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Show ASSESSMENT NO. 5. Tho Perjue-Surpriso Gold Mining Company. A corporation, principal place of business busi-ness Salt Lake City. Utah, with a branch office at aiarysvale. Utah. Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting meet-ing of the directors of the Perjuc-Sur-prlso Gold Mining company, held on tho JMth day of April, 100-1. an assessment of one-half cent per share was levied on tho capital stock of tho COrporatl i, payable pay-able on tho 10th day of May, f04, to Max Krotkl. secretary or said -.rpora-tlon, at the branch Offlco of said forpora-tlon, forpora-tlon, Marysvale, Utah. Any stock on which this assessment may remain unpaid on th 11th day of Junei 1501, will be delinquent and advertised ad-vertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is niado beloi, Will bo told on the Gth day of July, 1901, at 2 o'clock p. m.. to pay the delinquent assessment as-sessment thrcon, together with tho cosl of advertising and expenso of snlc. .MAX KROTKL Secretary. Location of office, No. 508 Progress Block, Salt Lake City. Utah. Secretary's office at branch offlco in Marysvale. Utah. wOW IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF SALT Luko county. Stale of Utah. Department No. 1. T.llllo Mabel Ros, plaintiff, vs. LoRoy Nccdham Rose, defendant. Summons. Sum-mons. ' Tho Stale of Utah to the Said defehd-cnt: defehd-cnt: You are hereby summoned to appear ap-pear within twenty dnys aftor the ser-lce ser-lce of this Bummons upon you. If served within the county In which this action is brought, otherwise within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled en-titled action; and In case of your failure so to do. Judgment will bo rendered against you according to the demand of tho complaint, which, within ten days after service of this summons upOn you, Will bo filed with flic clerk of sold cOurc. RICHARDS. RICHARDS & FERRY, Plaintiff's Attorneys. P. O. address: No. 602 McCornlck block. Salt Lako City. Utah. U1227 IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT court of the State of ,Utuh. county of Salt Lnkc, department No. 1. Anna L. Warner, War-ner, plaintiff, vs. Harry J. Warner, defendant. de-fendant. Summons. The State of Utah to snld defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after tho service of this summons upon you, If served within the counly In which this action Is brought, otherwise, within thirty tlnys after service, and defend tho above entitled enti-tled action; and In case of your failure eo to do, judgment Will be rendered nrnlhst you according lo tho demand of tho complaint, of which a copy is hero, with served upon you, and tho original of which Is now on lllo In the office of tho Clerk of said court. S. P. ARMSTRONG. Attorney for Plaintiff. P. O. Address. 122 Commercial Block. Salt Lake City, Utah. w-U7 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Third Judicial District of the Stato of Utah, county of Salt Lake. Oregon Snort Lino Railroad company, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Jeremiah Schenck and Marv J. Schenck, hla wire. Fred N. Bertholf. Marina L. Smith, Salt Lako county, a corporation. Salt Lako City, a corporation. corpora-tion. Georgo Burr and Mrs. George Barr, his wife, Morris Strouso and Mrs. Morris Strouse. his wife, Joseph G. Souther, administrator ad-ministrator of the estato of Benjamin F. Allen, deceased, Lorenzo D. lvlnnoy. Charles B. Gourlay and Emma O. Gour-lav, Gour-lav, his wife, John M. Moore, Eugene G St. Chvlr, JnmuH A. Lott and Mrn. James A. Lott, his wife, defendants. Summons. Tho State of Utah to tho snld defendnnt: You arc hereby Ruinmoned to appear within twenty day after tho service of this summons upon you, if norved within tho county in which thlfr action in brought, otherwise, within thirty days fitter service, and defend the abovo entitled enti-tled action; and in case of y6ur fulluro so to do, Judgment will be rendered against you according to tho demand of tho complaint, com-plaint, which, within ten days aftor service serv-ice of this summons upon you, will bo filed with the Clerk of said court. P. L. WILLIAMS and GEO. II. SMITH, Plaintiff's Attorneys. P. O. Addrcs, No. E."V2 Deserct News Annex, Nos. 17-19 West South Temple Street, Salt Lako City, Utah. wllS |