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Show STRAWBERRIES ARE PLENTIFUL AND CHEAP Utah Vegetables Hold First Place and Aro Cheaper Poultry Is Very Scarce. YESTERDAY afternoon found somo of the wholesale- produco houses long on strawberries, and tho result was a drop in tho prieo down to $2.25 per crate. - With this comes a further improvement in quality, no tho lovers Of this fruit will bo ablo to Indulge freely. Although no California shipments camo in yesterday, there, was quite a lively trade In Utah products. These camo in plentifully, and prices of several articles becamo cheaper. jNsparagils wont down to S cents. Radishes dropped from 15 to 12 ccnls per dozen, likewise green onions, Thcso last, by tho way. arc tho only kind of onions on tho market at present. Tho winter stock is all out, nnd tho stuff planted In aprlnfj has not yet had timo to tome forward. Poultry was scarce again yesterday. Somo of tho houses had a limited supply on hand, but the largont dealers wero ab-Molutcly ab-Molutcly out of both hens and cblckons. Fortunately tho demand on Mondays and Tuesdays Is alack, but ffilllni? Home roln-forcomonts roln-forcomonts today, thoro is likely to bo a big shortage in this line. If tho long expected ex-pected consignments do not turn Up, It is very probably that prices will bo higher. Hay, Grain and Straw, Oat straw, per bale J -30ft -S3 Alfalfa ll.OO'im.OO Timothy, per ton, balc'd I6.CO5IG.OO Wheat, per bushel.,.....'. l.OOfi) 1.20 Corn, per cwt. 1.40fl1.4u Corn, cracked 1.45fi 1.60 Oats 1.70 1.75 Rolled oata 1.761? 1. SO Barley, rolled i0 Mour, oaKcrH' no. l.u a.w .v Flour, straight Brado 2.45S? 3.60 Flour, high patent 2.653.70 Rye ,. 2.W Graham Hour 2X0 2..0 Cornracal , 1 .S&i? 2.00 Bran 1.00 1.10 Bran and shorts 1.10 1.15 Heats. Dressed beef, per pound J .073 .07 Dressed pork, per pound...... 0S Dressed veal, per pound CO .00 Drcscd mutton, per pound.... -0S Dressed lambs, nor pound.... .05 Spring lambs, wholesale 3,00 Spring lambs, quarter, retail... 1.00 1.3 Poultry. Dressed hens, por pound..... .17 DUcks, per pound 17 Llvo poultry, per pound 14 Frozen broilers 22 Fruits. Santa Paula lemons, per box...$ 4.00 Apples, per bushel I.CO51.6O Strawberries, per crate 2.2o Del Oro lemons n 3. Jo Ballctt lemons 4.00 Hewcs lemons 3. 60 California oranccs. per box Z.ec-tZS.OO FIbb and dates 66, 8c, lOo Utah rhubarb, per lb .02 Pineapples, per dozen .......... 3.00 Limes, per 100 l.W Sugar. Beet sugar, per 100 5 6. SO Cano sugar G.90 Vegetables. Winter potatoes, por cwt.......? 1.75 Wlnnlngstadt cabbage, per lb.. .01 New potatoes, per lb .06 Green peas, per lb.. .12 Beans, per box Cabbages, per 100 3.003. &0 Cauliflower .16 Parsnips, por 100 1.2o Carrots LOO Green onions, per dozen .12 Utah cabbftcc lettuce .30 Radishes. Utah .12 Tomatoes, per crate 3.60 Spinach , .04 Utah asparagus .03 Dairy Products. Oleomargarine .....$ .13 .ic Buttor, per lb k .21 CheeBe, per lb .12 Ekrb. per case..... G.o Fancy cheeBe. per lb .13 Comb honey, por crate 2.76 Strained honoy, per .lb .07 Sweltzer cheese, per lb . .18 Llnlburger checRC. per lb... .is Cream brick cheese, per lb...w .17 Edam cheese, per do2... 12.OO Fresh Fish. Salmon ...... .13 Shad roc. per lb .25 Sturgeon .13 HallbUt . .13 Striped bass, por ib .15 Shad, per lb..... .12 Mackinaw trobt ir. Mackerel .13 Boles, per lb v .09 Flounders, por lb......... .03 California smcltc. per lb .12 COdflsh. Per lb .13 Catfish, per lb .13 Perch, per lb... .10 Lobstcro, pel- lb .16 Crabs - 2.C0 quiet. No, 1 foundry northern Is quoted 71 1 116.2515.75; No. 2 foundry southern at 14.76vjl5,25; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft at $11.00 11.60. v Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, a ray 10. Today's statement state-ment of the treasury balances In tho general gen-eral fund, exclusive of tho JloO.OOO.OCO gold roservo In the division of redemption, shows: jVvaliablo cash balance, ?177,715,-150; ?177,715,-150; gold, $122,779,031. Wool Clip Sold. MARYSVlLLE, Cai., May 10 Tho auction, auc-tion, flalo of tho sprlnpr clip by tho Wool-GrOwors Wool-GrOwors association of Yuba and Sutter counties was hold hcru today. A total of lli,579 pounds was disposed of at prlcoa ranging from 15 to 17vi cents. Live Stock. CHICAGO. CITICAGO, ainy lO.-Cattlc Rccclpls, riv'arkot slow; good to prime steers, UttKfS.oO; poor to medium, ?1.00,9j; slockcrrt and feeder?. $.1.001.40; coWs. ?1.75 ;74.3o: heifer, ?2.3i.C0; cannora, tL75 00. bulls, ?2.254.00; calves, ?2.GO3.00; Texan fel steors, J1.004.C0 -$.32 Receipts today, lS.OCd; tomon'ow. 30,C: market steady; mixed and butchers. butch-ers. $4.70J.&2; good to choico heavy, l SO 4.93; rough heavy. SI.GG4.S0; light, 41.C0 y-l-0; bulk of sales. $4.7G4 S3. Shcop Receipts. 9000, market slow to 10c lower; lambB alow to 10c lower; good to choico wothors, $4.S0G.23; fair to choice mixed, J3,404.40: -clipped AVosteni Bheep, ?i.005.40; clipped nativo lambs, J-1.505.76: cllppod Western lambs, M.C05.75; woolcd Western lambs. $5 750.7o. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITY, May 10.-Cattle-Re-cclpts. 10,000. including 300 Southerns; market, steady; native steers. $4 O03.35; nativo cow and holfcrB, $2,00l.9O; toCk-ers toCk-ers and feeder. ?3.254.70. bulls, S2.6O3.0: calves. J2JGQG.50; Western steers, $1. 00 4.75; Western cows, $2.OO4.40. Hogs Receipts. Re-ceipts. 14,000; steady to Gc lower; bulk of snlos, Si.C0S4.ii0; heavy, $4.704.85; packers, J4 C54.80; nigs and lights, $l.00l.70, Shoej) Retclpts, COCO; riloady: muttons, $l.50Tfo.75; lambs, JS.00G.63; yearlings, 54.60 (5JG,23; ewes, 43.EOSG.OO. OMAHA. SOUTH OMAHA, May 10. Cattlc-Rc-colptg, 3t30; market, steady; native steers, $3.7Go,10; cows and heifers, ?3 25fj4,30; ennncrs. $2.C3.00. stockers nnd fcedors, $3.004.2o; calvoB. f2 7637C.G0: bulls, stags, etc.. f3.01.00. Hogs Receipts, 9000: market, mar-ket, steady; heavy, $i,G54.75; mixed, $I.C5 4.70; light, $4.GO4.70; pigs, J4.0O4.50; bulk markot, dull and weaker, Westerns, J4.75 G.2G; wether.", 54.505,1C; owes, $4 00i."S0; common and stockers, $3.004.75; lambs, J5.75QC.75. London Wool Auction. LONDON, May 10. Tho offerings at tho wool auction sales today amounted to 15,-G42 15,-G42 bales, including a fine Selection Of merinos. They caused spirited competition competi-tion and woro In demand for tho continent. A few lots wero taken for America, whllo tho homo trado bought moderately. Scoureds of superior quality realized tho highest prices of tho aeries. Crossbreds wero in good supply and they wero quickly quick-ly sold to homo and continental buyers at unchanged rates. A moderate quantity waa also taken for jVmorlca. Fine greasy Capo of Good HOpo w.'ik rather dearer and low grades were bought in, as bids wero below sellers' views. Visible Grain Supply. NEW YORK, May 10 Special cablo and telegraphic communications received by Bradstroct's show tho following changes In available supplies, as compared with previous ones, as follows. Wheat United States and Canada, cast of Rockies, decreased 2.2SO,000 bushels. jVllOat for and In Europe, Increase, 1,100,-000 1,100,-000 bushels. Total supply decreased 1,180.000. Corn United States and Canada, east of ROCkles. decreased 1,551,000. Oats United States and Canada, east of Rockies, decreased LG1G.000. Tho Milwaukee private elevators this week reported an increase of 72.000 bushels, bush-els, whllo a docreaso of 1,3-19,000 bushels Is reported in Manitoba, and nne of 222.000 bushels at tho Chicago private elevators. Weather Bureau Crop Report. WASHINGTON. May II. Tho weather bureau's weekly summary of crop conditions condi-tions says: Tho temperature conditions for tho week endlnB May 9 wero favorable favora-ble In all districts, with tho exception of tho North Pacific coast and Mlddlo Rocky mountain regloh, whore frosts and freezing freez-ing temperatures were injurious. In Kan-eas Kan-eas corn planting hns been interrupted by rains. A general Improvement In tho condition of winter wheat is indicated. Spring wheat seeding Is largely llnished. On the North Pacific coast the week has been too cool for rapid advancement. Tho reports respecting .fruit aro somewhat some-what more encouraging and indicate that In many sections Injury from frost has been less Berious than was anticipated. Peaches have, however, been extensively killed In tho Ohio valley and Middle At-lantlc At-lantlc States. In tho Eastern Gulf States tho outlook for peaches is very promising, especially in Georgia. Tho general outlook out-look for grass IS favorable. Coast Grain. SAN FRANCISCO. May 10 Wheat-Weaker; Wheat-Weaker; December, $1.27. Barloy No sales. St. Louis Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, May 10 Wool Active; me-, dlum grades combing and ctothlim, 17Q'21c; light line, 14l7c; heavy line, 12Hc; tub washed, 2031c New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK, May 10. Sugar Raw, firm; fair refining, 3 7-32c, centrifugal, 90-test, 90-test, 3 23-32ct molasses sugar, 2 3-32c Ro-tlned, Ro-tlned, ilrm; crushed, $5.60; powdered, $4.90; granulated, $1.S0. Butter nnd Eggs. NEW YORK, May 10. Butter-Firm; fresh creamery, UfiOe, Slato dairy, common com-mon lo choice. 14lDc. Eggs Iri-cgular; AVeslern storaga selec-tlono, selec-tlono, 1S18C; nrats, ISc. |