Show LOCAL MARKET i REGARDED HIGH Salt Lake Stock Exchange Ranks High as Mining Mining Min Mm- ing Mart The Toe Salt Lake stock exchange is one of the oldest se security markets in the west vest and because it is situated in inthe inthe inthe the center of or one ne of or the worlds world's lar largest largest larg larg- est mining and smelting districts it Is regarded as one of the worlds world's leading mining Among the 97 companies listed on its board are re sev SC several era eral oil end and manufacturing companies but the great cat majority are arc mining companies The exchange had its beginning in 1886 when a group of ot men met in a storeroom on Second South street near Main Mala street to trade in the stocks of the companies then operating As business expanded the little exchange ex cx- change was obliged from time to time timeto to move into larger quarters It was in 1908 it was reorganized and in 1909 it moved into its present plesent home erected on a site donated b by Samuel Newhouse one of ot the leading mining operators rs of the period The exchange enjoys a unique record record rec rec- ord for lor uninterrupted operation never having closed except for lor holidays since it o occupied its s present building It continued to function without interruption interruption in in- even e during the thc p early arl in the World war var h when n many other of the nations nation's exchanges were obliged to close On October 1 I 1 when new laws law governing governing gov gov- ernin security markets went into effect ef feet the Salt SaIl Lake stock exchange become became one of or 25 exchanges in the nation to o obtain n formal registration by the new federal securities and exchange ex cx- change commission Officers of the exchange are arc J. J A. A Barela Barclay president F. F R R. R Woolley first vice ice president B. B W. W Dixon second vice president Imer Pett PeU Sr third vice president Blake Thomas W. W H. H Child J. J C. C Lynch I I. I D. D Lowe and W. W D. D board of governors |