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Show Belie liners m Defeat Boise I In Long, Weary and Unsatisfactory S ,;H Game Butte Wins by Score ' of 9 to 3. H Special to Thc Tribune. t,H BOT8E, Ida., May 10 In a wordy, llstloss and altogether ungatlsfac- j ' iH tory contest, tho Butto Miners oVer- 1 came the Boiso Fruit Pickers to- ; day by a score of 9 to 3. Umpire Sharp 1 J ,fl waa mainly responsible for tho dilatory : play, because of his lack of firmness. Ha, j" H allowed tho players to loaf, sulk and talk J 'JM back and did not begin to fine them un- -j; H til it vas too late. Quick pitched a sturdy li .M gamo for Butte, but his antics ln tho bor i were those- of a aian ln the last stages of ij1 i.'H consumption. Blewctt wasted time enough J kH gazing at the clouds and spitting on his tl 1 H finger tips to starvo the spectators to V. 1 death and tho gamo dragged through two O and a half hours Aside from thc first 1 inning, when Boiso had thc banes full with V. 1 nobody out, and failed to score on acount - . 'of wretched stick work, there was not a f. 'H ulnrle thrill In tho contest. Quick dragged !; his feet around with tho deliberation of ; a life-term convict and Waved his arms ! like a woman shooting chickens. Incl- ' IH dentally ho talked himself out of ?5. Ho , VM kppt tho ball out of reach when hits wer 1 needed, however, and pitched a good 1 1 game, Blewott came in after tho second y and did clover work for tho most part.) I r Starkell'B pitching for two Innings was-1 , 1 weak. Tho score: BUTTE. ' H AB R H PO A B 1 , Spencer. If ,.... 5 0 1 1 0 0. MH Ward, 2b 5 3 3 4 3 1 Moffmcisteir. 3b 5 0 2 2 4 0 K H Shaffer, lb 5 2 2 7 0 0 . H Runkel, ss 4 2 -2 3 3 0. t H McHale. cf. 4 0 1 0 0 0 f ' H Swindells, c 3 1 1 9 0 0 'M Bnndolin. rf 3 12 10 0 ' H Quick,, p 4 0 1 0 1 0 . J ''fl Totals 33 "9 IS 77 10 1' iH BOISE. ij'l'l AB R H PO A a ,rl Houtz. If 3 0 0 2 0 9 I' Weaver, cf 4 0 1 1 0 0 !, H Murahall, rf 4 0 0 1 0 1 lU!'H O'Connell, 2b 5 12 3 2 6 ). ' ' Elsoy, lb 5 115 3 0 ? Cook. 3b 4 1 2 2 0 0 (l! Babbitt, ss 4 0 2 4 2 0 f-, H Hanson, c I 0 13 11 M Starkells, p 1 0 0 110 ?. Blewett 2 0 0 2 3 0 i'i H Totals 3G 3 9 24 13 3 L H Score by irrnlngs ' ' ; Butto 1 3002030 0-t) Boiso 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0-3 jf VH Earned runs Butte, 5; Boise, 3. Left on U '' bases Butte, 5; Boise, 8. " Stolen bases 1 H Ward, Runkel, McHale, Bandelln. Two- t H base hits Hoffmelster, Swindells, Ward, NR'tH Elsey, Hanson. Threo-baae hits Bando- ' 1H Un. Bnncs on balls Off Quick, 4; oft . ' ;IH Blewett, 2. Struck out By Quick, 8; by ( , M Starkells, 1; by Blewett, 2. Time of gamo , H Two houra and thirty minutes. Umpiro 1 Sharp. Attendance ECO. ''T'H |