Show V Logan Utah Sunday November feel badly pursuing matter which occurred before my time in office 1 would hope that Mrs Clay would come Letters to the editor into (Continued from page 10) have voted for every budget increase for every rate and service for every increase salary increase and they have voted for a rash of stupid projects such as Botanical the Garden on South Main which has cost ap$400000 proximately ed Wouldn’t volunteering to do so seem like a more Logan they set themselves up as a private corporate entity to intentionally circumvent the right of the people to a bond election for several million dollars (for a city service center) The council chairman has consistently tried to pervert the law regarding the optional form voted for by the public and tried to impose his own form of government upon the people of Logan The policy has been spend spend spend and have sera practically restraint How long are we going to tolerate this kind of policy and how long are we going to continue to elect and people with this kind of we no re-ele- philosophy? I hope the citizens of Logan will be smart enough to put Carol Clay back in office She is always informed she is prepared she knows the issues and she has the guts to say no when it is necessary Look at your monthly billings and ask yourself do we need a change? Let’s replace the liberal with a strong conservative who will help us to slow this spending spree down Vote for Carol Clay Darwin W Larsen Logan Many times I have felt that Carol Clay's letters to the editor deserved an answer just to let the public know the other side of the story In early 1976 the Logan d newly-forme- Council Municipal questioned the old city commission's trade of certain real property I have advice my regarding that transaction reviewed I therefore thought it best to assist them hoping to generate a feeling of mutual trust and good will between the two newly-forme- d branches of government So I volunteered to allow the use of monies out of city attorney's but cautioned that the Municipal Council's business was legislative and that so long as they remained in that role and directed their activities toward view To the Editor: declaratory judgment suit brought against Mayor Anderson by Carol Clay Darwin Larson and Loye Mar-tlnda- le Anderson contended that the Optional Forms of Government Act was patterned after the and state and provided for complete separation of powers as related to the city council and administration federal This ni concept was brought to light when you and others spent $130000 in city funds reviewing making and policy Mrs Clay I agree with your contention that the city council should seek legal advice They have an excellent attorney available at all times who is employed by the city I disagree with the idea that the city council or any of It’s members be allowed to spend the taxpayers' money in an improper manner You have voiced concern that we should be open in Logan city government I agree and ask you publicly to recognize the facts in this issue The issue comes from an appeal to the Utah Supreme Court of a ruling rendered on the the ad- ministration's real estate actions The Utah Supreme Court ruled in favor of the separation of powers concept Justice Hall wrote the opinion representing the action and ruled: "The final point to be considered herein is the propriety of the expenditure of city funds for legal services rendered to the Council to set aside prior sales of real property by the Having found Mayor as we have that the Mayor In fact has that power it follows that the award of the attorneys fees must be reversed and we so hold" Carol this ruling was in response to your actions instigating the suiL Haven't you done your homework or are you Ignoring the facts? 1 am sure that the city and all other parties Involved have a copy of that ruling and would surely WallerN Nickel Mayor Future time-consumi- of chaos? lawsuit legislation they would be safe However everyone soon found that what everyone suspected was in fact true: Mrs Clay and at least one other council member were determined to do everything they could to effect a redsion of the trade The act of rescinding a real estate transaction is not a legislative act This I told Mrs Clay and others on more than one occasion the Utah When Supreme Court decision was handed down which reversed the District Court’s spproval of the expenditure dearly To the Editor: hope that Mrs Clay's recent experiences have convinced her that she can be wrong too and that perhaps she should listen to the opinions of others with a more open mind This is to thank you for the coverage you gave me in The Herald Journal's voters guide and for your attention to the ads I placed It surprises me to find that present J Blaine Zollinger Logan City attorney (Editor' note: Mr Zollinger's letter exceeds our ISO word limit We feel however that since opposing views have been published In these columns on several previous occasions his side of the issue should be presented of fees to review and rescind resl population there is no reason why we cannot be reply solvent secure and happy if we exercise prudent use of funds To the Editor: recession a daily reality we can no longer declare ourselves concerned or responsible while continuing to spend ourselves silly in foolish waste which benefits only a dozen individuals of the total 3800 Until our law enforcement is once more a Logan City administration has provided very little cause for me to reply to Letters to the Editor I would however like to answer Mr Patrick Newton candidate for Logan Municipal operation and we return to realistic and mature city administration we have nothing to look forward to but a continuation of the utter chaos we live with and endure at present money without authorization AneOra Nielson Preston took place before I took office and knowing full well the turbulence and atmosphere of distrust evident at the time I chose to disregard the past Thinking that I 'may have made a mistake in this I immediately reviewed the situation again (Editor's Mrs nole: Nielson Is a candidate for a seat on the Preston City Council) Thoughts the Figuratively Since Attorney on the wall” still means a warning or a forecast In the same hour came forth lingers of n man's hand and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the waQ of the king's palace "handwriting Zollinger has already said Mrs Clay owes money to the City and because he has been involved in the matter from the beginning I requested Assistant City Attorney Gary McKean to thoroughly review the matter and give me his opinion I have received Dan 5:5 “meat" "should not be required to pay attorney fees incurred incident to the Council’s attempt to real estate transactions engaged in by the City" Though the right of the City to demand return of the funds still exists I general but Noah was the first to eat animal flesh "Into your hands are they delivered Every moving thing that llveth shall be meat tor yon even as the green herb have I given you all things" -- Gen In the walnut-walleboard room of the lower Manhattan offices of Peril Squinch Sinner & Fiend the mood of the elegantly turned out gentlemen cheeks shaven close without skin blemish or irritation the same way highly placed males never have creases in their trousers is one of crashing depression These rich gentlemen of gloomy mien and despairing expression haven't been brought low by the recent downward swoop in the Dow Jones Industrials They are used to such fluctuations What has them dispirited to the point of silence is the flow of announcements in The Wall Street Journal: Exxon up 118 percent Mobil up 131 percent Sohio profits up nearly 200 percent "This is worse than the time we did those hippopotamus commercials" says Fiend alluding to an incident the others around the table would have preferred to forget As stockbrokers they had not chosen their advertising agency well and had consented to the creation of a company logo which depicted the Peril Squinch Sinner and Fiend mascot hippo with two tons of silage in its huge distended mouth above the slogan "Wide Open America" "There is one bright bit of news" says Squinch "Polaroid lost $23 million the last quarter" "I know" Peril acknowledges "But Tolaroid has always been a progress-oriente- d pioneering new corporation things They're years ahead of their time and so naturally they understand the way to stay in business today is to lose money" "Now see here Algernon Peril" Sinner — 1 guess objects "I may be I am — but deuce it must we do without profits altogether to survive?” action By Richard C Gross TEL AVIV Israel (UPI) — It is said in Israel that for every two Jews in a room there are three opinions So it came as no surprise when a new political party formed last month It is to the political right of Prime Minister Menachem Begin appealing to a vocally demonstrative segment of the population that opposes returning the occupied Arab territories and favors widespread Jewish settlement of those areas Called Techiya which translates as Renaissance the party is viewed as a definite treat to Begin's ruling Likud bloc and its major coalition partner the National Religious party in an election contest The Renaissance Party was born amid calls for new elections coinciding with the fact that Begin's hold over his government has weakened considerably since he came to power 28 months ago low Begin's popularity is at an all-tidespite the major foreign policy accomplishment of his administration — the agreed that the correctness of hiring counsel to review and rescind real property transactions turned on whether such activities were legislative or In character Please check pages 1 of the trial transcripts Mrs Clay You will find the answer there In my opinion Mrs Clay has seldom If ever been willing to follow the advice of legal counsel when It conflicted with her own views On numerous occasions I gave her my opinion quoting both statutory and case law trying to Nicholas Von Hoffman "Sinner I've told you again" Peril answers "We're in a new age this isn’t the War II bull market this isn't even the society this my it friend is the age a time for struggle guile and heavy lobbying" Squinch who is far and away the cleverest of the partners butts in to declare "1 couldn't disagree more It's a matter of public relations We have to get our big corporations to stop making quarterly announcements The trick is npt to let the numbers pile up so we don't have those devastating jumps We can get around 1919 percent increases by announcing profits daily A 191 percent quarterly increase is only two and a half percent a day With an inflation running at 13 percent anybody literate enough to read The Wall Street Journal can figure out that we're losing 11 percent a day which should qualify us for a federal loan guarantee" "But what do we need a loan for when we've got all those profits?" asks Fiend who despite his moniker is the honest one "Companies intelligent enough to lose money the right way keep their profits to themselves and use the government's money for a new investment” Peril explains in a supercilious kindergarten post-Wor- ld post-prof- teacher manner Fiend wants to know "Is that honest? " "No but it’s the public part of private it era" enterprise in the post-prof- "Oh hippo dung" exclaims Squinch "If can't hide the profits we have to explain them The best thing we can do is to say we gol the money off foreigners From now on we have no more consolidated profit announcements What we say is domestic profits went up 11 percent — always keep it below inflation — and foreign profits went up 234 percent We can intimate that most of this money was not skimmed from white men or if they had a Caucasoid look about them they were communists" "No" objected Peril "Let's drop some of the profits into a foundation which can call a national conference of theologians moralists futurists human potentialists social critics and anybody else who knows how to talk long but not well We'll ask them how much profit is the right amount of profit One of those union bosses said the oil profits weren't obscene they were We don't want pornographic profits Just let 'em agree on how much is the right amount and we'll promise that any executive who produces profits of an immoral amplitude will be fired on the spot We'll tell the man ‘Jones you're making too much money for this comwe pany'" "I don't like the sound of that" says' Sinner "What's wrong with money” "Sinner" Squinch replies “It's the root of all evil Go feed the hippopotamus” ©King Features Syndicate 9:2--1 peace treaty with Egypt On domestic issues Eegin is in trouble The cost of living has soared beyond 100 percent since Begin took office and is the cause of much unhappiness with his government expressed largely through labor unrest In new elections the Renaissance Party undoubtedly would sap the electoral strength of the Likud as the dovish Democratic Movement for Change did to the Labor party in the 1977 election that brought Begin to power Given the dwindling strength and loss of confidence in the dovish stance of the Democratic Movement an election in the near future could well mean the return to power of the opposition Labor Party One of the founders of the Renaissance Party is Yuval Neeman a nuclear physicist He said he tried to work within the existing political framework but that Begin had changed once he became prime minister “We believe we have no alternative but to set up a new framework and appeal for popular support with a clear line on the major issues confronting Israel today" Neeman aaid recently Among the new party's supporters are the radicals in Gush Emunim most of whom voted for Begin or the NRP because of their campaign to expand Jewish settlement in the occupied territories "All these territories must be annexed to Israel — the Golan Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) — and Gaza and Sinai must not be relinquished" Neeman said As for the 11 million Palestinians in those areas he said "their humanitarian problem will not be resolved in a hypothetical Palestinian state because they are not nativea of those areas" He said the Palestinians should be resettled in the Arab oil countries which can afford them "As for me” Neeman said "the last straw was the signing of the Camp David accords I was shocked that under Begin's leadership the majority of the Zionist parties in the Knesset (parliament) voted to abolish an entire settlement bloc at Yamit" Yamit and the rest of northeastern Sinai are to be returned to Egypt under the terms of the peace treaty David's soldiers ambidextrous "They were armed with bows and eonldnse both the right hand and the left in hurling stones and shooting arrows Q Chron12:3 "Usury" in Biblical days EvE did not necessarily mean exorbitant rate of in- terest: we are told to put our money in banks "Wherefore then gavest not thou money into the bank that at my coming I might have received mine own with usury?- "- Luke 11:23 Mffk MB Hut 68091 model microwave overt uses Amanat excfu Mve RotowaveYM cooking system $ W-10- A - to determine the proper role of each branch of government They also rotating stwwer of power that food fester more "HE CARES" Ho boliovos In working for lha Inlorosl of Iho people He will diligently seek a complete master plan for proper growth of the city os to commercial Industrial end residential areas There must be planned growth so that roads and all utilities are available before building continues He believes all City Departments must operate as any good business enterprise with efficiency and economy He believes In keeping taxes and utility rates at the very lowest possible amount He has worked for many months in the postage of a Water Ordinance that will save the citizens of Logan many thousands of dollars in department expenditures He Is a working councilman with over 26 years business experience working for your benefit and welfare AND HE WILL WORK FOR YOU Pd Political ad by Lynn - F Biocken cooMf OiC Appliances VOTE FOR LYNN F BRACKEN FOR LOGAN CITY COUNCILMAN V II Right wing party challenges Begin property transactions Mrs Clay kept quiet about that aspect of the decision until she was confronted with it in a recent Municipal Council meeting where she was Intimating that the city should require one of its employees to pay for a city purchase out of his own pocket because he had failed to follow the city's newly adopted purchasing ordinance Mrs Clay is simply wrong in saying that the issue of hiring outside legal counsel was not appealed to the Supreme Court Attorneys for both aides agreed that the Municipal Council had the right to hire counsel to bring the declaratory Judgment — d -I- Man has always eaten which is food in that opinion which stated that the City of Logan certain joint citycounty Council His Letter to the Editor requested an explanation of what I had dime in the case of Mrs Carol Gay Mr Newton you may not know that Mrs Clay's supposed violation of The Herald Journal with Conversely The open door policy I have maintained in rescind 3800 approximately Mayor’s expending council members in Preston are working harder than the candidates I find it most comical to be followed from house to house by one of these men Perhaps the reason is my concern regarding the critical misuse of tax revenues In a city like ours with trans- action and said that it was legal but Mrs Clay and others refused to be satisfied So on February 5 1976 Mrs Clay and others voted to hire separate legal counsel to review the transaction Thereafter the question was raised as to how the Council would get the money to pay him All this was done before Mrs Clay or anyone else asked for my opinion or advice At that point I could see that Mrs Clay and two other Council members had made up their minds to have the again volun- 1 To the Editor: budget Nenton ’s form of government and that certain specific city business was not within the Municipal Council's realm as legislators This she ignored and the result was a very exwhich cost the citizens Zollinger's side the indeed had a true separation of powers and office 1979 Worse than hippo commercials tarily to find out the amount she owes Mr Newton you wouldn't advise me to sue for payment would you? convince her that Logan pensive Patrick Newton redevelopment agency which will cost hundreds of thousands and is totally unnecessary and now their obligations reasonable course? downtown the show it to you or anyone else question the validity of this information Finally I am troubled with the concept that one must be forced to pay my 4 WITH YOU 'tm s" |