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Show THE LADIES. The hieh Spanish comb is beooming ijuite f'aehioQabie. Belts are much worn both with the rouud w&bt and polouaiic. Billiards Ls becoming a very fashionable fashion-able amuse me 01 iur young ladies. Lice po!onai;es for dinner parties and reecptionji are coiuing in vegue. Belts of walskin. with pretty little poTtemonnais attached, are worn by ladies. You are snubbed in New York if you haven't tortoise shell belt with a silver sil-ver buckle. For drcs?y toilets for tho street, black silks of rich quality eecm to be most in favor at this season. Iowa women are pettiDg rich mak-in mak-in the liquor dealers pay for their husbands' inebriated antics. A charming little Scotch chapeau of velvet aud laille has a soft crown of velvet, with a velvet Outing arouLd the edge. - Prudent Connecticut clergymen complete tho marriage ceremuuy by giving full inatructioiift how to pr'cuie a dtvtrce. A r.ichmond wotuau has had three teeth drawn by a stoniujh pump. She swallowed theui in a moment of excitement. A Tenne see judie hus dec:di d that it is not robbery for a man '.o take $17 from his mother il-.uw's trunk and go on a spree. The most bashful girl v:e ever heard of was the young Judy who blushed when she was asked if the had not been courting sire p. Wild cats are .-o plenty at W'eK Iliekoiy, lJa., that a young lady who lius uut a I'uil bet of "caiamouut" lots L iiMhumed to gu to church. A Washington paper pronounces Mad. h'lorcji, wife of the minister from riquador, the most beautiful woman at the .National Capital this season. - I Wedding and invitation cards generally gener-ally are now long and narrow, inoioscd in an envelope of similar shapo and size, upon which should be the initials of the prospco'ivo bride. Among the new hats ie the Theresa chapeau with a soft orown of rcsada fallio ard a bandeau of maroon velvet. vel-vet. IUoh bow of velvet at the side with a jet agraffe in tho ccntro, Btrings of velvet. A young lady in Terra Haute, Ind., who hasn't fooled her Lime away on worsted work and laces, can give tho podigrce and record of every oele- Dratcu racer ana trotter in me country. Literary matinees are en regie onco more among metropolitan dcuioiscl!c3. They arc curious affairs, und invariably terminate with a dunce whenever a sufficient number of youug gentlemen are present to make up a sot. "Similax" has tuddenly become tho favorite vine of ia&ntuu, "no party should be without it ," it lurks in bouquets, trims dresses, and decorates chandeliers, and wo have even detected it in the chicken salad. Bervant girl in Newark, named Bridget Koagan, was arrested on Thursday for pilfering, and when searched, sis pounds of butter with a pice of ice and sevon pounds of sugar wore found 6ccreted in her bosom. The admixture of contrasting colors is a feature in imported costumes. Deep violet is associated with pale roBo or pale blue in the newest models. Bronze and pale green, maroon and buff or ecru aro also favorite combinations. |