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Show j ! . t ; :...: ,,;Si' r rt . , . , ! ' ' ' ' "" "tV rcra BOTCHAM ygWS, BINGHAM. UTAH ' - . : - " - , DID YOU BORROW 'THIS PAPER TO READ THE LOCAL NEWS IF SO QUIT, HAVE YOU NO IDEA YOUR NEIGH-BOUR WILL ACCUSE YOU OF BEING A CHEAP-SKAT- E YOU OUGHT TO WHAT YOUR NEIGHBOR TOLD US RECENTLY ABOUT YOU. PHONE 91 and have it ( mailed to your home for $2.03 , per year. I HOWARD E. PHELPS " Floral and Confectionery Company ! ;f Flowers for Every Purpose Candy and Fountain Service ' I , ; ,; Fountain Lunches . T f : Clean and Up to-Da- te - i 455 Main St. , " Bingham, Utah ; '1 : ;j: OOOOOOOO : Clean Modern Rooms ! ' OOOOOOOO :: ., First Class Board f At Reasonable Prices ii, i f-t- iiM t J j j MAen you need a quiet place for a light lunch visit Scarcelli & Fratello , Booths for Ladies and Gentlemen FINEST CANDIES BEST CIGARS 58 West Broadway Tel. 3046 Salt Lake City ' j The House of Quality Private Booths for Ladies "The Home of Good Steaks" STATE CAFE A. PUtolas, proprietor Phone Was. 5819 , 46 W. Broadway Salt Lake City WHAT'S BEHIND THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM? The extensive resources of the Federal Reserve System are great enough to cope with any financial ; v r situation. ...... , j' " This facV was very effectively demonstrated dur-- ing the busbess depression of the past two years. This Bank is proud, indeed, that it has the priv ilege to be a member of the Federal Reserve System and associated with an institution that means so much in our national banking business. Bingham State Bank BINGHAM, UTAH OFFICERS L. S. Cates, Pres. Sherman Armstrong. 1st Vice Pres. C. F Adderly, Vice Pres. Leo F. Tietjen, Cashier Eat at Lroy s Late - ' Where you get what you want ! Y: when you want it Adjoining City Hall Main St ..... . The Women's Bank IfTo matrons who desire a household account--- a place to keep their money, we urge that they come to this bank where safety and accuracy are permanent. flWhen you have a tidy sum saved we will advise as to in-vestment. This is a service we cheerfully render our pa-trons. ' ? '.. ,; , - f The Central Bank of Bingham . Bingham, Canyon, Utah "I Cot Rel Mad When I Lost My Setting Hen," Mrs. Hannan. "I went into the hen house one morninir and found my favorite setter dead. I got real mad. Went to the store, bought some RAT-SNA- P and in a week I got six dead rats. Every-body who raises poultry should keep RAT-SNAP- ." Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by BINGHAM MERCANTILE CO.. i " For Sale A brand new $250.00 period model Sonora Phonograph, with GO new records, at a bargain. Inquire 334 Main Street. For Sale Westminster automatic shot-gun. e, with 2 boxes of shells and cleaning outfit; $40.00 cash takes outfit. See Mr. Laursen, Eagle Hotel, Carr Fork. LARK MERCANTILE General Merchandise Fresh and Cured Meats Lark, Utah j We Specialize J T . T X in Cakes and Pastry fresh every, day ;! I and are prepared to serve you with . :: I any particular pastry if ordered ' j i a day ahead i x - I OUR BREAD IS WELL-KNOW- N IN THIS CAMP AND X - HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE BEST " STANDARD BREAD CO. J t J 536 Main St., Phone 187 : U I BINGHAM CANYON , ! j VOTE AND BOOST FOR BETTER WATER VOTE AND BOOST FOR BETTER WATER PIANO BARGAINS We have in Bingham Canyon a used Piano, also a used Player-Pian- o, which we will sell cheap rather than ship them to Ogden. Now is your chance to save. Good terms to responsible par-ties. Write today for particulars to LYRIC MUSIC CO. 2524 Washington Ave. Ogden CAPPED ; TRANSPARENT DICE Marked Cards $1.25 Shapes 2.00 ; Strippers J 1.60 Tops and Bottoms 2.50 ' Missouts or Passers, ' White Dice 5.00 ' Magic Liquid Clever Work for Clever People Catalog Free, Giving New Card Combinations BIG INDIAN 141 Regent Street Salt Lake City ;i j Say It With j Flowers X ' ;; us your orders for of cut flowers, ; ; iGive plants O'DONNELL and ferns Phone 17 ;; Matt Contratto AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Long or Short Haulage Service you can depend upon ?hone 124 Main Street i ii WALNUT CAFE "A Little Better Than Good Enough" Private Tables for Ladies 62 East Second South St. Salt Lake City, Phone Was. 10254 ' L - - JACK'S PLACE ! G. M. Gregory, Prop. f We Sa ve the Best of Everything y Soft Drinks and Eats j Phone Wasatch 2881 ' 77 West 2nd South St. Salt Lake City I - bills the camp wouldn't seem so hard to live in. ' . , That one of HER smiles has saved many a man from perdi-tior- i. Tat the milk supply of the camp isJ'being severely criticised. That it has been said "Noman can., serve, two masters." One might be, .abe however, if they both kicked in with the neces-sary cash. , f, . "That the "Tribune": (ruck man hai been laying off this week. Is !,overwork the cause, or is it just night work? " i s ' ' i That the Bingham, highway Is not yet, completed into camp. That some lady book peddlers kn,6w how to handle their wares. That a certain firm are looked upjftn by newspaper men as rob-bets- ," despite the fact the news-paper kickers do business with said firm right along. ' 1 a Did It Ever Occur to You That the night blasting is the cause of "much concern to visitors who spend a night'm'the "great-est copper camp." " ! .That the school children all looked spick , and span on Tues-day morning. They were envied by many of theyldrtimers. ; That fhei'raoreicbtifidenee 'you place in your daughter, the better off she will be. - ; That some people are so inno-cent they buy grapes by carload lots to look upon. What a waste of good stuff. '$( That it is good to'ookfapon the faces of some of the former teachers who have returned to continue the good work. . That even, the nigger at the Pantages. thought he was justi-fied in pulling a joke off on Ben. That if some peoples' tongues were clipped a little they would not be able to knock people who are their friends. That a fellow recently re-marked : "It is an easy matter to install a new lodge in Bingham, but after' installation, nobody cares." That the County Commission-ers have granted a free right-of-wa- y to install lights in Lark, the permission having been given by the mining company last fall. That the people of Highland Boy and Copperfield are begin-ning to realize what good roads mean. That when a man's wife is away the mice have a chance to play, because there's nobody home. That when people tell you a story that mustn't be repeated, you are not losing much if you keep away from that said party. That the schoolma'ams ! had quite a time in securing rooms. , That the Standard Bread Corri-pany- 's bread is worthy of com-parison with any bread brought from Salt Lake. That Doc says: "None but the brave deserve the fair. What; s wrong with the brunettes? , That there is more grief in the restaurant business than some people imagine. That water ,of a good quality is needed in Bingham. Boost for a supply of real water. That Ben seldom comes to camp without reminding someone of his visit. ' That the Utah Copper Com-pany are certainly improving the appearance of Copperfield. I That if some people paid their Bingham Beats Magna on Forfeit On Wednesday the Copper team journeyed to Magna for one of the postponed games. Magna set out to win and tried to make it doubly sure by hav-ing their usual reliable umpire. In his first three decisions on bases he manifested and made perfectly plain to the Bingham boys that anything within three feet was enough for him to call a Magna man safe and a Bing-hami- te out. In spite of the base umpire, Bingham kept in the lead until the seventh, when four hits in a row gave Magna three runs and made the score 5 to 4 in Magna's favor. The sun had just gone over the hill and it was still bright enough to play ball, but Magna said, "No; it is too dark." The head umpire and judge of such things said play ball, but the Magnaites, re-membering Sunday, refused to take chances, but tried to bluff it out. The result was that the head umpire called the game by forfeit in Bingham's favor. Magna will make its final ap-pearance on the local diamond Sunday and we may be sure that their umpire will do his usual best. |