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Show A FIXE BCILDIXG. The building ore ted for ihe banking establish dent of Messta. A, W. White i Co., is so far completed that the banking department is ready for occupation, occu-pation, and Messrs. White fc Co. expect ex-pect to move in on Monday. The 1 structuro U a very handsome one aed in every benso crcdiublo to the city. The building has twenty-three feet frontage on East Temple 6treet, is seventy feet deep, has two stories and a basement, and is built of brick on a rock foundation. The first story has 1 an iron front, with sn opening for the banking house window 10x13 feet,! filled with two lights of plate glas, in 1 solid black walnut finish. There are Ito ; solid black walnut doors, the south one , entericg on to tho stairs leading to the second story, and the north one nto ths tanking room; while the basement base-ment is rpached by broad iron stairs under the centre window, tho steps leading up to the front doors being also iron. The basement, which is very commodious, com-modious, well lighted and ventilated, is well adapted for a broker's or insurance insur-ance office, having a largo firo-proof vault. The main floor, which will be occupied oc-cupied by Mcstrs. A. W. White & Co , is divided into three rooms, of which the firr-t one is 20x40 in the the clear, handsomely fitted up as the ; banking room. The counter, which runs along the front and side of the room, is of solid black walnut, the front being finished with elaborate brackets, panels and carved work, all solid walnut. The The vault is 6 x 9 feet in the clear, built of brick, with an air chamber, heavily bolted and barred together. The doors and other vault work are from Messrs. Herring & Co., the celebrated cele-brated vault and safe builders. The outer door is chilled steel, with Herring's Her-ring's combination lock, and is handsomely hand-somely painted, presenting a massive and elegant appearance. Tho vault is supplied with one of Herring's champion cham-pion burglar proof safes, flanged and rubber packed, weighing 6,800 lbs,, and supplied with a Dexter's double dial lock. The insido of the safe is .furnished with a reserve chest, on which is a Sargent & Greenleaf patent lock. Both locks admit of an almost unlimited number of combinations, and the safe ij undoubtedly the finest in the city. Wo may add that it is the one which drew the premium at the Paris Exposition. The bank parlor, or "sweating room," in the reur of the banking room, is 1C x 10, is neatly furnished, well lighted, and when carpeted and furnished as it will be, will form an elegant addition to the banking room. The second floor is divided into five rooms, which aro nicely furnished, and well lighted; and the building is supplied, sup-plied, in every room, with gas and water pipes, The cost of the building is about $ 15,000; price of the lot $13,-000. $13,-000. Messrs. Folsom & Romncy have been tho architects and builders, and have reason to be proud of their work. The plastering was done by William Nowell, the carving by E. T. Bird, and the painting by Joshua Midgley. Messrs. White & Co, have our best wishes for a successful continuation of their j business in their new and elegant ele-gant premises. |