Show NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE notice is hereby gluf in pursuance of au order of the court of the county ot utah territory of utah made on the day of Se plen her 1895 in the of the eit E it ate of and guardianship of fredrick Wa oles minor atie undersigner undersigned under signed of paid minors and will aall at sale to the bidder aeh and subject to by said probate jcurd on saturday the day of october 1895 at 12 M at the private residence of said in lehi city in ahe county of utah all mhd right title interest and estate ot the eaid fredrick Fredri tk and all the right title and bui oi cst that the said miao hag by op of law or otherwise acquired in and to all those certain iota pieced or parcels of land xit nate lying and in the said unav territory of utah and bounded and described as lollop aad beine a 1 6 interest therein buwit be ni achs eol E ol th N scorner Kc orner of clock 29 lebl oita survey N 88 dee E 5 abe hence 81 nes asce W thence N 1 deew 6 97 cia 10 place of beginning also lots 1 abid 2 in block 42 plat alibi uita survey of building lota also IOB 3 and 4 in block 28 plat A lehi city survay of building lots also commencing 26 edg E 61 ads N from the S W corner of abo S E quarter of sac 20 tp 5 S R 1 E thence N 40 raa thence E 24 ada rda 8 40 ads thence W 24 ada rda to of area 6 acres also 61 ads N and 50 ada rda E frum the S W corner of ton ae ter ot she 20 tp 5 8 rh E thence N 40 erdei 20 r dath euce b 40 edg thence W 20 jda to olace of baR inning area 6 imreh also com 2769 cha N and che E of the 8 W carner of the S 5 S R 1 E thence E thence N cha thence S 84 de W I 1 52 she thence 8 8 2 des E 5 96 abe S 88 dez W cha 8 2 leg E 5 86 ens V 29 cna to place of be Hinn iii area 7 75 acres ing 26 33 cha N and 50 achs E of lue 8 W corner of tiel S W quarter of sec 16 tp 5 8 R 1 E thelca E 9 51 aba cba thelca N 1 31 ch thence W 9 51 aba cba thence 8 1 31 cha to place of area 1 ad acres AITO a one sixth interest in aai undivided inter ast in the fol lowine pice and parcel of land cowit 60 ads E of alie S W corner of the 9 E quarter of sec 19 tp 5 8 K 1 E thence E 50 ads thence N fia ada rda thence W 50 ada rda thence S 56 rile to the place of begin nine area 17 acres also au tha im prova menta and a certain 40 acre piece of land in sec 16 ap pp 58 R 1 E kod occupied by william wanless at the tier e of hia boath and of sale cash fen per cent of the DUr tase money to be paid on the day of the sale balance on confirmation of sale by baid probate bourt deed at expense of thomaa R guardian of the estate and person of wanless Wan lesa september |