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Show CHAPPED & FAG. tore Lips, Dryness of Ekln, etc., etc C-:7ed at osce HE'EM AV5 CAMPHOR WITH GLYCiKINE. I; keeps the hard- ; - ft :s all weather. See that y:a -:t HE' OMAN'S. Soli by all rru;.-n. O-Iy 15 cez:;. Manfsc;ured . alv by Hzc.TiLkX & Co., Caemiiii aid Dru-;:;j. Xe tt York. d-i5 NOTICE. -pni: rNKNwy owners op five 1 iHndre:aidKi:tr.-... :' in :h-.ti:ir::i-;,d(. azi H Li i re-i f; -J " j ' ur": vr.i ii '.n "rVi "b 't Tr! !.Y;:VV..-: "4.jvU ! 'i-tVit:. Y".: lAVe I ..-.!v.l'Mj;T-.-r,- rv. A-l w a-d ea iLYvLY'VtXW. W-iicVc ''. .t Lie C.j. IlLN'K'i 'j'-'-LS, --. EVANS. j.it La.se C;tt, Dc 7, 1; - da 1 fiEW YORK TRADE. L. ffl. BATES & CO., 411 . 3l DroadwaT, MEW VORKf IMFOIIKEB UO JOBBlOa 19 Fancy Dry Goods, HOSISBT, WHITB 600DS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOIIONS, die. J. H. BULOEU. JB1 Thos. M. ARGALL & Co., Hen's, Youths' Boys' and Cbildron's a l o t Hiwa, AT WHOLE SAX S, 313311 Broadwaf, New Vork, i. cowlkb. f27 BENEDICT, HALL & Co. M&aciaottirtrs asrl Wholesalo dealer! in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 find 130 Grand St,, Ifw York, Corner Oraaby, one block east of Broad wa JEHIAL READ & Co., Manniaotnrors and Wholesale Dealers in FIR A D WOOL HATS, Straw Good, Umbrellas, cE-c, Mo. 4B8, Broadway. T . NEW YORK. Je. Jim Han .ir. J fl Divorces. ABSOLUTE DIVORCES LEGALLY OB-taiced OB-taiced in d::T,Tir.r siates. X-ejal everywhere every-where desertioa, gearil mhconJu:. etc. ju:cie-t cause: no rulicitv repaired, no charge uiiil divorce Biaaied; dric r-CaU r-CaU on or address JOHN FULTON, Counsellor at Law, So. ISO BROADWAY, NEW YORK CXVY. do HQWLANO & ASPINWALL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDM USD WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. Will advance liberally on tonilga-menta tonilga-menta of Ore and Bullion Bullion purchased at talgbeit muktt ratca. iiT THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME N boo furniahei with a maguificent Ty. " r ' AKWS. STEISWAV Ol! CU1CKEX1KO Or Hiodvac and l!:iiluiit MASON i HAMLIN O Id i o 1; Organ aod a du.rp.We, easy runuiuK aud mattfh!e?a Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine. Sole Agents, CALDR CARELESS, 37 KAST TEMPLE STREET, Where you will find an iiuroi'D.-'o sfotV lu-.ioal lustrutueutfl, and Musical MiTcliandir-e of every deacriiKion; also end .ess variety of Sunday School Cards, Hooks, Stationery, a, A). jaulo Great I?lo duction IN TUE PRICES OF Winter Clothing. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, Will dispose of tho balance of their stock of Winter Clothing, oonaiating of HEAVY SUITS, PANTS, VESTS, OSV ERCOATS, AND HATS and CAPS, At groatly reduced prices, to make room for thoir sprieg purchases. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT o i- SLEIGH and CARRIAGE RUGS, At low figures to cloeo them out. A FINE LOT OF HORSE BLANKETS?, To meet the dcniaud created by tho provaleoco of tho Kpizoolic. l. n .. . . . . . riciiuii, iiifrnsii- ;ana American SiulniKa, loatings and Cassimeres in great variety and latest styles. Men's and B . j suits of the latest fashion, from the first k..:Ttes in New York-, lioslon, Cliieago and San Francisco. A FULL STOCK OP HOME MADE CASSIMERES AND JEANS, K WHICH WE INVITE INSPECTION, MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS. COLLARS AND GENERAL FURNISHING- GOODS, Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Gapes and Over go tits. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES,, EASTERN AND HOME MADE. ALL THE NEWEST STYLES OF HATS AND CAPS. WALL PAPER & DECORATIOMS IN GREAT VARIETY. Tho great success which has attoaded Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has inducod us to aiako .Large Purchases for our Fall and "Winter Trade, So that g.ntl.ra.n may oho... from the mot TriCl and Exlen.lv. Slock we have tver oilered. Tailors' Notions and Trimmings of the best quality always on hand, H. B. CLAWSON, Superiulciidenf.'" EETAIL DEY GOODS DEPARTMENT. HOLIDAYS HAVING NEARLY CLOSED, Wo wish to dispose of the remnants of our XjIlC3rE3 STOCK. OF HOLIDAY COODS WE Ol'FEK BARGAINS IN LADIES' SACQTJES, A VERY SENSIBLE SEDUCTION IS OFi'EKED. IN VELVETS, VELOURS, POPLINS AND STAPLE DRESS SILKS WE ARE UNEXCELLED IX pBiCE AND QUALITY. JOSEPH GOHLIXSKI, OIVIL KNOINEKR, U. S. ILLNERAL AND PFPT'TY fp. VEYOR FOE CIAH. Su Almli a Church. ieji SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS, (TV art fide of City Mwket-1 All kicdj of tiaiioaarr. L'prijat, or Lvom'.-tivo Lvom'.-tivo BOILERS, and TANKS, Made or P.epureJ. REAPFR9 AND VOU-KRS AND THiLE-HlNti MACnrNfc;, Rrirei -nd pat in Running Order. Wrk doner,!, th ?h nt NV.i-5. E-.'ileri and i .-es l. Usee in exchange Orders by Telom: h r Mail pr-mitlr - , Hi JOES SUjAS A CO., Pror-rieLGrt. XKW :i1EDW!TtoK! "The Phiiosophy of Marriage," For the Debilitated If irv.ni Sytm. DB JOP.DA.V.of the AnHjtnicnl Mcs-am BH I ' Ani-,i1;t:v,:l!:7;: U.- M-.urn Kwj xnrn) tJ1) rj:,rri - m-'' r -C t ' him "lV ' d""' 'rt6t L?" Dr. JoriM cu b coretl 1-tte- d7 r-p-pg p-i HAM PI Oil " "' '''''' Washing Machine. A LARGE SHIPMENT JUST A1UUVEO. 20 000 SOLD LAST YEAR- In u.so in all tho principal Laundries io tho United States. Price $10.00. Jjidioa ploaso Call and sec them and you aro sure to Buy. Chas. W. Stayner, Ucncral Agent, No 5 Mtln Slreel.lSalt l.nke Cily. Uanll SOTICE IF TiSTE'S SAIL NOTTCKTS HEHKHY UIVKN THAT THE umlorsitnoft will null nt iniMic vonthio, to thoLih'liut bidder r oiutli, nt tho nnutli I'n ml duor uf tho Court Jtou.iu, in Suit Luko Oily, Bull Luko County, Turritory of I tuli, on tlio eiKlitOL'tith day of Fobruury, I S7;i, ot olovon ti'olock in tbo forononn, ilio lollotvini; doscribod iiruiiorty and roul cstato, riituiUod in said tult Luko lliiy und L'uuDly lo wil: Ivnuwn nnd i'o-Bcribod i'o-Bcribod (is -'i rods south front by in rods north : commoni'inn on tlio toutli lino of lot two. l.j rods oust of tho loiitli-tvost oornar of Hiiid lot, rnnTiiiiK thonco north 111 rods, Dionco oiusl 'J'i rods, thonco .south 10 roils, thonco wost -'A rods to tho jjIuco of beginning, buinn u purl of lot 2, in block cigbty-livo eomiiining i'i aguaro rods of Kround aa plutiud in jdut "A" of Sail Luke City .Survey, aitunlod in tlio 17th liiah-oii'm liiah-oii'm Ward of said Salt Luke City. Tbo property to bo oll'oroi for ?n!o at .Bid timo ana pluco is tbo unma convoyod to the undorsigned on thoomhtli day ol March, A.U. Jh71. by a duotl of trust oxocutod by John Vf. Joniiina nnd liliia J unkins, his wifo, aa par tins of tho first part to tbo uiidoraianod as parties of Ibo second part, to rouuru iliu jiayuiont of a cortain promissory nolo dated ibo cih-bth day of March, A. D. lb"l, wboroin and wboroby said John V. .lookins, ono year after dato, for value received, promised to pay to Phillip I'ligsloy or order, tho sum of nix liuodrod and ftfty-ono dollars and forty-six cotita, with interest inter-est tboroon at tlio rato of two por cent icr month from tho dato thoroof until paid, inlor-ont inlor-ont to bo (laid monthly; which 'aid nuto is now ovorduo andunjiaid. Said dood of trust is ro-cordod ro-cordod in mortRBRO rocord book C, piigoa H), M"J, and li'., in thoCounty Hoc Tdor's Ulllco of ii id fill t Lko County. I'lo whicli record rolor-once rolor-once is boroby mado for k'reator iiarticulari y.) Tkbhh of bT.n: Said properly will bo sold to tho liiuhost biddor for cash, tho money to be paid aud docd delivered immodiatoly alter HUlO. LEWIS S. II ILLS. Salt Lako City, U. T., Jan. aid, lbTii. 2i FLUX F0H SMELTERS. Tlio undersigned, having boon appointod Solo Agents for Utah, of tho celobralod llom-atito llom-atito Iron Oro of Wjoming Territory, solicit tho patronage of tho vurious furflacos, boiiar-irjg boiiar-irjg this to be tbobost Iron l''lux ovor ofTorod tho public. . Orders 13 Hod atshoit notice Apply to GORDON & MURRAY, Hair Block South It. It. Depot, Hfilt Luke City. j'21 IRON & STEEL. scott, mum & co., DEALERS IN WRICHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, - AND ALL KINDS Ol' nPINBC TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, l'lPE&ALL IiISflS OF FITTINUM FOB FL'KNAUES A Mll.tM. HABDW -A- 3rt E 3 BUKDBN'S HORSE & MULE SUOE3, BELLOWS, ANVILS, - AND 0TI1E11 BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS. RUBBER PACKING. AOENTS FOR Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Hercules Powder, ALL LOW FOB OAS II. A0K5TH FOB Ammonical Preparation For iho Prevention and Removal of Boilor Scalo. del FURS WANTED. Highest Cash Price Paid fir Furs. ALSO Havana Cigars Wholesale and Retail. TI10MAS CARTER, At Steele Bro'a, under Salt Lake Ilouas. n37 FAR WEST FREIGHT CO. Haktt Ctuartcra, Bt. Louli, Ho. DURAXT &CUTTIG, FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCfliXTS AGENTS SALT LAKE C1TV, UTAH, W8...''!'""? " otrMt for ihip- Orrici ls:. w. ,, ,,,., ,rll b,ck uth or U.pot, li.U I..k. Clly. DVKAMT CUTTING- MINES FOR SALE. If TL PAUL OR ECO It Y owns Tour excdlant I f silver mioos within ono miU of each oihor. UwJ and and wator plentiful on all of them. Tho tumoa aro rioh. Oroa running from Slipup to 3TiW inr ton. can bo obtained from oiioh of them, in paying quantity, 'iho ororico of tho lirneory lodo is twoMy-stvron foot wido Mroak of four fret will run ScOo per ton. Uoinn dmifous (ifsiMnliim homo a nioo prosoot (riu I'tah. 1 will sell mi intnroM in one or all or sell all at Inir tiKuro. Kn.-h lodo oontaini l.W lent, and tbetiieh-ory lodo is down 100 foul htm! looks lino, Tins lode is directly up tlio Kiik-h from, tho Ontario ono-half milo, and honaiuodilJiu-obolo the llowland lode, in Hint) l.ivli;o Mmins dtrit, iViumtoh County. 1 havt );.t uu'VtHi my camp to tho Wild Bill oabin, whore 1 shall bo ploasod to show my Thoy aro eaoh now claims and but Httlo known, and the joalouny, 1 regret to soy, ox. istlnK ami'iics-i thvo owniiic claims hero, to a groat eilviit, hn' kopt thooo sooking such pr.porlj fr..m calliop on ma, 1 cupilahtu to i-oioo and too. 1 will show you all I promise, to do. 1'AIU, OIIKMORY, M.'D.o Knut lull from Snvdnrtvln rou sale; The UtaliCrackerFactory Tho nbovo ejt.ibliikmont, sitnntod on Main st rout. pi omio tho Walker llouto, has &U the machinery and ut.msils f,.r I'atryini; on tho OriU'Kor and llreud bu.iinoss, and u uftorod for salo on now tint oflho ill hualih of tho pro- Criolor. In connoclion with tho above wo avoawoll soloctod stook of tirooorioj, Con-foftlonory, Con-foftlonory, ko , wlmili will bo sold chap, hnvo hotter f-oililios for maniifucturinB Uieu and tiakiiiK, than any otbor in tho Tnrritorv, and boiiiu iho old oat house, have a well culub-Us culub-Us hod buniuods. MORTON 4 Cf. Imjuiro on tho prom Uea. ju ARTISTS, ATTEXTION! 'l'lli: HOARD ok miiKoroits ok thk I Do-'nt'ot Agrioulturul Hml Manufnclurini; Socioty otlor a orumium of liftv dollars to Iho Allots of I tali Territory for tho bosidwiitn for a Diploma. Tho Hoard of Directors ti, bo tho BivardniB com m it too, nvorvinir thoriictii to withhold tho award if in their )udi;miiH no dtudt-n mitlicionlly iui-ritorious is priwoutoil lor romin'tition. Dcisns will bo roceivnd until April 1st. Award to bo aunouncodApril l.'ith, lty in dor i Iho Hoard, jan M ROUT. L. CAMl'llELL. tieoreiitrr. "i w s Q n m J -q V Lb) y 1 sri S 5 J J gS 1 B e f S J "a H S u i s c 5 H , n 3 S CD h I s S 3 H g -fl W 3 I GO W g EAGLE HOUSE Teasdel & Co. Tho plaoe for tho puhlio to buy, Teasdel & Co. Winter Shawls and Dross Goods, Teasdel & Co. FlanooU, Nubias, and Gloves. Teasdel & Co. Home-made Boots and Shoes-Best Shoes-Best in tho Toaritory. TEASDEL & CO. Sugars, Toas and Coffees, Cheese, Bacon and Lard. TEASDEL & CO. Mcn'a ClothiDg, Hats, Shirts and Furnish iiig Goods. TEASDEL & CO. Oarpeta, Kugs, Mats and Curtain. Cur-tain. TEASDEL & CO. Blcoa Sewing Machines. Wear longer and arc leaa liable to get out of order. The best in the World. No trouble to show Goods. Careful attention to orders and goods delivered de-livered to all the (rains and any pare of the city free of charge. TEASDEL & CO., Hut Tcmjjle Street. Opposite Salt Lake House- To whom it may concern. ry.. th. nol.r.:,.J. cl.ln li".". (21 and 'OIlh,r,h".,ldllS ..m. b, d.l. from la. """ KS and b.v. enmphJ witithoU..lue And .cherebj eulloa .11 WMOM tr.do. bur or bum for ,id olii., wlulw oar ooiueal. C. H. BA3SKTT, 1 0lnl,l',.;lI4!, I.IVIN8. I Molt-"'"1"" UAAIL IHS |