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Show CHIPS AND SHAVINGS ' AROMGHAM General Manager Muir of the United States Mining Company left Salt Lake this week to attend at-tend the silver conference to be held at Reno. Utah will be represented rep-resented by twenty prominent business men, all of the smelting companies and silver producers of the state. It is the first time in the history of the silver mining industry that producers have laws and impersonation of a Federal Fed-eral officer. It is stated the defendant de-fendant had the reputation among his countrymen of being a Federal revenue agent and managed to derive considerable revenue for himslf, but there is no record in the office of the Utah collector that the government govern-ment ever benefitted by his activities. ac-tivities. Howard E. Phelps will open his flocal and confectionery busi- . ness" in the Utah Power and Light building today. Every lady attending will be given a floral offering. Don't forget the place, 455 Main Street, Bingham. starieu a ucicrinmcu ihuvcihuu for the purpose of looking after the market for their metal, so as to stabilize their industry, with the result that interest at the conference will be keen. General Superintendent "Josh" Billings of the Bingham Mines Company was a business visitor in camp on Tuesday. A joint meeting of the Bingham Bing-ham Volunteer Fire Departments Nos.' 1 and 2 will be held at the No. 1 Company's hall on Tuesday Tues-day next, September 11th. The Gephart Clothing Stores Company, of which there are 10 stores now operating in Utah, will open a store in, the Wood-ring Wood-ring building today. D. Mel-drum Mel-drum .of Tremonton will have charge". B. P. Buck, who has been operating the Outlet store here until recently, has been appointed ap-pointed manager of the chain of stores. W. Robbins has had charge of a number of men the past week building a retaining wall at the back of the City Hall. The snow water used to seep thru from the back of the building into the jail. The new concrete wall will prevent any further trouble from this source. Mr9. J. D. Howe, who left Bingham in June for her home in Oregon, rciurneu w inc umg-ham umg-ham Hospital this week and has taken full charge. Mrs. Howe is an efficient and practical nurse, having graduated at the Holy Cross Hospital, , Skit Lake City, and v:as ' for several years in charge of the , Twin Falls Hospital. Hos-pital. Mrs. Howe's marry friends and admirers will welcome her back to camp. Trustee Boyd Barnard1 of the Bingham Town Board' reports that Supt. Crawford of the D. & R. G. W. R. R. has agreed to remove the trestle, which was formerly used by the Yampa smelter, near the Bingham Coal and .Lumber Company's yard. The removal "of this trestle will ; mean much, as at present the road at this point is very narrow nar-row and datieroiH. (Jus Hendropoulous, who was arrested in Copperfield last week was charged in the United States District Court on Saturday last with violation of 4he revenue |