Show jim film Director Writer Close Court Battle By y FLICKER R FAN f d had C Curtiz curti until m motion picture di di- and d Miss Mathide Foerster Foe ster T S-T tc writer finally have declared U their prolonged cou court t fight tight in fa e ut funds for the thc support PP 1 of v nt s 14 year old raid son po 11 ll years yearn 0 of o. litigation on Curt Curto Cur Cur- t to contribute a month e bO bs Y s supPort supPort- art The agreement i in superior court and i 1 ed n nIA K td ed In IA a formal decree controversy had been passive ne De september 1923 when a Vienna ordered the director to pay payer paymon tt rt S fi a mon The court at t er e. e declared Curtiz was the oy by the MIsS p was ins instructed Crt court to make an an annual KV N oUTa accounting for the he money sh she tr from Curtis Curtiz ll vs C p t. t a a holI 72 hour search earch Henry A A. A 4 j brother of Adolphe e s ca eed ced ed to a battery altery warrant pre pre- by bT hla former wife Mrs Fran urt ott who accused him of striking of binoculars He with a pair Pir guilty and nd paid a 15 fine charged that her forr forr for for- r r h husband became enraged when refused to allow him to take lake their on oa I a shopping g expedition Seater Sery ec toda today shrouded the wed wed- lag pl Plata olani ns of Claudia Dell and Edwin ilton tan record e holders among Holly Holly- l sv eth admitting they will be marthey mar mar- Beland fed pi In the they would disclose either the time lime nor the place of the r Well We'll Well gelt be married Saturday morn morn- but ut were we're not telling the hour Ater the ceremony they will motor Springs for a brief honey honey- t isS Dell Delt an actress and Silton an antor's anis tor's tors is 5 agent have been reported ened ened en- en ed for six years |