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Show jnljsTATE MEDICAL JciETVNOW IN SESSION oi'' . . -me Tribune. vlW31 . unr 10. The tenth annual the Utal Stale Medical so-.!, so-.!, xnlEhts of Pithlas hall at -Sitbls morning for a two days' SwfX egales from Salt Lake and Bfwn part of the State did not "5SJSnul 111155 ntern00n an? a f naners BChedulod for reading fjS t to Ver UniU l- :tS gjon the programme for today rtSblsseminaled Tubercu- CUf HSh;iHs with Ileus, Enterosto- fcilB HFr nation of Portoan of In- 5s Sai Tuberculosis Involving f! and Caecum. Ileocholostomy, Jf? Amlrew J. Hosmer M. D., , gjS1? Dlscussl0n opcned by Dr-i3 Dr-i3 Reprocesses In the Abdoml- fi - br J. f cntchiow. m. d.. of v-v Discussion opened by Dr. 'IllliiSllilw and Medical Organi-JSE Organi-JSE ! Vlko,M- D of Salt Lake SLveHl Status of the Doctors, by ifSKSa ,M of Ogden. Dls-MO Dls-MO tff0 preceding papers opened, wSf u Wilson and Dr. S. Ewlng. ' iJff. by E. 0. Gowans, M D., of iOa, lyjjant. Discussion opened by Dr. Si o. -oa. r. d., ta if Jtrfin. Discussion opened by Dr. Viators went to the Hermitage MAW iiHCwn and enjoyed a chicken IWI dinner j'bterKtlng musical programme is V.tj k rfadcred by the pupils of Mr. Jo- Etl 4EaJ!antync Thursday evening, as- vj by the Tabernacle choir of two P;4 id voices. 'ua i coroner's Jury cmpanelpd by i'Att lalloivtl! this morning, held an In-TriU In-TriU jic-er the body of J. C. Van Why. J Jns killed In the wreck In the Og-,-1 oris Friday evening. The jury at2 itable to fix the blame and rc-Jisi rc-Jisi si verdict o( death by accident, tra ' 0 "jy&ii Saniard was yesterday ar-:ah ar-:ah before Judge Howell on the tf s ap of robbing the Troy laundry. iTjlttrlng was set for Thursday. 'uijJti RobJnson, a young man about s iAgrio!d. residing at Plain City, was fc!r injured Monday afternoon In Vywfe""1'' "While driving along the fAlisi&p suddenly darted from the jjjjAt! the roadway, frightening- the 3dife Robinson was thrown out, his "Jrbcne broken and he was other-ce5Wlr other-ce5Wlr hurt His Injuries are ser-(wCm ser-(wCm Otitis not thought that they id jHk Uub Selling & Storage company, rjtmi'zt canning combine, Is causing J ftfrfobtrs much concern. The com-4 com-4 tMuestlng the Jobbers to con-Jtjjiyfr con-Jtjjiyfr tomatoes, as they used to do ih the combine was formed, and JBfJwose to do so. As one Jobber 3 Il Tribune today: "We pay but tjjjM a rents less per case for tomatoes itr !Tt K" lncm for- antl l)esldes al- a I fr cent discount for cash sales. 4 ' fra has disposed of 25,000 cases .Rrffc W opining of the past canning ref oyid t wo were to contract for ! lurunt lu adance and have to pay n? charges avo would be the i t'trranlzatlon of trie combine de--1 t i the fyct that the factories ad-jndJi ad-jndJi KaOgden with the one at Wood's mui ! pl up m,m clLSCa ot tomatoes Xm i the last season nnd that there Si r! lhan S9.W cases o" and in ' . . wW? wramlttees of Dlx-Logan Post Anrt ' V aro now actively ar-rL'l ar-rL'l j tor the Sunday "and regular Jp, ?1 day services. It Is the In-3 In-3 E P to as little expense and A &ts posilblc, aa the boys realize lU1101 as yunB as they used uaj t There will be no commltleo on i5 but , an' Individual or 3 rtrlotlc enough to volunteer t CV T?' 'twill be gratcfuJly iccclved Wsowledged, itMJ cause Is allowed to lapse by Jmtand It has recently cast Its 'fon the waters by donations Iri t-iaa flootl -HUfferers and more kLv e '"emorlal fund for those liH !7h0 dld not return." ? rk City residents have rc-$ rc-$ SjP"erously to the call by Han-tflrtr Han-tflrtr N0, "5 for the entertainment ,ile.armPincnt to be held there on irflif 71 ! .h0Ied to sent a train from S!!lp a8lB at ?L5 for tbe i'L j,110,1" f the Weber County IflNS 'iKSfi 1 lon mel today and elected 1 3SMVe.?mm,Ueo lo take charSe Sfc.. ile COmlng searon. The , . TMLv Pre3ton Blair, J. G. Held Mi jfc,4-- Van der Vlles. J; l ot tne race meets was fixed for July A and July 21. A committee consisting- of Dr. Conroy, Charles Zoe-mcr Zoe-mcr and O. M. Runyon, was Selected to take charge of the races. These meets will undoubtedly be the best ever held here as the association will offer unusually unusu-ally large purses for each event, A buildings and grounds confmlttee was also selected, consisting of William Raymond. Thomas Etherlngton and William Craig, to lake charge and supervise su-pervise tho grounds. a An accident came very near causing the loss of three lives in the Ogden river this evening. Just east of the Washington Wash-ington avenue bridge Lorenzo Jarman, driver of a delivery wagon for the Boyle Furniture company, drove into the river to allow his team to drink. As? soon as the horses were through drinking he lurned them around to drive out, when horses, rig and all suddenly plunged Into a hole about ten feet deep. The wagon -soon went to the bottom, dragging tho horses dowa and drowning I them both. Jarman succeeded In making mak-ing his escnpe, to the bank, and, with the help of neighbors, rescued two small boys' who were In the wagon with him. The two lads had the presence of mind lo cling- to tho high sent of the wagon. They were taken out badly scared and slightly Injured. Tho horses and wagon are still In the river, the dead bodies of tho animals can be seen lloallng on the surface chained to the spot by the harness and the submerged wagon. |