OCR Text |
Show Arrival and Closing of Mails. ARRIVALS. fast Through mall, daily, T:W pjn. Looal Ogden, Bcbo City, WfcMtch and Morgan ooanty, daily, T:40 " Sumnlt and Waaatcb oonntloa, Tuesday, and Thnrsday, 1:i0 " West Throngh mail, daily, 10:10 km Local West Jordan and Herriman, Thnrsday, T:10 pjn. Tooele oo'y, daily, except Sunday, SKM pjn. GranWUIe, Saturday, 8:00 pjn North Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington Wash-ington Territory, dally, 10. 10 UL LocW DaTis and Box Elder ooonUee, dally, 10:10 .x Oacbeeoanty, Monday, Thursday and , Batorday, 10.10 km. Rich coouly, Monday aod Thrmday " " (cuth To Piooh daily T JO p.. PL. Qeorge and Arltona, alternate days, UO PJ Banpete conaty, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, P-m Talield and Oedar Talley, Priday, :10 p.m 0L081NG. Cast Through mall, daily, Pm. Local ORdoo, Mortan county, Be bo City and Wasatcb, daily, B " Sniumlt and Wasatch eounUes, Monday and Wednesday, " VTest California and Narad, Through mail , and Ogilpn, dally, 1: " Local West Jordaa and Herriman rhurwlay, 80 tJO Tooele, Btocktoo and GranUTllle, daily, eiropt Ktin'lny " orTbIdaho, Montaua, W asuluKion and Oregon, dally, 1:30 p.m. Local DaTis and We her counties, daily, Box Elder county, daily, 1:80 " Oacue eonnty, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, " Bleb oounty, Tuesday and Thurs. 1:80 " rooth Pleche, sic, daily, " BU George and Artaona, alternate; days, fc80 " Sanpete oonntj,' Sunday, Tueeday andThuLdy, 30 " alrfteldandOodar'V,y,Wednetday16:BO " 0TP101 nOTJRB. fi.neral DcllTery opn irora d a.m. tto 4 p.m gunday, U te 1 p.m. Muey Order and Rfnitry Drtrtment open ri m 9 a.m, to 4 p.m. outside door ipen fK'ni 0 a.to. io 9 p.m. J. M. MO0BK, i'tutmuter. |