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Show USEFUL AS SOIL RENOVATOR Importance ef the Peanut as Article of Commercial Value Is Now Very Generally Recognized. Peanuts are becoming more popular In this country. They mostly come from the East. Some very good Chinese, Chi-nese, In shell, or kernels, are now on the market. America has recognised the Importance of the peanut, sometimes some-times called the "monkeynut" here, as an article of great commercial value. No less than one hundred varieties of peanut products were on exhibition last year at Washington, Including several forms of stock foods, milk, flour, meal, oils, sauces and relishes, flavorings, confections, and other forms of food, in addition to which there were face cream and powder, ink, and wood stain. The area under peanut culture In America Is over . 2,000,000 acres, and millions of gallons of oil are expreiwed from the nuts. Australia has very suitable areas for production, and Is ' taking up the question of the com mercial ' value of peanut culture. Hitherto Australia has Imported considerable con-siderable quantities from ' China and Japan, using the nuts chiefly, as we ' do, for confectionery and roasting, but Is setting out to produce oil. The culture cul-ture Is very uceful as a renovator of the soil. The whole plant Is harvested and stacked, and when the nuts are removed the vines constitute a capital fodder for stock. |