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Show religious services. Tatikknacle. Tha Tabernacle services ser-vices are liiiu.miinued during the winter seaiun. First "Wabd Meeting; at 2 and 6 p. m. Elder 6. W. Scars will preach this evening. Second "Ward. Meetings at 2 and 0 p.m. Third "Ward. Meetings at 2 and 6 p.m. Fourth Ward. Meeting at 2p.m. Fifth and Sixth. Meetings at 1:30 and 0 p. m. Seventh Ward. Meetings at 2 and 8 p.m. Elder John Tuddenham will preach thU evening. Eighth Ward. Bishop Elijah , Sheets. Sunday schitol at 10 a.m. Me"tings at 2 in the aiternon and in the evening at ti o'clock. Ninth Ward, Bishop S. A. Wool-ley. Wool-ley. Sabbath School at IU a.m. Meeting Meet-ing at 1 in the afternoon and in the evening at 6 o'clock. Testh Ward. BishoD John Proctor. Proc-tor. Sunday school at '.'i a.m. Meeting at 2 in the aiternoon and in. the evening at G o'clock. Eleventh Ward. Bishop Alex. McKae. Meetings at 2 and 6 p. m. Twelfth Ward. Bishop L. W. Hardy. No Sunday School or Meeting Meet-ing to-day. Thirteenth Ward. Bishop Z. D ; Woo I ley. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Services every cunday at 2 o'clock in afterooon and at 6 in the evening. Elder David Candland will preach this afternoon, and Llder Geo. Nebeker in the evening. Fourteenth Ward. Bishop Thos. T:yl.r. Sunday School al 10 a.m. Services at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and at Gi in the evening. Some of Twelve A pos-tles are expected to preach. Seats provided for strangers. Fifteenth Ward. Bishop R. T. Burton. Meetings at 2 and 0 p. m. Sixteenth Ward. Bishop F. Kes-ler. Kes-ler. Meetings at 2 and G p.m. Seventeenth Ward Meetings at 2 and G p. in. Nineteenth Ward Bishop A. H. Raleigh. Meetings at 2 and G p. m. Twentieth Ward. Bishop John Sharp. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Services at half-past 1 o'clock in the afternoon and at G in the evening. Catholic. Church of SL Mary Mag-deleno, Mag-deleno, Second Ksi street, Rov. Father Walsh, Pastur. High Mass will be sung at 11 o'clock. Mr. O. Pratt, jun., organist. or-ganist. Catechism at 3 p.m. Vespers at 7 p.m. Sermon at morning and evening service. St. Mark's Eriscoi'AL Church. Right Rev. D. S. Tuttle, D. D., Bishop and Rector, liev. R. M. Kirby, Asst. Rector. Services at 11 a.m and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. German Service. Elder Karl G. Maeser presiding. Service in German at the City Hall, this morning at 10 o'clnck. Germans and Swiss are cordially cor-dially invited to attend. Presbyterian. Preaching in the Liberal Institute this morning at 11 o'clock, by Kuv. Sheldon Jackson, who will supply tho pulpit regularly until tho return of tho Rv. Mr. Walsh. Sunday school at y -A). Ihe public are cordially invited. Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. C- C. Stratton, Pastor. Preaching Preach-ing at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m., and Sunday school at 2 p.m. Seals free. Public cordially invited. Sirangers mado welcome and nt homo. Baptist. Services at Richard's Hall at 11 a.m. and 7 pm. Sunday school immediately after the moraing services. |