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Show Uallo Catarrh Medicine MSSH ! local and Internal, and has been lucctsa- ful In the treatment of Catarrh for over j forty years. Sold by all druggists. : p. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Qhl0 Wii Mothers!! i T Write for 32: j pflge Booklet, ! "Mothers of y the World" . j jffo 4 Pat. Process ' f 'Lloyd X. ! Loom Products baby Carriages OFumiturr irJ?.TO?i Use This Coupon jfti The Lloyd Mfg. Xwk!;t''MoUMr,' Company f Wo- "BTfeT- Nam. Msnomiosa .r 0, Mich. 8tr1 01) OW State..'. .. isiooiGiRis success7 ! Everything Depends upon her Health N- . 1 i Mrs. George E. Whitacre Tells of her Daughter's Daugh-ter's Breakdown and How Lydia E. Pinkham's , Vegetable Compound Made Her a Healthy, Happy, Strong Girl Every mother possesses Informa- happy.hearty.strons girl and weigh tlon of vital importance to her young 120 pounds. She has no difficulty In . daughter, and the responsibility for doing hex gym work and sh her future is largely in her hands. works at home every night and morn- When a school girl's thought be- Ing. too. I am a mother who can come sluggish, hen she suiters the certain y praise your medicine, and consequences of wet feet, pain.head- if it wilf be of any benefit you may aches faintinir spells, losaof sleep and use this letter as a reference. Mrs. iPpetite andf.Trreglar,hermoPther Gborob WHrTACR 621 W. Madl- should have a thought for her physi- aon Avenue, Mahoningtown, Pa. cal condition and try Lydia E. Pink- Every girl ought to be healthy and ham's Vegetable Compound, which gtrong, and every mother wants her has proved a reliable aid to nature daughter to do well in school and to for just such conditions in so many enjoy herself at other times, cases. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable TVt. Vfk. WritM t Compound is a splendid medicine for .. Th Mother writei t young women Just entering woman- Maheniygtownja.1 would hke can d j it to say a few words abou ; Lydia L. prepared from roots and herbs, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound JJ1IIOthBg harmful, and haa About a year asro I thought it would nwer toupand strengthen ' be necessary for me to Uke my v t wU, work to m daughter out of school. She was Md normal manner. wouia arvjpiui" beliave I can been used by women of all ages, and) "y; MwtW dav ' I rave these women know 1U great value. RlILAvJLSK Let It help your daughter and your. Compound, and now she is a healthy, self. Lvdla Tj. Plnkham'B Private Text-Book upon Anmentsj Peculiar to Women " will be sent you free upon request. Write & the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Maroachmtetta. CHtSUKOUCH MANUFACTURING CO. Saw Stn " Vrt Vaseline bgUSfteOC Yellow crWhitc KTKOUUU jtur CHILDREN CRY FOR "CASTORIA" Especially Prepared for Infants and Children of All Ages Mother I Fletcher's Castoria has been In use for over 80 years to relieve babies and children of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, there-from, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep without opiates. The genuine bears signature Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION ks$0&fSG Bellans I-J&iSMiL Hot water SspllSW Sure Relief . Bell-ans 254 AND 7H PACKAGES EVERYWHERE iPl l Will reduce Inflamed, I A Strained, Swollea Tea Ji$ i dens. Ligaments, or i t fr Mnscles. Stops the lameness and pain from a Splint, ; nV Side Bone or Bone Spavin. X i af N hlistar, no hair gone and JMfr'"' horss can be used. $2.30 bot- "5y V- ' druggists or delivertd. jf,f 1 DMcrlba your cm far pcll In- i. tructlon and Intarastliig boraa V'.-..! Book S A tree. W. r. TOUNG, lac 511 Lra St- SariadUU, kW INFLAMED EYES Dae !r. Tbuaipwin'a Brwtr, Vg rVV Burst TonrdrtifffflBt'itor .a' 1161 Hlmr.l'mr. N.Y. llonllat J0 Dl API 190 PROttCTIOI FOR LIFE 111 HlilV from on vacdiutioa with UlalWll Cutter'a Liquid or Solid . -a Blackleg Agraln. Atw M , M ' iuttly atfe. Cutter ' Solid Amrn Dfff n Injectors workiult like BUtkUg 613 Pilllniectors. If Cutter'i AgirtMia BUnM m it upobuinihlr lorally, wnta The Cutter Laboratory "r Uitrmfrj thtt Imrmi Hn" Berkeley (U.S.Lcxte) California K B -Old Style Powdrr and Ful Vuciau Mill tuia (u those who prefer them. DON'T RUB! INFLAMED LIDS iiK ?. It locram Ihs Irritation. CI JsiU " Vm MITCHKIX KYS r -.V X 8AI.VE. ilmpl. ls- Asjk . V pndthls, isfs rwnsdy, J X lis si sll druigliis. I Cuticura Soap Clears (he Skin and Keeps it Clear Ss 25c. 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' m Fits any standard truck body. uZJilvT? . . . . S7I Chevrolet Motor Company , , Drmiom mf Cram Moton Corporation Dealer I and Service Detroit, Michigan Station Everyvhert r 4 $si yM Ka - J J-- r.'-i, IM ,11-1 , I " in ' - w ' JJPJ 1 V J |