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Show Then and Now. Just about a year aco the associated press agent in Salt Lake was blatantly tcliic.e the country over the wires about the wie and proper pro-per action of this or that judge, as somo one of tho trio on the superior bench of the Territory floundered still deeper in tho quagmire of Illegality, and sought to bolster up their usurpa tions. By and by the true character of their proceedings was declared by a united bench of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the associated press agent sang small for a few weeks. The people he had branded as lawless were proved law-abiding, while his paragons of correctness were proved law-defying. But he recovered, and is at it again. On Thursday last he telegraphed tel-egraphed as follows: Judge Hawly, of the supreme court of the Territory, in the Corinne cattle conspiracy case to-day, discharged defendants de-fendants from the authority of the probate court. The Mormon attorneys have abandoned the case. The whole affair was a piece of malice of Mormon church leaders against the Gentiles. N'ow he is either too ignorant to be trusted alone, shich is scarcely credible credi-ble seeing that he went ts Washington Washing-ton and returned without "accepting" an office, or he knows that the words "The wholo affair was a piece of malice of Mormon church leaders against ths Gentiles," is a malicious and infa-uous falsehood. We yesterday made a correction of a mauer which this same agent had taken from the Herald, to whose columns it had been transferred f:om the Junction. Will he dare make the correction over the wires of the paragraph which we have rfuoted? And wo agree to furnish him as convincing proof that Corinne is cursed and disgraced by a gang of cattle thieves protected by official authority.and that the fourteen affidavits on which the warrants were based for the arrest of the parties recently released by judge Hawley, were made by Gentile5,before a Gentile justice of the peace, the warrants war-rants issued from Gentilo courts, and the whole initial proceedings were had by Gentiles anxious to relieve the community com-munity in which they reside of the disgrace brought upon it. We ask dare he make this correction, and add that wo believe ho neithor dare nor will |