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Show Hunters Must Cut Their Bags m Half "l The 5,500,000 huntsmen in the United States must cut their bags In half or this will be a gameless continent, con-tinent, Is the warning of William T. Hornsday, director of the Bronx Zoological Zoo-logical park. Dr. Hornaday, as trustee of the Permanent Wild Life Protective fund, has launched a campaign to Interest the federal governmpnt, state legislatures, legisla-tures, civic bodies and sportsmen In efforts to restrict hunters' kills and to establish shorter open seasons. By cutting the volume of slaughtered game In two. Dr. Hornaday believes that wild life may be plared on a continuing basts. In addition, he advocates ad-vocates the passage of state laws, similar sim-ilar to the Pennsylvania game laws , where 32 sanctuaries have been estab-I estab-I llshed. In answer to arguments thst ij certain species of game are Inexhaust-Ji Inexhaust-Ji ible, IT. Hornaday asks what has !i become of the buffalo, passenger .ftn und hputh lien. The woodcock and quail, he says, are fast disappear in?. Pi. llnrnndsy makes out a gooc case, but neglects to state that the vm do&o' parks ate all nii sanrtuarli |