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Show Rescue Ship Starts for Wrangel Island An expedition to rescue Allan Crawford of Toronto and his little bund of British explorers who raised the British flag on Wrongel island In lO'JO, has sailed from Nome, Alaska, In the Donaldson, a refitted trading vessel, under command of Harold Nolxe (portrait herewith). The first top Is to be In Kottebu sound, where a crack dog team will be obtained, from there a direct course to Wrangel Island will be steered. If the Donaldson Don-aldson Is blocked by tee, Mr. Nolze plans to proceed with a party of four Eskimos over the Ice pack to Wrangel Island. In 1021 Vllhjalmur Stefansson. who long had recognized the value of Wrnngel Island, an uninhabited Island 75 miles long and 30 wide, lying 90 miles off the coast of Siberia, in the Arctic ocean, as a base for airplane and radio work as well as for fur trapping, trap-ping, sent a party of four white men to establish a colony upon the Island and thereby reinstate British claims of ownership. Crawford's companions are Lorea Knight of McMlnnvllle, Ore-Frederick Ore-Frederick Maurer of New Philadelphia, On and Milton Gall of New Braunfels, Tex. A supply vessel In 1022, meeting massed ice floes about 100 miles from Wrangel, returned to Nome. Another year has passed, with no news from Wrangel. |