Show DROP IN SCHOOL FIGURES SHOWN Census of Utah Reveals Decrease Decrease Decrease De De- De- De crease in Children of School Age Utah's school population showed a decrease during 1934 for the fourth time in 38 years according to the 35 1934 census completed at the capitol capitol capitol cap cap- itol Saturday Other years to show losses since Utah became a state in 1890 1898 were 1902 1919 and 19 J according to the survey which was tabulated by J. J Easton head of the division of research and statistics in the state school office ollice School children aged 6 to 17 years I numbered during 1934 a de decrease decrease I de-I de- de crease of from the of 1933 Boys exceeded girls to The census showed children were attending time full-time school in their own districts time part 2260 were attending In m schools outside outside out out- side their districts 2391 were in private private private vate schools were outside the state and were not enrolled in any school Of the last total youngsters were married most of them being being being be be- ing girls It was an increase from the reported wedded a year ago Most fost of the married children of school age ge lived in rural districts these numbering it was reported A total of 1728 of those not enrolled enrolled enrolled en en- rolled had no legal excuse whatever the report showed shoved Utah has children boys and 78 girls sirls aged 10 to 17 y years ars who can neither read nor write In Salt Lake Lak county the Granite school district was the o only ly one of or orthe the four to show a population in crease Its total of was 10 great greater er than in 1933 Jordan showed a loss of 92 Murray a loss oss of 21 and Salt Lake City a loss Joss of ot 51 51 The largest loss In the state occurred occurred oc oc- oc- oc in Sevier Seyler county count where the l of Was less than that of 1933 |