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Show BOOiCeiNDERS LEAVE THEIR BENCHES flight Hundred "Walk Out in Chicngo and a Sympathetic Strike May Follow. CHICAGO. May 10. Eight hundred hun-dred bookbinders struck . today to-day In the shopy of the Chicago Chi-cago Tyiwllietae. Sympathetic strikes of the women binders, blank bookbinders and ruler: are threatened If an effort Is made lo r.un the shops with non-union bindery. Tho R. R. Donnelly & Sons and Rand, McNally & Co. plants, which employ a large number of nonunion non-union bookbinders?, continued to operato today practically free from trouble. The union ordered tho tie-up of the bindery industry in other sliopH to compel com-pel the Typothetae to force those two members to employ only union binders. |