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Show 'Uncle feb's Philosophy, 'LIFE EZ I KNOWS IT." 3V EOTKiEZEIl IIEZEE3AII HOLDER. iC JfcfHE man who is a professor Wfe$ of athletes and tells others Tk'yWfy kw to live a hundred years 'sig? usually dies at thirty-five of heart failure. I never saw no cense iu this physical culture, no-how. The farmer or thc carpenter or the blacksmith black-smith lives to be ninety, uses his brain considerable, too, and don't think about his stotnick or his muscles all the time. I know a hull lot of people that always think about their stomicks. It's them that tell rac if I stop eating meat and good wholesome victuals and take up with some new fangled bran-mash sanitary sani-tary food I'd live to be a hundred in the shade, and thc next day. I get an invitation in-vitation from the family to come to. tlie funeral. That party that told me how to take care of my stoniick died of catarrh of the stotnick. That was all that saved his family, for he was teachin' thc whole family to live on bran-mash and cere-alls, cere-alls, or whatever you call 'em, aud the family were slowly wasting away. Men who try to' get TOO STRONG, I notice, usually cat too much and die of heart failure. Thc man who works his brain and his body just enough to keep a balaucc, usually attends the funeral of the other fellow. There's common sense in all things. Now, when I don't know (what's best to do, I jest sit down and read my book. That book is worth more than a whole library of novels it's thc 'Common Sense Medical Adviser,' and written by that Dr. Pierce, in Buffalo, N. Y., who founded the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute thcrc. There aint no nonsense about him. Say he wrote me the other day and says says he there aint nothin' the matter with you, Ebenezca- nothiu' but old age, and if you go on livln' the same simple life you alias has, you'll live to spauk the other feller's great-rand children. You see, when I get bilious, I jest take one of them ' Pleasant Pellets ' of Doctor Pierce ; the)' set me right and save me a whole lot of sickness. I don't get no microbees for why kase I jest haven't any weak spots. My organs is all active ac-tive I keep 'cm eo. Once I had a fit of sickness ; my stomick was all out of order, and so my blood got pizened. I wrote to Dr. Pierce, and he told me not to eat so much fried pork and bacon aud flapjacks, and then 1 took his vegetable extract and alterative, thc ' G'oldeu Medical Med-ical Discovery.' That's thc finest tonic for tbe stomick I ever heard of; it aint no, cocktail, cither, for it aint got a particle of alcohol in it, but is just made from roots and 'crbs a sort of nature's tonic and say it just throws out all those pizcus that accumulate in your system during the wiuter, and puts you straight, and makes you as lively as a cricket. All of Dr. Pierce's family remedies rem-edies axe good, 'cause they're made from the formula of a doctor that knows his bizincss.'' "Now, thar was my old woman 'after twenty years of raisin' children, stcamin' over the wash-tub, milkiu' the cows, carryiu' vrood and cookin' for the hands, she somehow got ruu-down a bit, was humped over in the shoulders, back gave out, thin and weak, and that nervous a cat couldn't move without her crying. What does she do but say it was all owin' to her womanly weakness, and that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription would fix her all right, and it did by hump ! She looked sixty afore that, but she just got strong, put on flesh, and now she's so strong, buxom, bloomiu' and healthy I have to go out in thc wood -shed, for peace and quiet, to smoke my pipe" Thc experience of Uncle Eb is not unusual un-usual any quantity of people throughout through-out the United States depend on Dr. Pierce's guaranteed remedies to keep them well and to cure their different ills. You can consult Dr. R. V. Pierce by letter, by addressing him at Buffal6, N. Y., aud get the best possible medical advice from him free of charge. "It is now about one and a half years," writes Philip Stephau, of 45 Hermitage Street, Grand Rapids, Michigan, -"since I took sick with inflammatory rheumatism, rheumat-ism, from which I was laid up for four months. Then I had nervous prostration prostra-tion and later a bad case of indigestion. Soon got so bad I couldn't work and felt as though every minute would be my last. Had no appetite, and did not feel like taking one step. My wife said: ' You have now spent for doctors and medicines about one hundred and fifty dollars, and I believe you get worse ; why don't you try thc medicine ogain which cured you some years sgof meaning your" 'Discovery.' I acted upon her advice, and now wtnt to express my gratitude to you for thc medicine yon have put before the public pub-lic I have taken nearly thc contents of one bottle and all my bad symptoms are gone. I feel like a new man and feel perfectly healthy in ever)' respect. I know this is wonderful and many people will not believe it, but I am ready to testify to the truth of this statement at any time." "Iam satisfied that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will give ipermanent relief, and cure any one who may be suffering from stomach aud liver trouble, which as a rule arc the result of bowel difficulties," writes L. Royalty, Esq., Lexington, Ky., Justice of the Peace, for twenty -nine years. "My experience with the above-named medicine was most satisfactory. I found it a very pleasant, mild remedy, agreeable to the taste, aud very mild 111 action. It soon had my system well regulated and toned up, and I have felt in splendid health and spirits ever since." Dr. Pierce's Commou Sense Medical Adviser, over 1000 pages, is sent by Dr. R, V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., on receipt of 21 cents in one-cent stamps for the paper-covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound |