Show FERA FER F E R A 4 Gives Financial Aid to Many U V Students Nearly 20 per cent of ot the students attending the University of ot Utah during during dur dur- ing tag the past year have been employed em era- with funds provided by the F FERA FER E R A and more than has been spent for this purpose Four hundred and six fifty men students received and women women women wo wo- men students received a total of for their work vork T The e buildings ad ald ground department depart ment has employed the greatest number num number num- num ber of 01 men on improvements Chief Chic among these was the digging of a trench h extending from the new campus campus campus cam cam- pus wen well just west of ot the football stadium to a point just east of at the museum building where a storage reservoir is being constructed The remainder of the male students students students stu stu- stu- stu dents did clerical work laboratory and research assistance and reading and grading of ot papers More than 40 women students have been reconditioning furniture and sewing drapes for various campus buildings un under kr the direction of Mrs A. A L. L Beesley Beesler The remainder of at the women assisted assisted assisted as as- in the library museum and laboratories did clerical and research work and read and graded papers University Uni authorities say that the present F FER FERA E R A projects will continue continue con con- next year ear and that new undertakings undertakings under under- takings will begin as soon as the present present present pres pres- ent ones are finished The government government govern govern- ment is allowing a month for forthe forthe forthe the next six months to provide em cm- for university students I |