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Show VOL-- 2 BINGHAM CANYON, UTAH, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1923. , NO. 19 BINGHAM, UTAH TOWN, OF BINGHAM Ordinance No. 69 j - AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING TOR AND ORDERING A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUB-MITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF BINGHAM CANYON, UTAH, THE QUES-TION OF INCURRING A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS TO THE AMOUNT OF THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($30,000.00), FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXTENDING AND IMPROVING THE PRESENT WATERWORKS SYSTEM, AND SECURING AN 'ADDITIONAL WATER SUPPLY FOR SAID TOWN. . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF BINGHAM CANYON, SALT LAKE COUNTY, UTAH : . . Section 1. That there is' immediate and pressing need for in-creasing, improving, enlarging, extending, perfecting and adding to the present waterworks systetji of said Town and securing an additional water supply for the purpose of supplying and distrib-uting water to the inhabitants thereof, which said water system and works shall be owned and controlled by said municipality, and to do which in an adequate manner, calls for and requires an expenditure of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00). Section 2. That in pursuance of and under the power and authority contained in Sections 792, 793 and 794, respectively, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, (said Section 794 as amended by Chapter 19, Session Laws of Utah, 1921), it is hereby ordered that a special election be held in said Town of Bingham Canyon, Salt Lake County, Utah, on Tuesday, the 9th day of October, 1923, for the purpose of submitting to such qualified electors of the Town of Bingham Canyon, as shall have paid a property tax in said Town in the year 1922, the following question: "Shall the negotiable coupon bonds of the Town of Bing-ham Canyon, Salt Lake County, Utah, in the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) be issued and sold for the puf; Dose of defraviner the expense of increasinc. improving, en- - SAM JOFS, F. H. BEMIS. Dated at Bingham Canyon, Utah, this 5th day of September, A. D. 1923. BY ORDER OF: THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF BINGHAM CANYON, SALT LAKE COUNTY, UTAH.' Attest: By: F. W. QUINN, ' DR. F. E. STRAUP, Town Clerk. ' President. (SEAL) ' : Section 6. That the polling place for all qualified electors shall be at the Town Hall in said Town of Bingham Canyon and the names of the Judges of Election shall be Thomas Tibbie, Sam jofs and F. II. Beniis. ... Section 7. That the Town Clerk be, and he is hereby authori-zed and directed to communicate such instructions to said Judges of such special election as may be necessary to enable them to properly conduct such election, canvass the votes and, certify there-of to said Board of Trustees of said Town of Bingham Canyon, Utah, as required by law, and that said Town Clerk shall cause ballots to be printed in the form set forth in said notice and fur-- nish said ballots to the Judges of said election to be furnished to the qualified electors thereof, and that said Town Clerk shall also provide ballot boxes, poll books and all stationery necessary for ' the use of said Judges at said election. Section 8. That in the opinion of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Bingham Canyon, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of said Town that this ordinance become operative im-mediately, so that the election provided for herein may be held on the date specified. Section 9. This ordinance shall take effect upon the day of its passage, approval and publication. Passed by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Bingham Canyon, Utah, and approved by the President this 5th day of Sep, tember, A. D. 1923. DR. F, E. STRAUP, Attest: , President. . F. VV. QUINN, Town Clerk. . .. (SEAL). ; ' larging, extending, perfecting and adding to the present water-works system of said Town, and securing an additional water supply for the purpose of supplying and distributing water to the inhabitants thereof, the same to be owned and controlled by said municipality? Section 3. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to ex-ceed six per cent (6) per annum, which interest shall be paid semi-annuall- y, and such bonds shall be of such denomination as the Board of Trustees shall hereafter determine, and said Board of Trustees shall provide for the payment of such interest and the principal thereof within twenty years from date of issue as pro-vided by law. Section 4. That said election shall be conducted according to the Statutes and Laws of the State, of Utah, and shall be held as nearly as possible in manner, aiul form provided by law. Section 5. The President and Clerk of the Board of Trustees of said Town are hereby directed and required to make proclama-tion of said special election, by publication of notice of said elec-tion in at least five regular and successive issues of the "Bingham News," a newspaper of general circulation published weekly in said Town of Bingham Canyon, the first publication of said notice to be made on the 8th day of September, A, D. 1923, said publi-cation being for a period of four full weeks prior to the 9th day of October, A. D. 1923,- - the date hereinbefore designated for the holding of said election, which said notice shall be substantially as follows: NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOND ELECTION TOWN OF BINGHAM CANYON, SALT LAKE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH WHEREAS, there is immediate and pressing need of raising funds for the purpose of defraying the expense of increasing, im-proving, enlarging, extending, perfecting and adding to the present waterworks system of said own of Bingham Canyon and securing an additional water supply for the purpose of supplying and dis-tributing water to the inhabitants thereof, .the same to be owned and controlled by said municipality. NOW THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that on Tues-day, the 9th day of October, A. D. 1923, a special election will- - be held within the limits of the Town of Bingham Canyon, Salt Lake County, Utah, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified elec-tors of said Town, as shall .have paid a property tax therein in the year next 'preceding such election, the following proposition, to-w- it: "..' "Shall, the negotiable coupon bonds of the Town of Bing-ham Canyon, Salt Lake County, Utah, .in the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) be issued and sold for the pur-pose of defraying, the expense of increasing, improving, en-larging, extending, perfecting and adding to the present water-works .system of said Town and securing an additional water supply for the purpose' of supplying and distributing water to the inhabitants thereof, the. same to be owned and controlled by said municipality?" At said election the form of ballot shall be substantially as follows : "BOND ELECTION BALLOT ' Yesa For issue of waterworks" bonds: No H If the voter desires . to vote in favor of the issue of water-works bonds, he shall place an "X" m the space after the word "Yes " If he desires to vote against the issue of waterworks bonds, he shaH ptace'an "X" in the s.-c- after the word "No." On the reverse side .of said ballot shall be' the following: ''Official ballot for Town of . Bingham Canyon, Salt Lake County, Utah, special band election, October 9th, 1923." (Fac-simi- le Signature) Town Clerk. Town of Bingham Canyon, Utah." At said election the polls shall be opened at the hour, of seven o'clock a. m:. and closed at the hour of seven o cluck p. m. The polling place for all diialified electors for the. Town of Bingham Canvon shall be at the Town Hall in said Town, and the Judges of Election are: THOMAS TIBBLE, Bingham Society , Mrs. ' Neil O'Donnell motored : out from Salt Lake City Wednes-- day and visited , with her hus- - band.. ; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ellis have moved to Salt Lake and intend leaving in the near future for ' California, where they will ' ' spend the winter months. . Mrs. M. Byrne and daughter, " ; of Butte, 1 Mont., have been the . guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe . Looney the past two weeks. , They returned to their home on ( ; v" Friday. The many friends of Mrs. ; Anna McGuire are pleased to see ' her once more on the streets t. after an illness of several days. ": Father John Ryan, accompan-- ? 'ied by his niece, Miss Florence Parsons, visited with friends in " i ' Agden the fore part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Christensen --of Ephraim were visitors to . Bingham the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thomp- son are rejoicing over the recent arrival of a baby girl. J Mrs. Stewart Young and small daughter, Isabel, left Wednesday for; Los Angeles. &'"' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wolf, ! ' Ruth and Harvey, returned from ' Idaho Saturday. . Mrs. Boyd Barnard and chi-ldren, Dorothy arid Clark, spent ;'' Saturday in. Salt Lake. V ; Mrs. George Bohnan returned '; :frotnalt Lake Saaturday. "J-- t" Mrs. Galleazi" and , children "f spent the latter-par- t of the week in Salt Lake. , , Mrs.' Madeleine Waldis, teach- -' r of commercial course in the ' ' ' High ' School, is spending the , week-en- d in Salt Lake. ,.'"- -. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Aven, s Miss Borg and Harry Aven were .Sunday visitors at Brighton. Miss Virginly Eberly, English teacher, in Junior High School, spent the week-en- d at her home in Salt Lake. Miss Grace Creer, who has - been visiting her sister, Mrs. Lars N. Nielsen, returned to her home in American Fork Wed-nesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. West went to Salt Lake Friday afternoon. ' Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Flynn and small daughter, Gloria, were Salt Lake visitors Wednesday. V The members of Martha Chap-ter, O. E.rS., No. 7, met with Mrs. James. Jensen of Highland Boy this week. Mrs. C. G. O'Donnell spent . " the ea'ly part of the week with i Mr. O'Donnell. Little Betsy Service is the f guest of her aunt, Misses Ruth , and Hazel Bourgard. Mrs. J. A. Wade was a guest at Brighton Sunday. Miss June Christophersbn re- -' turned to camp Sunday.-- Mrs. James Nerdin and daugh-- 1 ter, Edith, went to Salt Lake ," , '"Thursday. CHIPS AND SHAVINGS ' AROMGHAM General Manager Muir of the United States Mining Company left Salt Lake this week to at-tend the silver conference to be held at Reno. Utah will be rep-resented by twenty prominent business men, all of the smelting companies and silver producers of the state. It is the first time in the history of the silver mining industry that producers have laws and impersonation of a Fed-eral officer. It is stated the de-fendant had the reputation among his countrymen of being a Federal revenue agent and managed to derive considerable revenue for himslf, but there is no record in the office of the Utah collector that the govern-ment ever benefitted by his ac-tivities. Howard E. Phelps will open his flocal and confectionery busi- - . ness" in the Utah Power and Light building today. Every lady attending will be given a floral offering. Don't forget the place, 455 Main Street, Bingham. starieu a ucicrinmcu ihuvcihuu for the purpose of looking after the market for their metal, so as to stabilize their industry, with the result that interest at the conference will be keen. General Superintendent "Josh" Billings of the Bingham Mines Company was a business visitor in camp on Tuesday. A joint meeting of the Bing-ham Volunteer Fire Departments Nos.' 1 and 2 will be held at the No. 1 Company's hall on Tues-day next, September 11th. The Gephart Clothing Stores Company, of which there are 10 stores now operating in Utah, will open a store in, the Wood-rin- g building today. D. Mel-dru- m .of Tremonton will have charge". B. P. Buck, who has been operating the Outlet store here until recently, has been ap-pointed manager of the chain of stores. W. Robbins has had charge of a number of men the past week building a retaining wall at the back of the City Hall. The snow water used to seep thru from the back of the building into the jail. The new concrete wall will prevent any further trouble from this source. Mr9. J. D. Howe, who left Bingham in June for her home in Oregon, rciurneu w inc umg-ha-m Hospital this week and has taken full charge. Mrs. Howe is an efficient and practical nurse, having graduated at the Holy Cross Hospital, , Skit Lake City, and v:as ' for several years in charge of the , Twin Falls Hos-pital. Mrs. Howe's marry friends and admirers will welcome her back to camp. Trustee Boyd Barnard1 of the Bingham Town Board' reports that Supt. Crawford of the D. & R. G. W. R. R. has agreed to remove the trestle, which was formerly used by the Yampa smelter, near the Bingham Coal and .Lumber Company's yard. The removal "of this trestle will mean much, as at present the road at this point is very nar-row and datieroiH. (Jus Hendropoulous, who was arrested in Copperfield last week was charged in the United States District Court on Saturday last with violation of 4he revenue Copperfield Brevities Mr. and Mrs. IL B. Aven and Miss Edith Borg spent Sunday at Brighton. . Miss Jessie Harwood, who has been visiting Mrs. W. Atkinson and family, returned to her home in Salt Lake Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cowers of Salt Lake spent the past week here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. Pitts. Mrs. Ben Barnett and daugh-ter, Mary Jo, are visiting with relatives in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Knudsen, Mrs. E. C. Poulson and Misses Ruby and Mabel Knudsen spent Labor Day at Saratoga. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Marquis of Elko, Nev., are visiting Mrs. Beck at the U. C. Club. Mrs. Marquis was formerly Miss The-resa Beck. Mrs. B. O. Pumphrey entertained at her home Wednesday evening. Music and cards were enjoyed, after which luncheon was served to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drennan, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Colyar, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. B. Doman and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pumph-rey. Mrs. E. M. Hechler and son, Robert, of Salt Lake, spent Mon-day and Tuesday with Mrs. J. Denver. Mrs.'C. C. Colyar and children spent last week-en- d with rela-tives in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Rose of Ogden spent several days here with her sister, Mrs. Miles Mc- Donald. . They intend to make their future home in Lower Bing-ham.: ' ... Mrs. John Brynes and sons and Mrs. Tom Wilson and sons were Salt Lake visitors Friday. Mrs. M. Roudebush returned home Thursday after a several days' visit with friends in Salt Lake. - Miss Gertrude Colyar spent Sunday at American Fork, the guest of Air. and Mrs. A. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. W. Doidge and son, of Park City, spent last week-en- d with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J, Knudsen. Miss Ruby Knudsen accompanied them on their return home, where she will visit for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Kent have arrived here from Osgood, Mo., to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cunning-ham and children, of Salt Lake, spent last week-en- d with Mrs. Cunningham's sister, Mrs. G. P. Johnson and family. Miss Ella Nicholls, who has been spending the summer at Shoshone, Ida., returned to her home here Saturday. Mrs. . Harry Whitten spent Monday here with "Mrsv Jackson Stee'e and family. Mrs. Greer,4 Miss Myrtle Mar-tin, Misses Rose and Madge Kir-b- y were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Crowe, in Salt Lake, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Howell of Salt Lake spent Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Jones. Mrs. L. W. Steiner is visiting with relatives in Salt Lake and Sandy this week. Mr. J. Gail, Miss Virginia and Robert Colyar visited at Amer-ican Fork and Mount Timpano-ga- s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Grant motored to Salt Lake and attend-ed the Pantages Monday. . Misft Mabel Neprud, principal, and Miss Bessie Call arrived here Sunday to take up their duties for the school term. Miss Alta Miller of Lower Town, is also teaching in Copperfield this year. CHURCH NOTICES Holy Rosary Church, Bingham Sunday Masses: Every Sunday, 10:30 a. m. First Sunday, 8 :30 and 10 :30 a.m. Copperfield ' Second and fourth Sundays, 00 a. m. Highland Boy Third" Sunday, 9 :00 a. ni. Sunday School after. Mass. Rev. ohn Ryan, C S. C, ' Pastor. A meeting of the Women's Catholic League will be held on Tuesday evening at the parish rectory at 7:30 p. m. All are invited to attend the services at the Community Church on Sunday next. Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Morning service, 11:00 a. m. Subject: "The Essentials of Power." Ep-wor- th League, 7 :00 p. m. Even-ing service, 8:00 p. m. Subject: "Your Children and. the" Three R's." All parents, students and teachers are invited. Fred G. Eerhart, Pastor. FREE! We will send the "Bingham News" free for one year to the first party bringing one quart of flies to this office caught,. in a screen fly trap in Bipgham. RID THE CAMP OF FLIES KILLR RATS and mice that'i RAT-SNA- the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comet in cakea no mixing with other food. Your money back if it fails. 35c size 1 cake enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 65c size 2 cakes for Chicken Ho,-se- , coops or small buildings. $1.25 size 5 cakes enough for all farm and s, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by BINGHAM MERCANTILE CO. You Guird Against Burglars.. But What About Rats? Ran steal millions of dollars worth of Rrain, chickens, crrh, etc. Destroy ropTty and are a menace to health If you are troubled with rats, try R.T-SN.- r. it wi" s"r(,,y k'11 "'em prevent odors. Cats or dogs won'i. touch it. Coiiu;s i" cakes. Three sizes. 35c. 65c, $1.25. Sold and guar-anteed hy BINGHAM MERCANTILE CO. f . 1 Fan Fodder j The Miners are-battin-g pretty steady,' having an average of .334, and having been above the ' , 00 mark' since ; the middle of July. 1 : ' ' ' "Shorty" Lcdingham has hit ; 1.000 in the last two games here, getting six hits for a total of eighteen bases K . Sn.Tpr and .American ' style .football are next on the list of . sports in Utah Copper athletics. Bingham holds the basketball title and Garfield the baseball crown. . Aside from a bad first inning, Irvine pitched one of the very best games seen on the home lot, winning it with his safe bunt and double in the seventh frame. ORP3 FROM THE nnMfttVnw mN(;,IAM DISTRICT THIS WEEK United States Mining Company.. 39 carloads Utah-Ape- x Mining Company 21 carloads Bingham Mines Company 9 carloads Montana-Bingha- m Mining Company - carloads Total..' :. 71 carloads VOTE AND BOOST FOR RETTER WATER |