Show Utah Public Utilities I Show Marked Trend Upward 1934 4 Public utilities of Utah were climbing steadily back to business normalcy a survey of the field revealed at the close of 1934 I Although the percentage of business gains reported this l last ast st year have not been extremely high officials of the larg larg- est public utilities in the state are pleased with the results obtained Business is better than han in 1933 which makes the situation more hopeful for 1935 While the Utah Power and Light company's 1934 program was devoted chiefly to providing adequate electrical cal al service officials reported the last 12 2 months have resulted in a year of outstanding public and soc social al service Accomplishments of or the company during the period have been th the alleviation alle- alle of disastrous drouth ravages in n its t territory which has saved many agriculturists from rum ruin cooperation with local state and federal governments governments governments govern govern- ments in relieving unemployment stimulation Emulation of or sound recover recovery through the he force of or private initiative and the impetus of ol private enterprise advancement ad- ad o of the national program for or home modernization in an effort to o improve the standard of living and development of a greater use of electricity in industry on the farm farmand farmand and nd in the home Reports Report Business Gain The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph company reports its first usine busin business s gain ain since 1930 Officials said aid saidie the ie percentage o of gain gam in 1934 is more morelan than lan 4 per cent and are looking forward forward for- for ward vard for lor a higher increase in 1935 From the first of the year and up to o November 30 a total of 1816 new telephones were installed jn n Utah by the he company bringing the total to in the state Officials said toll calls caUs have increased In in- cre creased sed considerably during the year The total originating toll calls caUs in Utah this his year amounted or per er day Local calls alls originating in Utah reached the total sum of or per day Many new consumers were added to o the list of ot the natural gas companies companies com- com anies in Utah resulting in an increase in in in- crease rease in gas sales sale of more than thap 10 per cent J. J D D. D Roberts vice pres president and nd general manager of ot the Utah Gas and nd Coke the Wasatch Gas and Ogden Gas companies announced Business Increases On the entire system there was an ani increase of 6 per cent in consumer business Sale of various appliances jumped up 73 pcr per cent which indicates indi indi- cates ates this type o of business is rega regaining regain regain- n ing ng lost ground and is slated for higher high high- her h- h er r increases in 1935 I In a report issued by the state tax commission and in another made after lter I the tie committee of ot nine completed its studies it was revealed that the utilities ties ies and mines ore are assessed third one-third of ot the burden of taxes axes on pro property pert It also showed that hat the percentage of or delinquency rate ate Is 3 le less lea than 1 per cent compared compared com corn pared to the delinquency rale rate of or 25 per er cent this year ear on n all aU property taxes axes Of or major interest In the Utah Power and anci nd Light company's program was its ts participation in saving more than in crop values by releasing Bear lear lake water into Bear river through dredging operations at Lif Litton Lifton ton In n a report to Governor Henry H. H Blood the Bear river water committee commit commit- tee ce estimated that in Utah acres cres of or land received water and andy y yielded elded additional crops over ver what otherwise would have been produced reduced Assures Mures Constant Service Efforts ol of the company also were instrumental in assuring the customers custom- custom ers rs in its territory constant electric service ervice in a year of ot unprecedented drouth When water shortage in the Jordan ordan river became acute the company corn corn- pany any in a short period of 20 days erected a spray pond to protect protect pro- pro Salt Lake City against any diminution diminution diminution di di- of service The project was completed through the force o of private private vate ate initiative and the ability of ot private private vate ate enterprise to give the right of way vay for all emergency work In conformance with its pledge to the he last legislature the company has made substantial contributions to unemployment unemployment un- un employment relief More than above normal p payroll ret re re- t have been provided with work over long periods and substantial substantial amounts spent for purchases purchase inthe inthe in inthe the territory which the company compan serves More than men have been employed durin during the year checking the valuation of the property in Utah as ordered by the utilities commission commis commis- commis sion Exposition Draws During the spring and arid earl early summer summer summer sum sum- mer a modernization exposition in Salt Lake City attended by persons was instrumental in priming i the pump of business activity and one of ot the company's major achievements was its cooperation with this movement movement move move- men ment t according to officials The Western Colorado Power company a subsidiary of the Utah company compan conducted conducted conducted con con- ducted a similar exposition at Delta Colo Cob The power company extended its service to rural sections until Utah ranks rank fifth in the United States in percentage o of farms electrified I It made further advancements during the year ear with a tour of or the Home Electric truck The company won two bronze plaques and five certificates for safe driving awarded by the national safet safety safety safe safe- t ty council during the year ended Jul July 1 1934 The company's 57 trucks and 26 passenger cars traveled a Q distance of a million miles without an acci accI- den dent t. t New Lines Installed In Bountiful Farmington Kaysville Kaysville Kays Kays- ville and Vernal the old cranking type telephones were discarded when the systems were converted from magneto to battery All AIl telephones and exchanges had to be changed which involved a huge expenditure of ol money officials said The company also rebuilt its line from Salt Lake City to Wendover and from Salt Lake City to Evanston Wyo WiO Expansion Planned Mr Roberts announced that the gas company is 3 planning an aggressive program for new customers in 1935 which will involve a huge huce money outlay Chief on the 1935 program Is b the construction of a new of office ce building for th the gas company on the site of oJ the old Botterill Automobile company com corn pany pang building on South State street Bids are expected to be let after alter January January January Janu Janu- ary 1 and construction started so the building will be completed by May 1 1 The structure will be two stories with a full fuU basement and besides the thc executive offices will have an extremely extremely ex ex- ex large sales display room for forthe forthe forthe the three distribution companies The exact cost of the building has riot not ot been figured out yet |