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Show Undertaker & Embalmer. B 0 Open All Night. Tel. 3Q4. O 213 State St., Salt Lake City. J Insuran'ce averages a man up and not down. It adds to a man. which of Itself Increases his average Thoro Is no had luck if Insured, becauso Insuranco eliminates luck and makes certainty, 65th year, doing business In 3C States Nat'l Llfo Ins. Co. of Vt. (Mutual ) ORGANIZED ORGAN-IZED JS50. Geo, D. Alder, General Manager, Mana-ger, 201-203 MeCornlck Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. I-Pco Matinee, 25c. Positively lasl week of Elleford Stock Company MATINEE TODAY AT 3 P. M. TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK, MATINEE MATI-NEE SATURDAY. The Groat War Drama, SHENANDOAH. Assisted by tho National Guard of Utah. 1 : The Modorn Store.' Moderate Prices for Everybody. 9 : rfry i$ev lines of girls' i ' while liuvu laoe cinbroid- ! M i4iv'. ; 10 yai's Hi'e 3ust "u 1 ' $vi ' MaMzi Excellent assortments j ' wVl'nl &'!Ii' m nn splendid values nro 1 'SfiM lllfjR Wfih offered. Prices range j fnWl Ik from 1.95 to. 14.50. HW toys' Molts I ARK to$Hfcr35a j isi''SMEMi ' lints which sells regularly j fiT from 25c 10 ?UJ0 Vls op I h::a''' H portunily is offered, as j i ia''s are e'nS closed j r - out at 25c. I ; We handle the McCall patterns the best patterns. - COLLAR Jm CUFF IT0 j j A broken line of collar and cuff sets, in the popular cross slltch pat- j j terns and also some daintily embroidered in Hungarian shades, will be 3 a special Wednesday. Your choice 23c a set. Regular values 35c and 50c I ij set ' I ; LACE CLLA!FL--MALF MC&. 1 j Lace collars in white, cream,, and ecru, for tho child's coat or dress, I i are a ypeclal tomorrow. This pretty line is sold regularly at $2.00 a pj S collar. On Wednesday you can buy this collar at $1.00, or f 1.95 for a pair, U which makes a beautiful bertha for the little girl's dress. U H IF YOU r"Zj " vlS Want your piano to hold its tono Qnd i V MWr keep its beauty for years, GET ONE 'LL". '.JSn WITH CHARACTER IN IT. '' crfiSri,pfi. ?k Jit ' Wo know very piano we sell is t worthy. Wo Invite you to call and fiiljpgPr examine them. Our prices are right - "pit Srz---- anc onns easY -! Vansant & Chamberlain, 1 cJr- '-rsrir- 51 and 53 MAIN, I pfcKANINNIES J A NUT MOLASSES CANDY 8 IN 10C - PACK AG ES SALT LAKE CANDY COMPANY f 1 OTHH - MR PARK I I IN THE HEART OP THD CITY. j entrance"00 Ma'" Slrect onnoalt0 N' Postofdcc. All car linos pass tho j j THIS PLEASURE RESORT WILL BE OPENED j ; SUNDAY EVENING, MAY 15th j WITH I i Two Grand Concerts by the Entire ; UTAH - STATE - BAND i ANTON PEDERSEN. Conductor. : ADMISSION 15c. CHILDREN 10c. ! l No Intoxicating: Liquors Sold on These Grounds. ! I ,Jai111 riTT I lilL: . IBDStandsforBadDebts 19 I DB Stands for Dead Beats S. 1 Wo colloct bad dobto from dead wM- & U bcata every whero. t't,'ls. aii 1 j Merchants' ' fET" X Protective. 1 Association j SCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS rjW M H PF BAD DEBTS. Mtv S W 11S-113-1M-125 Commercial block. X I U I Francis d. Luke, General Mgr. w'yffl jTA S "Some pcoplo don't like us." ' CZ jZ0 9 t A Watch ThTS Go Is Better S Than one tnnf a !B good time . do't ktJ One is right over hemw and the oS'W We have the tight u ahmakcsjalleulSJj Salt Lake City, Vttiu An Inquiry by Mall Will Be T, ly Answered - i 20 mm i of PIANOS ' Here. We represent 20 totteA piano manufacturers. Wa sell you a piano for from S9TS 10 $1000 1 i i And give terms that -rHI tnii i the buying easy for 70a. n ) Carstensen & Anson Co,' ff Temple of Music. ..74 MAIN STREET,, 3 Formerly Diynes McjIc Cb. No, I do not run a fake auction. K 1 can cell you honeat. rellabU Itxih watches and diamonds cheaixr iiull can buy them In any place In iht dtj. SRh SICKLE, ! THE JEWELER .j "C East 2nd South street, b4twaCfi merclal and Stato streots. t Don't Experiment j With Glasses I There Is more danger la bujfci I glasses from a street man b mokes no test of our eyes, tha C ln not wearing1 any at all. To su your eyes. U is hjghly Important u have them examined by an tijr- c rlenced and educated optlchn. It c don't pay to run risks with cyca. II ij you can't aco well conic to us 1 bo fitted for glasses. I RUSHMER ' I RELIABLE OPTICIAN. 73 W. 1st So 'Phone 1T63-K. 1 ! This GarmcnrCoaranteed bj the Hilrfl lB.'KUPPENHEIMER&'C(tv t jcHICACO. j Buy Your Up-to-Dtte jj Uniosfc-Made . I Clothing at ! j M. H. ' DESK'S 1 205 So. Main, 10 E. 2nd So. Agents for the Celebrated Cele-brated Kuppenheimtf ,0 Guaranteed Clothing. and Tnentcr District. m f ...TEe... I i New Wilsonl v ETTBOPEAJT H0TB& 1 ? A. FRED "&VT2T' i 2CO Rooms, wl h TWpno 3 and Cold .Running water. urn 3 Privato Bath3,JB BROUGHT FEOJI THE SEA FOR YOU, SPONGES I 15 Cents, I Biff ones that surpris Chenp at the price e H SEE OUR WINDOWS. DAYTONl DRUGCOPA |