Show SCHOOL SHOWS STUDENT GAIN OAIN St. St Mary of ot Wasatch Reports 1934 Increase in Enrollment inthe in inthe inthe St S1 Mary Wasatch nestling the Salt SaIl Lake City ity foothills has an increase of or 22 students this in its th three ee divisions grade divisions grade school high school and college 1 Several new courses course in in in- nursing work have been added this year ear in inthe inthe the thc college Rowland Hall no now in th the middle S of ot the fifty fifth year ar of its s history reports a materially increased cd enrollment enroll enroll- ment meat and steady adv advance ce in n the field of ot progressive ive education The science department has added a general course in experimental biology in in support of ot the belief that every girl should be given opportunity opportunity nit to follow out her particular Interest interest interest in in- terest under expert su supervision The aim of ot the school chool is to fit the girls by precept and example and actual actual aCtual ac ac- ac experience to take lake their place in a s 's society which demands the ability ability abil abil- it ity to think and act independently I and nd reasonably r |