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Show . A Philosopher. During a nature ctudy walk with her class, the teacher asked the children: chil-dren: ' ,A. "Who mnde the beautiful world?- j One little boy answered reverently: "God." i A little later they were admiring the ! brilliant autumn coloring of the leaves ; on all the trees, and the teacher asked: i Who makes the trees grow?" , The wime little b'-y answer.' . (julcKly: . ' "The devil." The surprised teneber tfked: ; "Why d you think tlm' ?" j "Wliv," reasoned the siiuill thinker, j t,,. ilevll lives down mi'!"r rili!,, .,rt. that is vvfc.ie tne tree-.".me tree-.".me (YiMi.-'-fhlein:.. ;Virn:.l |