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Show MAYOR MORRIS Is In receipt of a letter let-ter from Frank S. Oroff, District Attorney Attor-ney at, Lancashire, Pa., asking for Information Infor-mation of one Henry Bolcy. Tho letter states thaL a small amount of money has been paid Into the Orphans' court of Lancashire Lan-cashire county, In which Henry Boley or his heirs havo an Interest. Tho last heard from Bolcy was from Salt Lake City. n a BIDS FOR THE FURNITURE for tho new Lafayette school building; now almost al-most completed, have been asked for by tho Board of Education. Tho building is one of tho largest In tho city and at present pres-ent will be furnished with about K00 desks and bthorcrssary furniture. Tho liou.se malting the bat proposal will be awarded the contract. THOMAS BROWN and George Mooro were arraigned In tho District court yesterday yes-terday and entered plo:is of not guilty to tho charge of burglary. Tho court will appoint attorneys to defend) tho prisoners prison-ers and set their caso later. HARRY RECTOR FULTON, who Is tahlng a courso In medicine at John Hopkins Hop-kins university, has como to Salt Lako to spend the summer vacation with his brother, tho mining broker. i. FRANCIS PARROTT and James Edgar, tho boy poatofilco robbers, who wero (sentenced (sen-tenced to thirteen months In the Industrial school at Golden. Colo., by Judgo Marshall, Mar-shall, will leavo for that Institution todav In caro of Deputy United States Marshal Howard Page. MISS GRANT has graduated from tho Keogh-Wrlght hospital with full honors. Mkia Grant has long been known aa ono of tho moat capablo and popular nurses In that establishment and evervone will bo very sorry to ace her go. Sho has gono up to Park City to visit with her undo for a short time, after which sho will practlco In Salt Lake. J a HEBER GLENN, aged 5 years. 64S South First West street, was placed under un-der quarantine regulation for the smallpox small-pox yesterday. i FRED BRUSCH and A. Mitchell, tho occupants of a milk wagon from Faust's creamery, wero thrown out and badly Injured In-jured In a runaway yesterday. Brusch sustained a cut In tho head and Mitchell a broken arm. Tho accident took place In the alley between Main and Commercial streets. Whllo making a turn tho wagon struck a rock and the two men were thrown out by tho Jar. Tho team daahed out of the alley and ran west on Second South street to West Temple, whero they came into collision with a sprinkling enrt and express wagon, causing and receiving considerable damage. e BURGESS YOUNG, who Is completing his first year at the University of California Califor-nia at Berkeley, 'has been appointed battalion bat-talion adjutant of the California cadets. He will spend tho summer vacation at homo In this city. ALL of the teachers In the Salt Lake public schoola will meet this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the city and county building build-ing for tho purpose of having a group photograph taken to bo sent to the World's fair. FUNERAL services over tho remains of Thomas C Rookledge, who died In this city Monday, will be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock from the family rt?aldenco, 255 North .First West street. The funeral will bo private. t a AT THE annual meeting of the stockholders stock-holders of tho Utah Commercial and Savings Sav-ings bank, held yesterday, the following wero chosen directors for tho coming year: W. F. Armstrong, Aaron Keyaer. Byron Groo, John R. Wlndor. Jr.. J. U. Moyle, Samuel Mclntyro, P. W. Madaen, J. W. Taylor and J. B. Toronto. Officers will bo chosen today. |