Show EDDIE CANTOR FILM NEXT AT THE CAPITOL CAPITOLI I Bright EY Eyes Shirley Temples Temple's popular new picture will continue Its run to and including Monday night at the Capitol Its touching and dra matic story has won tivon wide response since the thc pictures picture's opening a week ago The small star Is again featured with James Dunn and an able su supporting sup sup- porting cast Includes Judith Allen Jane Darwell Charles Sellon Theodore Theo The a dore dare Von Eltz and Dorothy Christy ag Built around an actual happening g in a southern California airdrome the story tells of the friendship between an orphaned tot and a a famous flier mer His struggle to adopt the child in them both in dramatic in-dramatic ties and provides much of ot the pl picture pic pic- tures ture's human interest A Grantland Rice a car car- toon loon and Paramount sound news new round out the c current bill Kid Millions Eddie Cantors Cantor's tun tune filled filled new musical comedy will be the Capitols Capitol's New New Years Year's eve show attraction continuing its engagement on New Years Year's day Farney at th the e organ and other surprise features will be a part of the thc midnight sh show w en en- Free hats horns favors favor st s and noisemakers will be given ou out t Doors will open at 1140 |