Show I HOUR 30 WEEK IS URGED I. I FOR CARPENTERS IN UTAH l PROVO PROVO PROVO-A A 3 hour 30 week and a wage of an an hour was advocated for Z carpenters in Utah Friday night by members of Provo chapter N No 1498 United Brotherhood of Carpen Carpen- in A t resolution passed at a meeting meet meet- ing in the Hotel Roberts to be forwarded forwarded forwarded for for- warded to state code authorities Glen J Alleman George Higgins and Varn Johnson all of Provo were appointed ap ap- ap- ap pointed a committee to represent the he local chapter in formulation of or the state code for lor the industry Election lection of officers will be held at 30 p p. m. m January 4 at the Hotel Roberts Roberts Rob Rob- erts announced Lloyd E E. Crawford I president r |