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Show as it in til-; cuntutu iu all spar-'y a:t.U.-d rujtiuiw to ciUnd colonization art .iuliiUiiu iiir.Tfia-iCH, aud art thin Ui L:i:n nj i;uiiiujQ a tliifig lor Ctah, v.: w p; hardly jft-sri:d for the amount of iicu-MiiD and talk wh',:l1 tlm la.il i:oU.!i: wt' d:ij. have duvelupftd rcUtivii l ki -ir.:iniuQ of the hOllth-enui:Ul:riif:rjLri hOllth-enui:Ul:riif:rjLri .' thiii Territory, aud the pruiJOMtinn to build up ft wittle-juflnt wittle-juflnt nnmcthitJK liki) a hundred ruik-a ffMitli ul -it. (irtf- That the project in ii )'. a ur;w one milit to have b:cn w-jl ki.own to uio.-rt of our citizens. Nome ii.ur year.i aw tho leKitilaturo oi Am-msi :r tended an iuvitation to the rumplo of southern L'uli, to form a H1;Ml.:iiieiit in the rexioD of the Ban Frruci.-.uo uiouiitaiiid, ono ground of tho invitation being that thu people of H-jutliero Utah hud LeeQ hUWCM.Vil in controlling controll-ing tolerably amicable- relations with tho moro thieving and depredating bandrtoftlie Navajo Indians. Homo of tho Indians, themselves, alno dc-flircd dc-flircd a hettlemeiit of tho whites in tlmir country, that from them thoy might barn to work, to cultivate the ground butter than now, and improve in those useful arts which indica'.o ap-Iiroai:hiug ap-Iiroai:hiug civilization. It may be remembered that, about tho time named, a delegation of Moquis Indians camo to this eily, and wero anxious that such a Hcttlerucnt should be formed in their region, as a means by which tlieso supported desoondanta of tho AatfiuH could increano their knowlodgo of the useful arts, and as a kind of protect on against tho moro warlike and predatory Navajoes. Within a recent period tho Navajoea liavo been bUaling stock and commit ting other depredations on the settlements settle-ments of southern Utah, and tho uueeuHH which has attended tho cflorts of Mr. Jacob Uamblin whoso ability as an interpreter and whoso inllueuoe with tin Indians am unquestioned in amicably settling tho difficulties which have thus arisen and which have otherwiso manifested themselves, has strengthened tho idea that such an inlluonco could ho exerted in a salutary manner among the Ravages if it woro moro immediately in thoir neighbor hood. There is still another reason for the present move, as wo understand. In all tho projected railways for Utah, nut olio offers an outlet tor southern Utah except tho Utah Southern, which proposes eventually to run past St. Gcorgo and connect souiowhoro with the thirty-tilth thirty-tilth parallel route. As tho latter road is Dciug pusuuu lorwnra rapiuiy, mo forming of such a settlomont is hut preparing for iu ooiuiug, and for ooa-uceting ooa-uceting southern Utah with tho eas1 and west, by iron rails, as northern Utah is now similarly bound. That northoru Arizona will bo opened up and settled at an early day, is ono of tho things that may bo designated inevitable; and when that day oomos it will cost government much less than now to tight lndius there, whilo tho unquestionably vast mineral wealth of that region will bo utilized and made vuluublo to tho country. |