was tak- ing a vacation with his uncle in the country and was suddenly called upon to ask the blessing, and not being accustomed to it, he promptly tackled the difficulty in the following style: "We acknowledge the receipt of your favor of this date. Allow us to express our gratitude for this expression of good will. Trusting that our house may merit your confidence and that we may have many good orders from you this fall, we are, yours truly, amen." The old man will say grace hereafter. L on left thignj same brand on left hip of cattle. Rang Willow Spring. Address, F. J. Kearney, Flak Spring, Juab County, Utai. 0 Ton left thigh, double aw allow fork in left ear. Range, Lower Sprier. Addrea Clrls. Tbompsoi Oasi, Millard Co. Utah. brand on left shonlder on horaee P. N. Petersen, Address, Oaal Utah, Range, Low er Sevier. Same left HARRIET BEECHER STOWE on Horses. tbig Upper elope and one nnder allt ta left ear. and two mended and praisedr Mrs. Parkhurst "The Mayflower, r Short Sketches of nnder sllta tn right cona to in mental have the Descendants of the Pilgrims," and the place ear. BANGS :Oak ought How carefully she guards her in 1851, while living at Brunswick, Me., Creek. cept. is known only, by those who have ought and failed to obtain interviews with Dr. ParknursL She measures hTs Intruders Sims Walker husband against if not chiefly, Addroai; Oak City, Utah. i t ! S. MARTIK, ur-mersta- nds us 'f i Headquarters for Sheep, Cattle : so-call- ed "Sirrah," remarked the sultan, "my first wife and I are one." The court mathematician bowed low in affirmation. "Well," proceeded his majesty, "how about me and my second wife?" "You are another," promptly rejoined the. man of science. Whereat divers high functionaries made shift to leave the apartment, not deeming it good politics to give their puissant sovereign to his face. the ha-h- a A & ww mm mvim Mutr Leads All the Rest- Mining - Support Home State Fair 1894, Medal. Gold Industries Three Cream Baking Powder Gold and Medals. Keep THttF rmxx twec "rnra Your Superior Quality Flavoring Extracts Gold Medal. Money - W. M STEWARD, 1 ........ 1 in I .Frank or '.r'---r D. Hobbs, , ft : HJorTef-j'rndeiic- ! e BIRD & LOWE, ! ! 24-in- ch i Men f urf uiiii, AWARDS. Little Gossip. where her husband had a chair in Bow-doi- n College, she wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin, or Life Among the Lowly.." It svas published seriaTiy in the National in book form. Era, and in 1852 appeared Nearly 600,000 copies were sold in tho United States alone within the five years following its publication. It has been translated into twenty languages and dramatized in various forms. Mrs. Stowo traveled extensively in Europe for several years, and has published a number of other books, among them "The Minister's Wooing," "Dred; a Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp," "Old Town Folks," "The True Story of Lady Byron's Life," and; "Lady Byron Vindicated." For some years she has resided in Hartford.i Conn. strength with marvelous accuracy, and when the limit is nearly reached sho it and no amount of persuasion can prevail upon her to give way SALT LAKE. and permit another ounce of weight to ol-der- s. be placed upon his overburdened As a counselor Mrs. Parkhurst Is GcnoralGn mmissi l not only sympathetic but wise; with true womanly instinct she sees, as if Dealer In by a divine inspiration,- - the right, and then, notwithstanding her native genFRUITS, VEGETABLES, BUTTER, tleness, she Is ready to stand by the right as unflinchingly as is her world-famotry, Game, Veal Pork nA Egg, Paul8moked' Mrs. Parkhurst is husband. and Fresh risk, Beef, not an of advocate woman's Xlonr, Hay and Grain. rights, and if all women could exert It will pay yon to ship yomr gooda to bo.- I their influence as she is able to put Tho Moll re Fountain. charge 10 per eent. for handling and remit as forth hers, there would be.no crying toon aa rf ood are sold. Can give flnt-ola- a demand for' the right of franchise on Not far from the National Library, counter reference If desired. tho part of woman. If she had any where the little street Moliere runs into number of ballots nhe would not be able the Rue Richelieu!, at this converging to oxert by their use a tithe of the in- - point, is the Fountain of Moliere, one of the handsomest; in Paris. It is supposed that the founder of French comO. edy died in the house now numbered 34, Rue Richelieu, and so the monument was placed here, bear it, at this comorxicst manding point. The monument was built by public subscription and boars 69 W. 2nd, South, SALT LAKE CITY tho date of the birth and death of the celebrated actor, whom Louis XIV hon1 P. O. BOX ored with his friendship. It was through the efforts of one Regnier, Societalro of ..$1.00 8raplei. the Comedle Frantaise when Moliere's Iron 1.00 subplays delighted all: Paris that thismonu1.00 was the Copper Ajsaj...'.., .. started ,and scription Bottle 8mDli. 3. CO mental fountain erected. There is a pedestal, above which Is a bronze fig--, w t ure of Moliere, whd appears as if in deep j thought, while in bis hand is aIspen. On each side of the pedestal there the figI'. S. Land Office.) ( LsK" K ure of a woman, one representing High Comedy and tho Other Light Comedy, Land faiKi Kicirg Attorney!. V both of these the work of Prodier, tho born in Geneva, but solicited. Twenty-tbre- e MRS. CHARLES II. PARKHURST. sculptor who was. best . work In Pari. his all did who flusnce out to that goes affect , year?' ejperieme. columns Corinthian Four affairs from the quiet of her home.public support a pedHer Influence for good Is simply Incalcula- iment and cornice,! and In the pedlmoat SALTI.AKKC1TY, VTAU. ble. No wonder that in an atmosphere is an emblematical figure that Is holdof such happy domesticity Dr Park- ing out a crown to place upon Moliere's S U: hurst stands out boldly against the en- head. y ,: franchisement of women. It is because he has such a wife, who in her quiet 1 To Study Mars. way works such a mighty influence, Mr. Percival Lowell, of Boston, who doubtless, that he has been led to take this position. All honor to this noble erected and equipped a fine temporary Lend Agents & Attorneys. woman for the part she has taken, for observatory In Arizona last year merely purpose of studying the planet the influence she has exerted in public for the announces Mars, that he will have) a to the outside unknown all great affairs, made telescope some by Clark for furrespects, unsympathetic ther research. and, in Park-hurst- 's no to Mrs. is end There arorld. SALT LAKE CITY, LTAIL mission work, the demands upon An old flamethe light of other days. She is con- her time being enormous. 0. Prop. At the Court of the Sultan. Hark, slit fai and two silt right tn eft ear. Bene i I L. HOLBROOK, ' First Gossip So axed to the funeral? you was nivver as much as InSecond Gossip--Nivvside the house. But you Just wait till we hev a funeral of our own, an' we'll show 'em! er i Best Suality and of at Home. Boda Water. A Sad Dog. Cholly was struck by the dash and vim Of a golden-haire- d soubrette, he asked her out to dine with him Ad The very first night they met. MANUFACTURE! BY HEWLETT BPOS And envious friends of that sporty youth Said: "Cholly's a sad dog, you bet!". CALT LAKE CITY, UTAH - I In which they were strictly speaking the truth Spices Pure and Ground Daily. For the bill was twelve dollars net. -- . you? - A Faying Business. Dreamielgh Hullo, Skeamleigh ! You look quite prosperous. What are you working at these days? Skeamleigh Getting up sensations for New York preachers. BOX 633. JOSEPH A. LYMN General Merchandise, They Bloom There. Mr. Emerson (from,, Boston) I don't' see why you call them roof gardens. There don't seem to be any flowers here. Mr. Manhattan That's so. But you see a few society buds and blossoms here once in a while. New York World. . "The Reason. Mrs. Biggs I wonder why It I that none of the park policemen notice my children, when they are patting Mrs. BInn's on the head half the time? Old Biggs (rapturously) Ah, you riever saw Mrs. Binn's nurseglrl, did 9 Has a full line of- - And is selling down at Panic Prices for Pay Down. Either for Cash or Produce at cost. Travelers and Sheepmen will find me supplied with - GRAIN - AND HAJ, Highest cash price paid for Hides and Pelts. : - STABLINGk Don't forget JOSEPH A. LYMAN, OAS Gll?Y, MILLABD ; COUNTY, : : . . . I TIT AH. |