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Show LKTTEB IKOS TIN TIC. Corre.-i tnia: uf ih.9 iisni-t'-1 HOMANSVILLE, TiSTIC, January L'i, li-'3. llt-jrt il-fild : To day Woman viile has made its grand dvbu:, c'lf'-raud m "miner I like" style, by tbr "ti--t cru-h" of the Wyomiog fcMiv. r ni'nirg cmpany e mill, uf Cincinnati. Ohio. The celebration cele-bration wad iiiieily earned through, first by a shrill shih-k from the whistle, at which ti'itt? vi-iiur from Diamond, Silver and Kirt-ka citien coojrci'ated to lo-ik upon, not unly the making ot our di-tiict, but alio one of the most suecv.-.-ful Jmccl'S of W'.'rkmao?hip, architecture, aud u.i 1 buiUbg. oo to be found anywhere on tbo Pacidc Coa-t. If Ltn docs nut understand quartz mill bui'diog no use 10 auy one else advanc.ng au iJca. THE C'ELIllltATlOS. Among th'e present were suptr-intcud.'uL suptr-intcud.'uL HY S. Millspauh. cap-taiu cap-taiu H. Itawltncs, oulonel WiiliamS, prof'c-sor Nesbitt, bihcp HofTheiLS, ui:j )r 11. T. Suiitb, aud uiauy others. The ladies were not only delighted with the runniDg'of the mill, but the running in as smooth a way a ran the madeira, cognac, etc., and it was an event sufficient to explain to the inexperienced inex-perienced brain of r tie ladies how useful use-ful it is to have "stauiis" and bow money is made und enjoyed. All parties having bevn granted;that privilege ullolted to ail American citizens, citi-zens, namely, the expressing of an opinion, thy dispersed well satisfied that (he Wyoming company's mill waE a perfect success, and rejoicing in the future prospect of our Tintic mining district. And now, Messrs. Kditors, before elosiog let you and I ""shake" nvt;r another laurel being added to our Utah Territory, with many hopes of a further successful report. Sam. |