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Show ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Good Hope Placer Mining company. Location Lo-cation of principal place of business, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of tho d'rectors, held cn ths 9th day or April, l&vj an assessment assess-ment of three and one-hair 13) cents per" tjniiro was levied or. tho capjuil stock of the corporation, payable cn tho isth day or May. 1901. to William F. Colton, treasurer, treas-urer, at his office. No. SOl Doolv block. Salt Lake City, UtaK Any stock upon which this assessing t mny remain unpaid un-paid on tho 19lh day of May, 1901, will bo delinquent and advertised for ?alo at public auction, and unless payment la made beforo, will bo cold on the 11th day of Juno. 1901, at 12 o'clock noon, to pay tho delinquent nnsessment, together with the costs of advertising and expenses of salo. WILLIAM F. COLTON, Secretary. Dated April 15. 130L |