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Show EXCURSIOfRATES Vln Oregon Short Line. St. Louis nnd return $42.50 Chicago and return 47.50 Chicago and return via St. Louis. CO. 00 St. Louis and return via Chicago.. GO. 00 Limit 60 days. Transit limit 10 days In each direction. Tickets on sale Tuesday and Fridays each week. Stopovers allowod. WORLD'S FAIR RATE, O. S. L.1 and Union Pacific To St. Louis- and return, every Tuesday Tues-day and Friday, only S12.50. Shortest and fastest line. City ticket offlca, 201 Main street. H hi,-;1 - - !i7;; Fifty Years the Standard 'Impireves fli QGar tImS ar3i3s to 1 H: f : the healfEiyess f ffa ffL . ... r ' (j " ? ' HICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO, KEEP YOUR EYE ON CASTILLA. EXCURSION RATES Via Oregon Short Line. St. Louis and return .$42.60 Chicago and return -17.50 Chicago and return via St. Louis-. 50-00 St. Louis and return via Chicago.. 50.00 Limit 60 days. Transit limit 10 days in each direction. Tickets on sale Tuesdays and Fridays each week. Stopovers allowed. "WHAT HAPPENED TO BROWN?" FUJI If MMJM. Parents Should Know How to Keep Children Well Export Advice by Salt Lako City Druggists. "Wo do-not wish to blame any of our friends for that which they cannot help, but somo times when wo see delicate and puny children, we cannot help feeling feel-ing that parents aro neglectful," said Mr. Druahl of Druehl & Franken during dur-ing a recent Interview. "It" we could only make all fathers and irlothers in Salt Lake City regard what Ve say. especially if their llttlo ones are delicate, how glad they would be afterward. They can make their children child-ren strong and well. They can lay a foundation stone in their little lives that will ,glve them Joy nnd happiness In yeara to come and "they will become strong and hearty men and women, If they will only believe what we say about VInol and follow our advice." Remember Vinol contains all the active ac-tive curative principles taken directly from Fresh cods' livers without grease or oil, and Its taste is delicious, and that Is what gives it such power to assist as-sist the stomach of the little ones to properly osnlmllate the food which they oat. It is the means by which rich, red blood 1b made; strong bone structure Is built; hard, firm. Ilesh tissue is created, and healthy, sound nerves maintained. Mi. Jennie Paine, 1C0 Newman street, Mansfield, O., says: 'f wlRh to aId a few words of praifo for Vlnol. My Httle boy wns very much run down, so much so that he had to leave school. He really waa a mcro ahadow. I decided to give him Vino), aud he Is rapidly gaining ilesb. 1 wish to rcomniend Vlnol to every mother who has puny, ailing children." Not only for children but for adults do we recommend Vlnol as the greatest strength creator nnd rebullder of health, without reservation, and stand prepared pre-pared to refund all money to those who do n'ol find absolute satisfaction In its use. Druehl & Franken and the Smith Drug Co. f Yesterday was tomorrow niay he but toda y Is the (jjJjfj tlmo to commence using Hester's Floor r Tou take no risk It's all jtP ur your nionoy back If it . don't sulL f Sale Ten Million Boxes aYear. II f j j GARDNER' DAILY STORE I 'fptM Because w Have the gre ) ' estnumber of bats .to sell W pF learned to look to ns fbr M 1 best hat values. jff I ' . $i-5) $2.50,-3.50 and $5.00 Ik I Constitutes tTie range, within I ' you may choose the season's popular shapjj I You can make a pleasing selection M i cording to your pocket book's dictation f I We will not only sell you the be3t ha' jj but the best of everything you wear, eXcJ the shoes. 1 fprTce.' 1 P GAMERS I ' THE QUALITY STOPvE. ! Main St..- FLOWERS ftT S1P0ETEI5S PRICES I The new t'Owl head" trimmings.. jl I The ne-v daisy in the new color combinations. Bebp hats in great variety. The new "World's Fair" sailor effects. I " ; HiftTEHifi d 1 j Kibbous. chiffons, malines, veilings, feathers, flowers. i mn m the newest hm ms? pop j ULAR DESIfiNS AT llMHi'S PRICBj I Boxes, Stalls and Loges will bs Auctioned at tfo Theatre at ' -11 A M, TODAY f F 3R, TUB ; Press Club's Weird, Woatterful, Marvelous, MirA Provoldag, Prodigious Production of h - ;j (By WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE) j I Wllh Variations. li At the j SALT LAKE THEATR j Monday Tuesday I j Evenings, May MR. FISHSR S. HARRIS as Marcus Brutus, j : . Supported by tho following cast: ? Shylock William A. Llebfeln Juliet JTodGJ. f Polonlua Kennet)i C. Kerr 9 '0,, .AlanJfJS i Horatio CfcorKC E. Carpenter - Julius Caowr ... K .Nlche- Hamlet J.H. L. A. Culmer arc Antoni -ohcr S 1 Sherlock Holmes Race Whitney W mUCi X ! Romeo John D. Spencer Calus C.-uvsiua m J ; Fitth Citizen Harry S. Joseph I Regular sat salo opens at 10 a. m. ,idrri" of J3 clrdVlB Boxes, atalls and logos. 52; parquet and llrst three ro 01 y:. ) balance tlrst lloor. Jl; first balcony. 75c; second balcony, ,4 SSI L. Bcavon, D. O-, P Si PH. Murry. D. O.. fa 35 Mra A. B. Hurry. D. O. m OSTEOPATHS. M v& Treat Successfully 4s $ All Diseases. M at ZKl Auorbach Building. ?& ft Office Tol. 1120-T. Rca. 1SCC-':. I hy9 perwn Pozono Co.. J: "3 yoo aa'M 3 treated V-ijK tT,fr'.f-"" jjj." . . " mk |