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Show BOY OF 13 IS PATIENT IN HOSPITALS TEN YEARS Poorly Set Leg Results In No End of Trouble. - Bethlehem, I'a. After spending ten of his thirteen yeurs In nud out of hospitals, hos-pitals, Stanley Spunuttus of this city Is on the roud to recovery at the Sacred Sa-cred Heart hospital. The boy was Injured In-jured on the eve. of his third birthday while playing around his father's office of-fice In the Du l'ont poxvdvr works at Uastlngs-on-the-Hudson. The boy's father, the lute Trof. F. V. S'lmnutlus, at one time a member of the faculty at Lehigh university, was employed as chief chemist at the plunt and It was his cuMom to titke the boy down to bis ofllee. One morning morn-ing while pluylntr Stanley fell down i 1 a flight of stairs, breaking his leg In four places. A physician In Hustlnft-a, however, set the broken member so poorly that blood poisoning set In and n portion of the leg had to be amputated. ampu-tated. The operation was performed at St. John's hospital, New York city, where he was confined for several months and Anally discharged. Since that time he has been a patient at ten or more Institutions, so numerous, In fact, that when asked their names and the period he hud spent at each he replied: "I can't remember all of them." During the time that he has been on the lists of hospItitU he has undergone un-dergone 13 different operations. Me Is at present axxultlng the fourteenth. |