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Show "j i "ASK THE FTTRNITUKE MAN." I 1 1; a . RUMMAGE SALE at First Prcsby-( Prcsby-( ' ij terlan church, Saturday, May 11. AMERICAN FORK AND RETURN ' $1.00. Via Salt Lake Route, Thursday, , May 12. Special train will leave Salt Lake 7:30 p. m., arriving at American Fork at 8:30 p. m. Dancing at famous Apollo hal'h Special train, returning, leaves-American Fork after dance. Hood, s Sarsaparilla Has -V7oivfiuc:088 far beyond tho ofiect of advertising only. Tho secret of its wonderful popularity popular-ity is explained by its unapproachable Merit. Based upon a prescription -which cured peoplo considered incurablo, Hood's Sarsaparilia Unites the best-known vegetable rem edies, by 6uch a combination, proportion propor-tion and process as to havo ourativt power peculiar to itself. Its cures of scrofula, eczema, psoriasis, psori-asis, and every kind of humor, as well as catarrh and rhoumutism provo Hood's Sarsaparilia the bo&t blood purifier over produced Its cures of dyopepsia, loss of appo tito and that tired feeling mako it tht greatest stomach tonic and strength-rostoror strength-rostoror tho world has ever known. 'Hood's Sarsaparilia Is a thbroji" lv ,ood mcdiciny. Begin to tako ' v Got HOOD'S. "ASK THE FURNITURE MAN." -i TREE TEA: THAT'S THE TEA ALL APPRECIATIVE TEA DRINKERS DRINK. THEY KNOW A GOOD TEA 1 T MSffi I T IMPORTED BY t 0 E wummw p - I SAH FRAHCISCQ. 111 HALF POUND ) A I, .. V WAL KER'S STOR M M M IIHHIII -H-H HHIIIHHHIIIIUHHHIIIIHtllllUnil H--H"H"t I ( 'H-Hf jlf S Er I , .-. Big Savings on Waists Half Off or Thereabout. ' 1 t 200 Waists have just reached us from our Eastern representative. A lot he has picked up from America's best T makers, all fresh, clean and new styles. Bought at prices that astonished us as our prices will astonish you. Everv-',R ' T of waist you could want will be found among them an attractive showing indeed, made up in such styles as appeal to t ful dressers. - ' ' -f The material consists of linen with Bulgarian Embroidery, Linen with Battenberg Lace, Taffeta Silk; JTouhird X (plain or figured), solid color Brocade Silk, small patterns in ligured silks, Japanese Silk, all over Lace, in white, cream " ecru. Crepe de Chine. And many others, all new, all pretty, all to be priced at about t , 1 and , I . ONE-HALF REGULAR. , - ' y X To think of being able to buy at this time such waists a t such savings. Sale begins Wednesday morning. Don't mi i Don't wait. - Prices Range from $3.75 to $22.50. ' k 4-)-H-H--H-H I I I I I HH I I IIHtl I I I I I t M I II I -t-l I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I H I WfHHHfHttHHtfKWHHttH -U H M n f f M M M H H M H M H M M H M M UMMIHHHH H- M H M 4-H--HH-VHvmHUuj 4 " lp the msi mmmifmmsm i jV Women have confidence in "Wine of Cardui because they know it is the best medicine in - L- V! f?'Tt C wof or troubles peculiar to their sex. urcl tW ''''"'i fflvl Pvj?&Ll U 1m?s Women are grateful to "Wine of Cardui because it frees them from menstrual dis- M j a -JCa G 1 1 'J'lii Fl llJ3RIJ IK orders because it is a certain cure for bearing down pains, leucorrhoca, the distress of childbirth m wMI Sr v1 ajy??? Eh and the dangers which lurk in the change of life. - j Wt? 0ji3A5 i 'rtl wlurnb enj Women love Wine of Cardui because it brings children to barren homes, v ci2v t j RELIEF 'u'n Wiw Sl klG?' Wine of Cardui is a mild medicine so mild that a child can take it without any possible 1 Vis:VfTvi ""' nlU harm. But it is a powerful tonic, freeing women from pain when all other remedies fail. It (y ' MrvSif. regulates the menstrual function so naturally that there is "no pain. Opiates and drastic medicines ",,a MHilll H DliD Vvfe ttc Pa5n temporarily by killing the nerves, but Wine of Cardui destroys the pain by building jj lIDIIIIIIlilMllHI'tllllllfll "liij r" rZZ-; " up the nerves and preventing a return of the pain in an aggravated form. 'm 1 llilllllh llnillir ii'i'i'i', rTr r- Wine of Cardui so builds up women that it makes them fit for any duty. Over 1,500,000 J I1 lllll IWJ ''lii ft'f:,V' (l jflf l$ pfi rf"fTtl women have been cured of female weakness and suffering and have been restored to health and J fl'fl rjflfirjj "'' 'iffaiVM!' rW.TwA44Jnjl-g tfic enjoyment of life by Wine of Cardui. Will you take the same treatment and secure the same 11 ( ' "'! tftlF J rclicf? A trial of thc treatment will show you what Wine of Cardui will do. Go to your S W" OICWJHJ ' ' ' ' druggist today and secure a $J.OO bottle ol Wine of Cardui. You can have health. ,$ Mil iJHUJ Jl IU1HII31 V REGULARITY ' f Hit tillimf V EXAGGERATION T i .. .....V ''ij " SUPPRESSION etc Wino of Cardui has beep & blessing to my home. I hare found that It is a great, relief. Ijl III VIII lll.H'1 Ii, - MRS. LIZZIE H THOMPSOK, 1S5 West SSth St., New York City, K.Y. ll Kv,," ' V CHATTANOOGA MEOICINEEQ . hrTTAfMrwa; CHATTANOOGA.TEra WIBWtW Tm'ToSffi 1 IT'S THE BEST RAISER IN THE 1 COUNTRY, j THREE eROWN i Baking Powder. "The Best of tho Good Ones." I HEXTXETT BROS. CO. ' 1 EVERY BLADE WARRANTED . The Old Way- ! One dollar a bottle or elx for flvo. The New Way- Same size bottle, 75 cents, or threo - for two dollara. O z Wo arc talking about $ Hill's Sarsaparilia. $ It's what you need to make new, X rich, red blood and tones up tho system eencrally. An Ideal spring X mcdlclno. x I DRUG COMPANY I -- -- "Tho DrugglstH Who Want Your -- Trade." e Corner Opposite Postofflce. -- -r Agcnt3 for I-owney Candles. O cast by a cigar I The 'Band is the Smoker's Protection j f 1 ... HlRSHt W1CKWIRE & CO. ; Hand-Tailored Clothes arc shaped by correct cutting- and putting to- t I I- aether. They are shaped right to start with and they keep their shape 1 through the hardest wear. Nothing equals them In rtendy-toWear ; Clothes In America. Come, let us prove It to you. ; Rowe&KeSSy Coc j 132 Main 5treet j One Price. Ptlin FigureSt j ESTABLISHED 1S7X JOHN BUCKLE & SON, Popular Tailors, 235 SO. IiIAIN ST. P. O. Box 68S. Salt Lot Cfltj, j PICTURE" FRAMINcTI !At Poptilar Prices. American Wail Paper Co, 6 E. THIRD SOUTH. j !Tiieeoixi ON ALL CAR LINE M Try it the Next Time t Qo Up. 1 B C EWINO. Proplit Mu. There la no pub"?llL ? their oSSBS The Keely ''"f,0' w ik Bait LakQ Pity, Utab- |