Show THE enquirer has never gaid anything derogatory to mr D H chris hensens ten sens honor and character we also hald they are above reproach so far as we have become acquainted with the superintendent of schools ho is a perfect gentleman but it takes more than that to make a successful officer in the position posit ioa he occupies if any one knows of new and progressive features eliat have been inaugurated under mr administration leac him make them known the schools have dimply gone on in a quiet yay while mr has been drawing his salary as superintendent and his salary as teacher the people are now prepared for a change republicans have a man nominated against choso whoso character chir acter and honor nothing can be said and who has some push and ability that man is prof L E eggertsen ar fillmore they are having a dispute as to whether the city ordinance against drunkenness etc shall be enforced the city attorney mr J M hanson in a communication to the council I 1 am of the opinion that it would be well for the council to instruct the city marshal that drunkenness disturbing of the peace etc is a violation of the cita ordinance re gardini bach chinea and that he adroit all A lively was indulged anover the question says progress and the conclusion finally arrived at was according to the same paper that the marshal be notified that HE MOST the laws or marshal would be appointed POLITICAL candidates in summit are about t be ground to pieces in a county contest the Oo alville times made the announcement in its last issue thai it understood that thomas cearna and B 0 chambers th candidates are not in favor of re moving the county seal from coal ville the park record wants it ascertained certa ined if that be true and gays if it is they should be buried under such an avalanche of indignant votes that they would never dare to aspire to any further political holois THE central committee made co mistake is selecting mr L E eggertsen for the position of county gu perin of schools hi a home ia in thia county he has been reared here and he is oneff theaese known young men in the republican party he will devote bis time and beat talent to the advancement of our county schools if elected THE eureka democrat wanted to know any mr cannon had not raised his voice in congress in favor of silver our delegate answered during hia speech at eureka that it waa be cauce president cleveland had not called an bession to civo him an opportunity the democrat hakea ao report of tha answer ana manti messenger has reached the second mile stone of its existence with all ita checkered career we always are glad to receive the messenger at this office it has distinct individuality in newspaper newa paper cir cloa will in iliae ara who hayo just been admitted salt lake haram when are they going to give john T baine and S E tharman another degree 1 |