Show voder bulc provo city has had a republican municipal fur nearly two caare and the record of that administration is something of which ws are proud ahila the national democratic administration hag placed an indebtedness of about four dollars on every mm woman and child in the status and the county democratic administration has added about lavanty five cents moru on every man woman and child of this county the republican city the citizens of this city from debt the annual financial statement of the city for the year ending november 1 1893 the last year oe democratic rula in provo city shows warrants in circulation november that immense burden with hundred dollars in claims not allow ednd thousands of dollars in notes fell as a democratic legacy upon the first republican ad ministration of provo there was no money in the treasury and warrants were hawked about the streaks at 80 cents on tha dollar the credit of the municipality was gone and the had t give their individual signatures as endorsement to notes in order to borrow money next the financial statement shows tha warrants in circulation nov 1 to haye been reduced to and the indebtedness was also re deuced all with a tax 1 mills lower than tho last democratic tax in the spring of this year all the ina warrants were redeemed and a provo city became as good as gold the warrants have remained BO over sine notwithstanding the three thousand bollara paid out in the extension of vater mains to the cemetery and some outstanding for fira engina etc that wore calzon ap bow wag hll accomplished democrats will ak we answer by strict economy the annual financial repays show wherein economy was exercised police department forms a good subject for comparison the last year of marshal browns administration accord ng to the financial report for the year ending nov 1 1893 coat the aum of 2 the baat financial report for the ending nov shows the of the police department to have been cut down to under abo last year of marshal browns administration thero were only in fines collected yet be had that year three policemen at a salary at 75 each per month and he got 1000 par year the present marshal has for the three quarters of a year ending aug 1 95 collected in fines and has dons the work with ono policeman at 50 per month and the marshal beti a salary of only annually there are other items of economy which may be referred to later but leday w ta ga laries of the rulo here aai tholise tho list bf salaries paid the last peoples party administration taken from tati clerks annual financial statement to aprobato judge for services cervices vices 8 to selectman holdaway for services to selectman lund for services to selectman services to prosecuting attorney salary to county clerk salary to county treasurer salary to county surveyor salary to county ampt schools salary to county assessor and collector salary to county janitor salary to sheriff care court haufle Arr and mileage court attendance board prisoners total there was no borrowed indebtedness then and only in outstanding warrants the county paid its wiy but when the democrats got control the salaries were raised and the county for the first time in its history ran behind the borrowed indebtedness ia now an even twenty thousand dollars and the last financial statement allows warrants in circulation december 31 we have no later figures to tell alie warrants outstanding the following figures from alie financial statement for the year 1893 show how democrats raised alie salaries above the people party salaries to aprobato judge services cervices vices to ex selectman holdaway services to selectman jones services to selectman evana services to selectman dial services to prosecuting attorney services to county clerk eer vices to county treasurer services to county surveyor services to county assessor county portion to county collector county portion to county janitor service to sheriff brown and jailor to ex sheriff fowler and jailor total under the peoples party salaries the board of prisoners was put under salary the sheriff still boards the prisoners but the amount is now beet off under another loading la 1893 the board of the pr amounted to that amount ought to be added to the above salar iea to make a junt comparison just why the salaries should have been raised under the stringent times that we have bad we will leave bemo brats to answer we believe however that the record of republicans as compared with the record of the democrats warrants us in saying if you want economy in public office vote the republican ticker |