Show r Great Plans Are Made In Future Development t i For Salt Lake Valley f Planning Planning- L ing Board Looks to Time When V Basin t Will V Be Filled With Industry V. V S. S Homes and Parks teeming with new industries 1 A heart of Utah development dott dotted d with modern homes prosperous farms and busy commercial centers streaked with arterial and linking hig highways ways and endowed With recreation centers and na natural ur l parks of the Great Salt Lake That is the thc future seen for the thc region legion in today to the Valley aIley between Salt Lake City and Ogden a report State planning board looking to the thc time when stretches on the e east st Iid h of nf the lake no longer loncer will bedle be idle alkaline wastes S S i R DeBoer consultant for the board and author o of the study describes de scribes rib s the region rc-gion as the very heart o of th the development of or the state a state a pot unusually fitted for human use The report contains a preliminary plan for tor future development of the thc made th the thc subject subie sub sub- r region gion The area was ie je t of ofa oa a detailed study that is expected expected ex expected to be the nucleus of or further work in the state y y Outlined Plan Is Is jit It is is proposed broadly t to divide the thel theland theland l land nd In four zones 1 Two industrial zones zones zones' along thc th cast front of oi the lake 2 An open residential z zone ne Adjoining ning it to the east 7 3 Commercial zones at points Jot of arterial importance I 4 Recreation ion zones on the low lowland lowland lowland land west of the Jordan north o of th the airport and on Antelope is is- is land land Linking inking d development with the prop proposed proposed pro pro- p posed sed Great Salt lake dikes that would provide industrial water vater the report foresees great activity in the ther r region gion and six industries which Mr De Dc Boer b believes could be established profitably They are arc meat packing magnesium magnesium mag mag- potash general fertilizer and copper refining leining i Industrial Zones I A southern industrial zone would be placed along the east shore of the J lake ke because some industries would need large quantities of fresh water Prevailing ailing winds from the south would carry smoke and soot away I from the city over the lake The zone would be served by a park road along the cast east shore Behind Behind Behind Be Be- hind the first strip of or indus industries ries would run a branch railroad d. d A A second industrial zone would be placed l at the north end of or the fresh freshwater water body to serve the Ogden area A A. residential belt situated on land lana reclaimed by drain drainage ge would extend to the Salt Lake City limits and is planned for the subsistence home homestead stead type of development industries would live within a short distance 0 of ot th the work on small tracts where they could grow food Commercial Zones C Commercial Fi zones tones would be placed intersections of or traffic arteries which are part of the development plan A new type o of zone would be created created cre cre- h in the north part of or the lake flats it would be set aside for recreational rec rec- r use and for grazing or farming Eight major traffic lines are arc proposed proposed pro pro proposed posed 1 A direct arter artery to the sou south h dike of Antelope island connecting connect connect- ing Salt Lake City with the eel 2 A direct artery from O Ogden den west along the Weber river over t the north dike and connecting Ogden with t the e north end o of the project j 3 An alternative route from f Ogden via Hooper over the north dike Traffic Lanes Lanes' 4 I A diagonal c connection from F Fourth rth South street to Magna I shortening the distance between the two municipalities by by six sic miles I 5 A A- Alake lake shore road aro around nd the the east side of or th the lak lake 6 6 A lake shore road around 4 Antelope island for recreational purposes i 7 7 A park road along the Jordan Jori Jor- Jor i dan I n river 8 3 A major north and south artery through the section west of the airport Plans for making makin the area a play playe e Center easily casily accessible to the entire region legion are extensive Parks larks Are Planned Shores of the proposed fresh water body in in n Great Salt lake would be set aside for far gr park purposes and a p park rk boulevard boule would encircle Antelope island bland as well as the fresh wa water wafer r lake The Toads roads would run over the dik dikes s. s B Boating and water sports would be possible in both fresh and salt water Cottages for and possibly pos pos- sibly a hotel are arc seen A large natural park Is proposed along ong t the e Weber river where there are large tracts of or adaptable bottom land landd Off Ol the shores a series of lagoons lagoons la la- goons are proposed to c carry Weber river iver water to the fresh water lake whole area there Would be treated treat d. d das as a natural park of or wooded cna character with Boy Scout lodges s and trails trails' but with little l If any artificial development t. t Need eed Hunting Buntin PreSerVes Preserve Conceding that maintenance o of a large considerable park would be a item Mr D DC Da Boer referred to a separate separate sep sep- arate arat planning board proposal that the state prison be moved to a new site zite near near the lake where prisoners could be given outdoor f work I The Tle Jordan river park road would be a direct connection between Salt Lake City and the lake shore Possibility of ot using Jordan river wat Water to transport boats from Salt Lake City to the lake would be con con- L Large rg- rg tracts of land on the lakes lake's le east cast t a shore ore would be reserved for lor hunting u thus offering sportsmen i hew fields iI I Much Muco of the proposed development pon the Great Salt lake cc CC which has be been declared feasible as sWa tate J P pr project jed Possibly by use of ZT P v A funds by Dr Jacob 3 L. L Crane bc suI n for th the national plannIng oard I pi p- p 4 i L i P i |