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Show - - A universal cusloi ' AltCr that benefits evenr- Evcry Al(s dijettioi, Mccil c!eanse8 11,9 teeh f soothes the throat aoodthin U to remember Sealed io "f-X its Puritr xfiVA LAVORLASTS W. N. Salt Lak City, No. 36-102S. German Proverb. Love unreciprocated Is like a question ques-tion without an answer. WOMEN WEED SWAMP-ROOT ' Thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never luspeot it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, con-dition, tbey may cause the other orgaaa to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of ambition, am-bition, nervousness, are often times symptoms symp-toms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician's prescription, pre-scription, obtained at any drug store, may be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle in-mediately in-mediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., tor sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement. George Ade on Women. Women of high voltage are especially' es-pecially' keen as "arrangers.'' The married woman decides that Herbert,, her husband's bachelor friend (with the false eyebrows), is Just the man for Ella, a holdover from the puff sleeve period. So she invites the two case-hardened waifs out for the week-end and issues secret orders that whenever Herb and Ella enn be assembled as-sembled together on one settee, then all the others are to run away and leave them. And yet you may have read In a book somewhere that woman - W Is man's best friend. From "Single Blessedness," by George Ade. r" v. Soots, l " .. J |